July 16, or First Nuclear Explosion and Melon's Day


Zodiac Sign Cancer

June: 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
July: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
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CancerJuly 16Born on this day are constantly under the influence of romantic impulses associated with love, adventure, fantastic events and unusual people.

They strive to add variety to their lives, fill it with delight; routine and boredom annoy them.

The passionate energy they use to pursue their projects sets them apart from other people.

Idealists at heart, born on this day, must necessarily believe in what they are doing, and their activities are often comparable to a crusade.



Cancer men born on July 16:
  • can be proud of the following characteristics: 
  • nurturing, 
  • gentle, 
  • insightful, 
  • generous.
  • Cancer men, for the most part, are prone to excessive exaggeration of life problems - their depression and negative attitude can greatly spoil the impression. 
  • Refined, restless and ambiguous, Cancers can look capricious and speculate on their sophistication and mystery.
  • But at the same time, Cancer men are loyal and faithful, especially in matters of love - they can fanatically idealize the object of their adoration.

Cancer women born on July 16:
  • stand out for their special features: 
  • feminine, 
  • soft, 
  • romantic.
        Cancer women are divided into two types.
        • The first is affectionate, shy and somewhat frigid women who amaze with their humility and readiness to cringe.
        • The second, on the contrary, are bright, emotionally unstable, with high self-esteem.
        Both types are suspicious, sensitive to criticism, prone to excessive drama, impressionable.

        Main event

        The world's first nuclear explosion happened at the training ground in Los Alamos

        July 16, 1945

        The world's first nuclear explosion happened at the training ground in Los Alamos

        In the early 1940s, the physical principles of the nuclear explosion (called "Manhattan Project") were developed in the USA.

        July 16, 1945 in the US, at a training ground near Los Alamos (another name - Alamogordo, New Mexico), a ground explosion of the world's first nuclear device was made. The flash from it was visible at a distance of 290 km, and the sound was heard at a distance of up to 160 km.

        In the process of preparing a nuclear test, a 30-meter tower was built at the test site. On July 12, the assembly of a uranium-plutonium atomic charge, whose power was 20-22 kilotons, began. Two days later, the almost finished nuclear device (without detonators) was lifted to the top of the tower. On the night of July 15, detonators were installed on it. And on July 16 at 05:29:45 the installation was undermined.

        In August 1945, two powerful atomic bombs were dropped on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. As a result of the atomic bombing in Hiroshima, more than 140 thousand people were killed and wounded, in Nagasaki - about 75 thousand. The cities themselves have turned into ashes. For the first time in the history of mankind, nuclear weapons were used.

        Soon nuclear weapons were created in the USSR by a group of physicists headed by Academician Igor Kurchatov.


        Melon's Day

        And July 16 is Melon's Day, one of the merry holidays of this juicy, fragrant summer vegetable is celebrated.

        On this day, a “Melon Fairs” are held, gathering residents and guests from all over. Participants can not only enjoy melons, but also purchase souvenirs made from melons and in the form of melons.

        Also on July 16 ...

        1054 - there was a split of the Christian Church, as a result of which they finally became isolated: the Roman Catholic church in the West and the Orthodox, with the center in Constantinople, in the East.

        1439 - kisses are prohibited in England. The reason - the plague epidemic.

        1643 - expedition of the Dutch navigator de Vries (Maarten Gerritszoon Vries) discovered island Sakhalin.

        1748 - Mikhail Lomonosov for the first time formulated the “universal natural law” - the law of the conservation of matter.

        1819 - the round-the-world expedition of the sloops ''Vostok'' and ''Mirny'' began under the command of M. P. Lazarev and F. F. Bellingshausen.

        1867 - Frenchman Joseph Monier, a former gardener, received a patent for reinforced concrete, which became the main material in the construction of high-rise buildings.

        1909 - company ''Audi'' was founded.

        1918 - US Congress decided to introduce government control over telecommunications.

        1928 - born Roald Amundsen, Norwegian polar explorer.

        1951 - J. Salinger's novel “The Catcher in the Rye” is published.

        1965 - solemnly opened a tunnel under the highest mountain of Western Europe - Mont Blanc.

        1965 - discovery of craters on Mars (telecast from ''Mariner 4'', USA).

        1966 - Eric Clapton, Jack Bruce and Ginger Baker form the first Supergroup Cream. It was this blues-rock band that introduced long guitar and drum solos in a sophisticated musical texture of songs that replaced simple songs. The musical direction formed by “Cream” became dominant over the next ten years.

        1990 - Pan - the last satellite of Saturn was opened.

        1993 - presentation In London of the ''Amiga CD32'' - the first 32-bit gaming console using a CD-ROM.

        1994 - comet ''Shoemaker-Levy'' collides with Jupiter. This event was the first observed collision of two celestial bodies of the solar system.

        2000 - decision to increase the number of Internet domains was made.

        2002 - a unique museum dedicated to the history of international espionage opened in the center of Washington.


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