January 31, or Birthday of Russian Vodka
Zodiac Sign Aquarius
Aquarius, January 31. Born on this day are individuals who want to be heard by all means.
They need to always be in sight, they fall into a deep depression if they are not objects of general attention for a long time. To maintain self-esteem, self-confidence, it is very important to be appreciated and understood, even if in a narrow circle of close friends.
Born on January 31 are socially active natures, but sometimes circumstances develop in such a way that they cannot realize themselves in this direction.
If they are hurt and their pride hurt, they can withdraw into themselves. Fortunately, they quickly come to their senses, once again sharing the joy of being with the world.
Born 31 January have a light character, so sometimes they may not be taken as seriously as they deserve.
Aquarius men born on January 31: Justin Timberlake, Jackie Robinson, Jonathan Banks.
- boast the following features:
- independent,
- cheerful,
- original.
- People around and knowing Aquarius, born on January 31, treat him with reverence and respect, seeing in this person many positive qualities,
- and also the fact that he is charming in appearance and differs not only in beauty, but also in the refinement of his actions.
Aquarius women born on January 31: Baba Vanga, Kerry Washington, Preity Zinta.
- characterized by such differences in nature:
- interesting,
- mysterious,
- original.
- They are often sweet and charming.
- Aquarius loves change, therefore, so often changes its image, demeanor, then she behaves calmly, then suddenly begins to be active.
Birthday of Russian Vodka
January 31, 1865

The event that caused the informal establishment of the Vodka's Birthday was on January 31, 1865.
On this day in St. Petersburg, Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleyev defended his famous doctoral thesis "On the connection of alcohol with water," over which he worked in 1863-1864. The thesis is kept in the museum of the great scientist - in the St. Petersburg State University.
The purpose was to study the specific gravities of alcohol + water solutions, depending on the concentration of these solutions and the temperature. In other words, the study of the specific gravity of the mixtures was carried out at different temperatures and concentrations, starting from anhydrous alcohol to a solution of 50% by weight and further to 0%.
January 31 can be considered the day of another contribution to world science, made by the great Russian scientist D.I. Mendeleev.
By the way, it is known that the scientist's hobbies were not limited to scientific research.
And what about vodka?
others - that 100 years earlier, from Genoa.
There are also reports that in Russia strong drinks were consumed already in the 11th-12th centuries.
By the way, the strength of vodka has never been a dogma. Traditionally, different grades were produced - 38, 45 and even 56 degrees. Now, as is known, there are also stronger varieties.
But still, celebrating the birthday of this famous drink, it should be remembered that alcohol is harmful to health. This is confirmed by a lot of scientific research, and the warped lives of not only those who abused alcohol, but their loved ones.
It is no coincidence that in 1985 the World Health Organization (WHO) recognized alcohol and tobacco as narcotic substances. And in Fyodor Uglov's book The Truth About Allowed Drugs notes that 45 grams of alcohol, regardless of the culture of consumption, will definitely kill 1000 neurons of the brain. At whom are they superfluous?
Interesting and funny facts about vodka:
- Salted cucumber is an ideal snack for vodka. Vodka washes salt out of the body. Cucumbers and cabbage normalize the salt balance already in the process of drinking.
- Until 1885, vodka was sold to take-away only by buckets with a capacity of 12.3 liters.
- 8-10 degrees Celsius - the ideal temperature for the serving of vodka. The colder temperature hides the taste of the drink.
- The shelf life of vodka is 1 year.
- In well-purified vodka there are no congeners - biologically active substances that cause a hangover. But there are no nutrients, antioxidants, which slow down aging and are capable of destroying the cancer cells that are found in cognac or whiskey.
- 100 g of vodka contain 235 kilocalories. In dry red wine - 76 kcal, in beer - 45 kcal. 1 l of vodka is a lethal dose for a person weighing 70 kg.
- Another interesting detail: it is believed that Mendeleev actually considered the ideal strength of vodka 38 degrees, but this number was rounded to 40 - it was easier to calculate the tax on alcohol.
Also on January 31...
1714 - Peter I ordered to transport all his personal collections of wonders to a new capital and place them in Kunstcamera.
1797 - born Franz Schubert, Austrian composer.
1893 - the trademark Coca-Cola is registered.
1896 - Utah became the 45th US state.
1911 - Wanga, a Bulgarian healer and psychic, was born.
1921 - Mario Lanza (real name Alfredo Arnold Kokotstsa) was born, American opera singer.
1933 - John Galsworthy, English prose writer, playwright, publicist and poet, died. In 1932, he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature "for the high art of narration, the peak of which is the" Forsyte Saga ".
1955 - The work of the first music synthesizer is demonstrated in the USA.
1956 - Alan Alexander Milne, English writer, author of the stories about a bear with sawdust in his head, ''Winnie the Pooh'', died.
1961 - Americans launched into space the first animal, Chimpanzee named Ham.
1970 - Michael Mil died, a Soviet scientist and helicopter designer.
1970 - Minnie Driver, English actress (“Good Will Hunting”, “Sleepers”, “Phantom of the Opera”) was born.
1981 - Justin Timberlake was born, American singer and actor (“Friendship Sex”, “Time”, “Social Network”, “Alpha Dog”).
1990 - the first McDonald's opened in the USSR (in Moscow, on Pushkinskaya Street).
1995 - George Abbott, American writer, screenwriter, director and producer, died.
1999 - the first part of the cult game series Silent Hill was released.
2003 - legalization of homosexual marriages in Belgium.
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