February 2, or Groundhog and Wetlands Day and Planets Parade


Zodiac Sign Aquarius

January21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
February: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18


AquariusFebruary 2. Born on this day are not just refined and perfect persons, but also absorbed many qualities (both good and bad), characteristic of the social group or nationality to which they belong.

Thus, no matter how much they stand out from the crowd, they are still tied to their cultural roots.

Born 2 February can "do the impossible", and outwardly it looks as if they solve the most difficult tasks without much effort. This is because they have the unique ability to feel confident in any setting.

Although some of them give the impression that such a character trait is given to them by nature, in reality, there is tough discipline and hard work behind it.



Aquarius men born on February 2: James Joyce, Valéry Giscard d'Estaing, Gerard Piqué.
  • possess the following characteristics:
  • bizarre,
  • innovative thinker,
  • inventive.
  • This is a real altruist, because he simply does not have a sense of ownership.
  • He is not at all jealous and infinitely trusts his chosen one, but exactly until the moment when he realizes that he is being deceived and realizes that it is no longer possible to trust her.

Aquarius women born on February 2Shakira, Farrah Fawcett, Gemma Arterton.
  • have the following differences in nature:
  • clever,
  • mysterious,
  • easy to communicate.
  • She is ready and will take care of all those who need her help and care, often to the detriment of her own interests.
  • Those people, according to the horoscope, born on February 2 in the zodiac sign of Aquarius, easily accept changes in their lives, and in principle, they are always waiting for them and ready for them.

Main event

Parade 7 of the planets

February 2, 1962

February 2: or Groundhog and Wetlands Day and Planets Parade

The parade of planets is an astronomical event, in which several planets are staying on the one side of the Sun on the celestial sphere.

In 1962, the parade of seven planets of the solar system took place: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Pluto.

The parade of the planets is quite a rare phenomenon, which occurs every 11-12 years. But the parade in 1962 was one of the largest in number of planets.

Thanks to this phenomenon, scientists were able to simplify the flight to the planets of gas giants, since at some point they were located in one relatively small sector of the solar system.


Groundhog Day

Every year on this day, Americans and Canadians watch the groundhog's behavior to find out the date of spring arrival.

The holiday history goes back to very old times, when on February 2, according to the Gregorian calendar, the Candlemas Day became celebrated by Christians of Europe on the Gregorian calendar. Even then, the weather on that day was considered responsible for the nature of the approaching beginning of the long-awaited spring. In North America, the old Scottish saying is still popular: ''If Candlemas Day is bright and clear, there will be two winters in the year''.

It is believed that on this day it is necessary to observe a groundhog getting out of its hole, and by its behavior one can judge about the proximity of the onset of spring. If the day is overcast, the groundhog does not see his shadow and quietly leaves the hole - it means that winter will end soon and spring is expected early this year. If the day is sunny, the groundhog sees his shadow and hides back into the burrow - there will be another six weeks of winter.

The official American holiday Groundhog Day was started in 1886. The groundhog was given the name "the great Phil - the seer of the seers, the sage of the wise, the soothsayer of the foretellers." And the “World center of weather” became the city of Pankstouni. By the way, the "official" American groundhog  today still lives in the town of Panksutoni, and his name is always Phil.

By the way, in ancient Rome on February 2, Hedgehog Day was celebrated. The meteorological forecast on this day was based on the behavior of the awakened hedgehog, who saw or did not saw his shadow.

The peoples of Western Europe maintained this tradition in later periods. In northern Germany, in Pensilvania at that time the badger was waking up.

In North America, where neither hedgehogs nor badgers were found, the role of a meteorologist went to the groundhog.

World Day of Wetlands

Today we can celebrate one more holiday: World Day of Wetlands - this holiday has been celebrated since 1997.

On February 2, 1971, a Convention of Wetlands, called the Ramsar Convention was signed in the city of Ramsar (Iran), which have an international importance primarily as a habitat for waterfowl. The main objective of the Ramsar Convention is the conservation and rational use of wetlands as a means of achieving sustainable development throughout the world.

In 1971, 18 states signed the Ramsar Convention, 119 in 2000, and 159 have joined the convention now. The total number of Ramsar sites listed in the List is 1,869 with a total area of ​​1,836,000 square kilometers.

Also on February 2...

1536 - Spanish conquistador Pedro de Mendoza founded Buenos Aires.

1701 - Peter I issued a decree in which the king commanded to start the construction of six 18-gun ships on Lake Ladoga. Thus, the beginning of the Baltic Fleet.

1829 - Alfred Brem, the famous zoologist, author of the popular animal book “Animal Life” was born.

1882 - born James Joyce, Irish writer.

1852 - the first public toilet is open. "Opener" was the society of admirers of fine arts in London.

1892 - American inventor William Painter received a patent for a metal bottle cork. In honor of this event today is the birthday of beer cork.

1904 - Valery Chkalov was born, a Soviet pilot who made the first non-stop flight Moscow-Vancouver over the North Pole.

1922 - the first published novel by James Joyce "Ulysses" - the pinnacle of modernist literature.

1962 - a parade of planets took place, in which seven of the eight planets of the solar system participated.

1970 - “Nervous soils” were plowed for the first time in Munich: the world's first nerve transplant operation took place.

1977 - Shakira was born, Lebanese-Colombian singer, dancer, songwriter, composer.

1999 - the largest outdoor advertising in the world (at that time) - the Organix shampoo (126.5 × 17 m) - was hung on the front facade of the Ukraine department store in Kiev.

2009 - Denomination occurred in Zimbabwe at the rate of 1,000,000,000,000: 1.


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