February 9, or Striptease and Dental Day
Zodiac Sign Aquarius
Aquarius, February 9. Born on this day are always find themselves in the thick of the event and at the same time generate a huge amount of energy.
Mostly they act spontaneously and rather unexpectedly, so their task is to develop the ability to restrain themselves when necessary.
Channeling their energy in a certain direction is more beneficial for them than letting it go to waste.
By carefully controlling their enthusiasm, those born on this day will be able to avoid the danger of "burning out" or "exploding", experiencing harmful influences on themselves.
Aquarius men born on February 9: Michael B. Jordan, Tom Hiddleston, Charlie Day.
- are distinguished by the following distinctive features: an innovative thinker,
- idealistic,
- smart.
- They are desperate warriors who fight alone for the well-being of the whole world.
- These personalities can be characterized as people who are not adapted to act purposefully, they are more characterized by spontaneity.
- For a while, they are at rest, and then they begin to act quickly, decisively and completely unexpectedly. That is why, for their spiritual growth, these individuals simply need to develop in themselves such an ability as the ability to control their impulses, to restrain themselves from impulsiveness.
Aquarius women born on February 9: Rose Leslie, Mia Farrow, Amber Valletta,
- characterized by the following properties:
- inquisitive,
- original,
- mysterious.
- These individuals treat others with warmth and sympathy,
- always ready to help and glad to support those who are in trouble, those who are in trouble, or in some unambiguous situation.
This happened on the evening of February 9, 1893 in the famous Parisian cabaret Moulin Rouge. All clothes were thrown off by the beautiful dancer Mona during the dance in front of the audience . For indecent behavior, the girl was arrested and fined 100 francs, which caused protest and riots in the French capital.
Since then, this date is considered to be the birthday of striptease.
In our time, striptease has become a perfectly acceptable with society. Moreover, erotic dances have become an integral part of mass culture. Without episodes with a striptease of different levels of performance, many films can not be avoided.
Strippers, at least in the US, are considered as ordinary workers, such as a nurse or a salesman. They pay taxes, raise children. For many girls, performing at the pole is just a start in a career that has nothing to do with the demonstration of the body. A lot of them thus earn additionally for life and study.
Striptease is usually demonstrated in nightclubs. The classical element of a striptease is a pylon (pole), around which a stripper dances and strips. Strippers can go from stage to hall and kneel to visitors. A typical rule - visitors are forbidden to touch the stripper with their hands. Local and central authorities establish laws that determine how much stripper is allowed to bared.
At the moment, dance on the pylon or pole dance is developing as an independent direction in the sport.

International Dental Day
The tradition of celebrating the 9th of February the International Day of the Dentist is gradually becoming popular all over the world.
Celebrate it on the day of Saint Apollonia. There is a legend that it is enough only to say the name of Apollonia, or pray to her - and the toothache will subside.
And: in Russia, this day got its name in honor of John Chrysostom. It is customary for this saint among the people to pray for the enlightenment of the mind and for the comprehension of spiritual documents, as well as for help in despair. In addition, on the day of John Chrysostom uttered a special spell against toothache. It sounded like this: “Lazar Saturday, Zlatoust Day, who has sore teeth, so that those teeth are petrified and never hurt.”
Also on February 9...
1441 - Alisher Navoi, Uzbek poet, thinker and statesman was born.
1846 - Wilhelm Maybach was born, the inventor of the first motorcycle, the first Mercedes car.
1895 - a game of volleyball is created. It was invented by the physical education teacher of the American state of Massachusetts, William Mogran. In the new team ball game, Morgan decided to mix the elements of basketball, baseball and handball. He borrowed a grid from tennis and set it at a height of about 196 cm from the floor, so that the grid was above the head of a man of average size at that time. The essence of the game was to throw the ball over the net. The number of participants at first was unlimited. The very same game dubbed "mintonette" and only a couple of years later renamed in the usual volleyball.
1900 - 20-year-old American tennis player Dwight F. Davis founds the Davis Cup named after him. The first winner of the Davis Cup was the United States, with a score of 3: 0 who won the UK. True, except for these two countries, no one else in the tournament and did not participate.
1945 - Mia Farrow was born, an American actress (Rosemary's Baby, Cairo Purple Rose, Hannah and Her Sisters).
1948 - The ''Aikikai'' Aikido World Center is founded in Tokyo.
1979 - Zhang Ziyi, Chinese actress (“Hero”, “Memoirs of a Geisha”, “House of Flying Daggers”, “Warrior”) was born.
1981 - Tom Hiddleston was born, a British actor in film, television, theater and voice acting.
1987 - Magdalena Neuner was born, German bi-athlete, two-time Olympic champion.
1989 - Osamu Tezuka (born 1928), Japanese mangaka, animator, creator of Astroboy died.
1995 - James William Fulbright (born 1905), US Senator, founder of the Fulbright Program, died.
1996 - At the Institute of Heavy Ions in Darmstadt, Germany, the discovery of the 112th element with an atomic mass of 285 is announced, the “coperniation”.
1997 - Brian Connolly died (b. 1948), vocalist of the English group "Sweet".
2009 - The Dalai Lama, by decision of the city council, became an honorary citizen of Rome.
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