June 28, or The Reason of World War I and Tomatoes


Zodiac Sign Cancer

June: 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
July: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
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CancerJune 28Born on this day, as a rule, put emotions above reason, their approach to life is straightforward and swift.

They are eminently attractive to both work colleagues and friends and family. Their attitude towards others is full of goodwill and healthy humor.

Since humor is a reliable tool in achieving mutual understanding, those born on June 28 always manage to make a favorable impression on new acquaintances.

Born 28 June manage to find a way to stir up even little-known people and arouse initial interest in themselves. Their behavior is unpredictable, and soon they begin to get used to it. But behind the external spontaneity of those born on June 28 lies a carefully thought out line of behavior.


Cancer men born on June 28:
  • characterized by the following qualities: 
  • artistic, 
  • imaginative, 
  • popular, 
  • romantic.
  • The Cancer man values loyalty and boundless love, bordering on unhealthy adoration, while the role of a leader in relationships is important to him.
  • Finding the necessary balance will become a difficult aspect of a relationship with a Cancer Man - with all the selfish love for domination, he will quickly lose interest in a woman without individuality.
Cancer women born on June 28:
  • have the following traits: 
  • homely, 
  • loving, 
  • affable.
  • In love, a Cancer woman is obsessed, desperate, unpredictable and losing control.
  • She attaches great importance to sensual pleasures, but is ashamed of her weakness and hides behind a feigned coldness.

Main event

An attempt on the Austrian Archduke Franz Ferdinand was made, which became the reason for the outbreak of World War I

June 28, 1914

An attempt on the Austrian Archduke Franz Ferdinand was made, which became the reason for the outbreak of World War I
Gavrilo Princip killing Franz Ferdinand. Drawing from the Austrian newspaper 1914.

June 28, 1914 in Sarajevo (Bosnia) the Austrian Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife Duchess Sofia Gogenberg were killed by Serbian schoolboy Gavrila Princip. The attempt on the Archduke was carried out by the conspiratorial group "Young Bosnia" ("Mlada Bosna"), which included six terrorists (five Serbs and one Bosnian), coordinated by Danila Ilic. The political goal of the assassination was the separation of the South Slavic territories from Austria-Hungary and their subsequent annexation to Great Serbia or Yugoslavia.  And this crime was a direct cause for unleashing the First World War.

After the assassination of Ferdinand, "Young Bosnia" was banned. Ilic and two other participants in the attempt were executed. Gavrilo Princip was convicted as a minor for 20 years of hard labor and died of tuberculosis in prison. Other members of the organization were sentenced to various terms of imprisonment.

On July 23, Austria-Hungary presented Serbia with an ultimatum that contained demands that violated its sovereignty. They were going to enter the territory of Serbia with the troops to protect the Austrian citizens who were there, as well as an admission for the investigation of the murder of Franz Ferdinand of the investigators from Vienna.

Serbia partially rejected ultimatum, then Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia.
Thus, the assassination of the Archduke Ferdinand served as a pretext for the outbreak of World War I, involving 38 independent states. About 74 million people were mobilized, 10 million of them were killed and died of wounds.

Also on June 28...

1577 - Peter Paul Rubens was born, a Flemish painter of the Baroque era.

1644 - actor of the amateur stray troupe Jean Batiste Poklen first appeared on stage under the pseudonym Molière. The son of a royal upholsterer, he received a law degree, but became an actor. He later glorified his new name as the author of the now-classic plays.

1712 - Jean-Jacques Rousseau, French philosopher, was born.

1712 - in the presence of Peter I, the first battleship launched in the St. Petersburg Admiralty for the Baltic Fleet. Since ship construction occurred shortly after the victory over the Swedes, he received the name "Poltava". Built exclusively by domestic craftsmen, he had good maneuverability and other nautical qualities. All foreign experts have recognized the 54-gun ship as one of the world's best ships of this class.

1779 - Catherine II signed a decree on the construction of the Moscow water pipeline. Construction lasted 25 years.

1786 - The first government order on the introduction of an insurance system was issued in Russia.

1816 - establishment of the Human-Loving Society in St. Petersburg. Throughout Russia, this charitable organization had dozens of schools, homesteads, hospitals, orphanages, industrious homes, institutions of the blind and other institutions and was an expression of Christian charity.

1820 - tomatoes proved to be edible. Prior to that, they were definitely considered poisonous. Thus, in the book "The Complete Guide to Gardening", published in Denmark in 1774, it was reported that "their fruits are extremely harmful, as they drive crazy those who eat them." And in 1776, George Washington's personal chef, James Bestley, tried to poison the future president by serving him roast for dinner, richly decorated with fresh tomatoes. Washington did not suffer prejudices and ate everything with appetite, while the cook was so sure of the success of his plan that he immediately informed the commander of the British troops about the elimination of the commander-in-chief of the colonists. Washington lived for another 23 years, but for some reason the letter did not reach the addressee and lay in a cache for more than forty years until it was discovered in the same 1820. But if a little earlier, the revealed secret would have shaken the imagination of contemporaries by the enormity of the plan for using killer tomatoes, but now it will cause only smiles.

1904 - one of the largest shipwrecks of the 20th century: the Norwegian passenger ship "Norge" crashed on reefs near Rokoll Island; tragedy claimed the lives of 635 people.

1919 - ''Versailles Peace Treaty'' was signed, ending the First World War.

1933 - а large-scale operation to arrest and expel Gypsies began in Moscow (5,470 people were deported during her).

1966 - American actor John Cusack was born (“America's Favorite”, “Intuition”, “2012”).

1969 - beginning of the Stonewalk riots in New York's Greenwich Village (Manhattan). On the night of June 28, visitors of the ''Stonewall Inn'' club on Christopher street for the first time actively resisted the police, who conducted another raid. The clashes continued for several days. These dates are considered the starting point for the American (and in many aspects the world) Gay movement.

1974 - Vanivar Bush (born 1890), American scientist, engineer, inventor of analog computers, organizer of science, died.

1991 - Paul McCartney's “Liverpool Oratorio” sounded in the Anglican Cathedral of Liverpool. McCartney wrote this 90-minute work in collaboration with American composer Carl Davis, to celebrate the 150th anniversary of the Royal Philharmonic of Liverpool.

1997 - 30 seconds before the end of the third round, former world boxing champion Mike Tyson, offended by defending the champion title of Evander Holyfield for hitting his head in the face, dug into his ear and bit off a piece. The fight was stopped, but after a warning to Tyson, the referee allowed the competition to continue - and a new piece of the champion's ear appeared in Tyson's teeth. The fight was terminated, and Tyson disqualified.

2001 - Slobodan Milosevic is committed to the Hague Court on war crimes charges.


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