June 23, or Widows, UN Public Service and Olympic Day


Zodiac Sign Cancer

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CancerJune 23Born on this day embody the contrast between the emotional sensitivity of Cancer and the clear intelligence of the birth number.

Bright, understanding and compassionate, you have a lot to offer the community.

A dreamer with developed intuition, you are able to foresee and anticipate future events.

Your innovative ideas may seem out of touch with reality, but the appeal and charm help to prove you are right and win doubters to your side.


Cancer men born on June 23:
  • have the following qualities: 
  • kind, 
  • nostalgic, 
  • understanding, 
  • generous.
  • The Cancer man values loyalty and boundless love, bordering on unhealthy adoration, while the role of a leader in relationships is important to him.
  • Finding the necessary balance will become a difficult aspect of a relationship with a Cancer Man - with all the selfish love for domination, he will quickly lose interest in a woman without individuality.
Cancer women born on June 23:
  • have the following nature differences: 
  • supportive, 
  • gentle, 
  • open.
  • In love, a Cancer woman is obsessed, desperate, unpredictable and losing control.
  • She attaches great importance to sensual pleasures, but is ashamed of her weakness and hides behind a feigned coldness.


International Widows Day

International Widows Day

"We must ensure that the widows enjoy the rights and social protection they deserve. Death is inevitable, but we can reduce the suffering of widows if we improve their status and help them in a difficult moment."                                     8th UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon

The first International Widow's Day the world community celebrated in 2011. This date gives an opportunity to pay attention to the plight of women and children left without male support. This is called for by the resolution of the UN General Assembly (A / RES / 65/189), issued in December 2010 and fixed for June 23 the status of an international day.

According to the United Nations, there are about 250 million widows in the world today, of which 115 million are experiencing poverty. A lot of widows live in countries where armed conflicts are raging; their situation is particularly difficult: they lose their husbands at a young age, while being forced to raise children in combat and without any support from the outside.

The situation is aggravated by the fact that in many countries the status of a woman is derived from the status of her spouse, and, having become widowed, she can lose everything - up to elementary means of subsistence. There are states where widows do not have access to inheritance, are deprived of the right to work, can not be considered full-fledged members of society.

Widows are often expelled from their homes and subjected to physical violence, and sometimes killed, even by members of their own family. And in order to restore the social status, the widow must marry one of her husband's relatives, often against her will. For many, losing a husband becomes only the first blow in a string of trials.

In many countries, widowhood is a stigma and is viewed as dishonor. In some cultures, widows are considered damned and associated with witchcraft. Due to such false beliefs, widows are subjected to ostracism, harassment and even more ugly forms of violence. For example, according to a study conducted by HelpAge International, it was found that in Tanzania, hundreds of elderly women, mostly widows, were killed on witchcraft charges.

Children of widows often suffer emotionally and financially. Widowed mothers have to provide families alone. They are forced to take the children out of school and send them to work. In addition, daughters' widows often feel deprived, which only increases their vulnerability to violence.

Such manifestations of cruelty are often justified within the framework of cultural or religious practice. Impunity for violations of the rights of widows has become common, and very few have been brought to justice. Even in countries where legal protection is widely practiced, widows may be subject to social marginalization.

Even in developed countries, these women also face certain difficulties - from the loss of insurance and the difficulty of obtaining a loan until the need to raise children. In some cases, wives are responsible for the debts of the deceased husband. And economic reasons associated with widowhood can also encourage some women and girls to engage in prostitution.

Speaking on the occasion of the first International Widow's Day, the 8th UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon stressed that all women who lost husbands should enjoy the rights enshrined in international human rights treaties. He also called on governments to pay special attention to widows and their children. On the first day of widows at the UN headquarters, an international discussion took place, in which prominent human rights activists, including many women, took part. And in the future on this day, information activities aimed at raising public awareness of the situation of widows began.

UN Public Service Day

This day is celebrated as UN Public Service Day. The United Nations called on Member States to organize special events on this day, highlighting the contribution of civil service to the development process of countries.

International Olympic Day

The whole world today celebrates the International Olympic Day, in memory of the revival of the Olympic movement in its modern form.

The idea of establishing a special holiday devoted to the Olympic movement around the world, which would tell people about the basic Olympic principles, was first heard at the 41st session of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) in Stockholm in 1947, and a year later at 42 IOC meeting in St. Moritz, this project was officially approved.

It was a historical prerequisite for choosing the date of the holiday. In June 1894, the International Congress on the Problems of Physical Education was held in Paris, in which representatives from 12 countries participated. On June 23, Baron Pierre de Coubertin, enthusiast of the revival of the Olympic movement, presented his report. In it, he introduced the organizational foundations of the Olympic Games that he had developed to the participants.

Also on June 23...

1803 - Robert Fulton demonstrated the first steam vessel on the River Seine.

1855 - Lydia Ceraska, a Russian astronomer, was born, discovering 219 variable stars.

1860 - United States Secret Service formed. The initial task of the service staff was to combat counterfeiting dollars. After the assassination of US President William McKinley in 1901, the security services of the President entered the Secret Service. Today, the Secret Service protects the family of the president, vice president, presidential candidates, former presidents, their wives or widows and children under 16, as well as foreign heads of state visiting the US and other celebrities. Serious office, in general.

1868 - Christopher Latham Scholes from Wisconsin patented a typewriter. It was the size of a large table, the keyboard resembled a piano, typed only in large letters, and the typist did not see the result of the work,  because the paper was inside machine.

1888 - ''The Internationale'' sounded for the first time at the festival of printers in the French city of Lille. The song, written by Communist poet Eugene Potier immediately after the defeat of the Paris Commune, was set to music 17 years later by Pierre Degeater, a worker.

1947 - ''The Anti-Labor Taft-Hartley Act'' was adopted in the United States. The law severely restricted trade union rights and prohibited certain types of strikes.

1964 - Arthur Melin and Richard Knerr patented a gymnastic - Hula-Hoop.

1972 - Zinedine Zidane was born, the star of world football, the former captain of the French team. Finished his career in 2006.

1975 - Alice Cooper fell off the stage and broke six ribs during a performance in Vancouver. The tour was called "Welcome to my nightmare."

1987 - Sergey Bubka set a world record in pole vaulting - 6 m 3 cm.

1990 - the beginning of the settlement of the Crimea Tatars, returning from exile.

1993 - The Olympic Museum in Lausanne is founded on the initiative of the IOC Chairman Juan Antonio Samaranch.

1994 - ''The Forrest Gump'' film was released in the United States.

1998 - for the first time in the world cell of the human brain transplantation.

2004 - The government commission of Japan decided to allow the cloning of human embryos for research purposes.

2016 - a majority of participants (52%, with a turnout of 72%) voted for the United Kingdom’s withdrawal from the European Union at a referendum on UK membership in the EU.


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