February 14, or You Tube's Birthday, Valentine's and Geek Day


Zodiac Sign Aquarius

January21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
February: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18


AquariusFebruary 14. Born on this day are fast-thinking and witty usually masters of subtle irony, which is sometimes destructive.

They know how to make others laugh, but at the same time make them think.

It will take seconds for those born on this day to say something meaningful. It will not be difficult for them to find a good form for expression or simply "throw a thought into other people's ears."

Fans of funny stories, fairy tales and pranks, born on February 14, are endowed with the ability to turn a rather dull reality into a real celebration of life.

This does not mean at all that those born on this day are superficial people. Their humor, irony, unusually accurate remarks are fraught with a lot of meaning.



Aquarius men born on February 14: Freddie Highmore, Simon Pegg, Edinson Cavani.
  • have the following distinctive features: cheerful,
  • patient,
  • independent.
  • Aquarius, born on this day, has a quick mind, he is able to instantly assess the situation and make a decision, they are sociable and active in their lives.

Aquarius women born on February 14Danai Gurira, Juju (singer), Madhubala.
  • possess the following qualities:
  • unique,
  • safe,
  • easy to communicate.
  • Many of these people, especially in their youth, prefer to choose a profession that involves work with high mental and physical activity.


You Tube's Birthday

February 14, 2005

computer, birthday, date, history, holidays, Valentine, phone,

YouTube service is a service that provides video sharing services where any user can add, view and comment on certain video clips. Due to its simplicity and ease of use, YouTube has become the most popular video hosting and third site in the world by the number of visitors. And here are presented both professionally filmed films and clips, and amateur videos.

The YouTube service was founded on February 14, 2005 by three former PayPal employees - S. Chen, C.Herley, D.Karim - in San Bruno, California (USA).

They used the technology Flash Video, which allows you to get a relatively good quality of recording with a small amount of transmitted data. This project quickly became a good entertainment tool, forming its own community, and according to statistics, it surpassed the social network MySpace by popularity.

The first video - an 18-second video amateur shooting American D. Karim in the zoo of San Diego - on YouTube was posted on April 23, 2005.

The Russian version of the service was launched on November 14, 2007.

In November 2006, YouTube was purchased by Google (before the purchase, this service was similar in direction to Google Video), and is currently a subsidiary of Google Inc. Since the opening of the site has changed and its design.

On YouTube, users can upload videos in several common formats, and a simple copy-and-paste technique has made the distribution of videos from this service extremely popular among social networking users, as well as some media resources.

According to statistics, as of May 2011, on YouTube downloaded 48 hours of the video in one minute , and 69 120 hours in a day.

In January 2012, the daily number of video views on the site reached 4 billion.

Also, users can leave their comments about the watched videos, rate other people's comments, add annotations and captions, rate the viewed videos, if, of course, the author has given them this opportunity.

The person who uploaded the video can prohibit the "embedding" of his video on other sites, blogs and forums. And YouTube's policies prohibit uploading videos that violate US copyright law to the site.

Today, YouTube has become such a significant phenomenon in the media world that TV is compelled to reckon with it. Many media companies not only use clips from this service in news reports, but also create official accounts on YouTube, promoting their products through this service. And this applies to both large television companies and small independent television channels.

But  the YouTube service is one of the leading videohostings in the world, however, it also has something to strive for and develop. Google as the owner of the service has long been looking for ways to monetize the service. There are complaints about YouTube from users - mostly it concerns cruel video and video, which is nationalistic in nature.

Valentine's Day

Today they celebrate the most romantic holiday of the year - the Day of All Lovers.

There are several versions of the holiday.

The most common: in the late Middle Ages, when the powerful and cruel Roman emperor Claudius II came to the conclusion that a lone man, not burdened with his wife and family, would be better to fight on the battlefield in honor of Caesar, forbade soldiers to marry. However, the Roman priest Valentine secretly made marriages for legionnaires who was in love, for which he was sentenced to death, which took place on February 14.

While Valentine, who was later called St. Valentine, imprisoned for death, he fell in love with the jailer’s blind daughter. Some say that after this she was healed by a miracle, and some that God heard the prayers of Valentine. In parting, he wrote the girl a declaration of love by signing “From your Valentine.”

But there is a version that the day of veneration of St. Valentine coincides with the ancient Roman tradition of divination during the New Year celebrations, since according to the Roman calendar the new year began in the middle of February. Maybe the tradition of sending anonymous postcards to her lover has gone from these ancient divinations — the recipient himself must guess who they are from.

By the way, numerous polls show that such gifts as dinner, toys, flowers and postcards became the most popular gifts on the day of lovers, and their own poems and pets are in the least demand.

Day of the Geek

February 14 - unofficial, but widely celebrated in the professional world, the Day of the Geek.

On February 14, 1946, the first really working electronic computer ENIAC I (Electrical Numerical Integrator And Calculator) was demonstrated to the scientific world and all those interested.

Also on February 14...

1840 - Claude Monet was born, a French painter, one of the founders of impressionism.

1876 - American inventor Alexander Bell demonstrated the first household phone.

1895 - Alexander Mikulin, a scientist, designer of aircraft engines, was born.

1933 - The first time telephone service in the world opened in Paris.

1944 - Alan Parker, a British film director, was born.

1946 - The first really working electronic computer ENIAC is launched in the Ballistic Research Laboratory of the US Army.

1979 - for the first time in the history of English football, one million pounds was paid for transferring a player to another club: Trevor Francis moved from Birmingham City to "Nottingham Forrest".

1990 - Voyager I, who left the Solar System for the first time, takes pictures of her "from the side".

1992 - Freddie Highmore was born, English actor (“Magic Country”, “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory”, “August Rush”).

2003 - cloned sheep Dolly dies at the age of 6.5.

2005 - YouTube service is created.

2008 - Steve Kazmerchak, an American of Polish origin, armed with two pistols and one shotgun, opened aimed shooting at students of the University of Northern Illinois in the city of De-Kalb, USA. Three people were killed on the spot, two died in the hospital on the same day, 18 were injured, some seriously. The shooter killed himself.

2010 - After a 52-year hiatus, the Florentine tram resumed its work. A line from Santa Maria Novella to Villa Costanza in Scandicci opened.


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