July 19, or Paris Metro and Dew Day
Zodiac Sign Cancer
Cancer, July 19. The dominant themes in the life of those born on July 19 are movement, grace and form.
Those born on this day are extremely concerned about the impression they make with their presence, and therefore pay great attention to their body. Perhaps the reason for this is the desire to shape your emotions.
Many of those born on this day are extremely capricious and unstable in their moods, which is sometimes expressed in passive-active behavior.
In their youth, they are overly temperamental, and this creates many inconveniences both for themselves and for others.
With age, those born on July 19 pay more and more attention to inner grace, they become not indifferent not only to how they move, but also how they speak.
Cancer men born on July 19:
- can be proud of the following distinctive features:
- educative,
- imaginative,
- understanding,
- sensual.
- Cancer men, for the most part, are prone to excessive exaggeration of life problems - their depression and negative attitude can greatly spoil the impression.
- Refined, restless and ambiguous, Cancers can look capricious and speculate on their sophistication and mystery.
- But at the same time, Cancer men are loyal and faithful, especially in matters of love - they can fanatically idealize the object of their adoration.
Cancer women born on July 19:
- stand out for their special qualities:
- intuitive,
- soft,
- emotional.
Cancer women are divided into two types.
- The first is affectionate, shy and somewhat frigid women who amaze with their humility and readiness to cringe.
- The second, on the contrary, are bright, emotionally unstable, with high self-esteem.
Both types are suspicious, sensitive to criticism, prone to excessive drama, impressionable.
July 19, 1900

The Paris metro (french Métro de Paris) is one of the oldest in the world. In Western Europe, the oldest is the London Underground. The first lines of the Paris subway were laid strictly under the carriageway of streets. The deviation from the axis of the streets threatened to hit the cellars of houses. Some stations have a curved platform due to insufficient width of streets. For the same reason, the side platforms at some stations are not exactly opposite to each other.
The Paris metro was opened on July 19, 1900, to the World Exhibition. The ticket on the first branch of the "Vincennes Castle - Port-Mayo" cost 15 centimes old francs for the second class and 25 centimes for the first. Most of the lines in the center were built by the 1920s.
The peculiarities of the Paris metro are the small spaces between the stations, the high density of the subway network in the city center and the design of the first stations in the Art Nouveau style by designer Ector Guimard.
Metro in Paris - the most reliable form of public transport, as street traffic does not concern it. A dense network of metro stations covers the entire territory of Paris, and some lines extend to remote suburbs.
The Metropolitan has 14 numbered "big" lines, plus 2 short (3 bis and 7 bis) - the former branches of the 3rd and 7th lines. The length of the tracks is about 220 km, 383 stations (including interchange stations). Almost all lines are underground, above-ground stations are only 21 (of which most are on line 6).
The Paris metro occupies the second place in terms of congestion (about 4.5 million passengers a day) among the subways of Europe after the Moscow metro and the 10th place in the world.
This day called Sysoy Day.
It was believed, that this morning, dew acquires healing properties and gives strength and health to man, animal and bird.
“Sysoy (Sisoy) - go barefoot through the dew,” folks said.
They also believed that the morning dew contributes to the ripening of bread: “After Sysoy calls, dew takes power, the spica is poured. And if the bread is rising thin - it means that Sysoy is not prayed enough. ”
1695 - in the UK, the first marriage announcements are published in the popular didgest “How to improve the economy and trade”. Moreover, the goal of matrimonial plans wishing to enter into marriage fully corresponded to the name of the publication: “A gentleman of 30 years old, declaring that he has a significant fortune, wants to marry a young lady with a fortune of approximately £ 3,000 and is ready to conclude an appropriate contract to this effect”. “A young man of 25 years old, having a profitable business, to which his father is willing to allocate £ 1,000, would willingly marry in accordance with his position. Parents raised him in faith, and he is distinguished by sober behavior. ”
1799 - Rosetta Stone was found, thanks to which Champollion was able to decipher the ancient Egyptian language.
1814 - English navigator M. Flinders in his book for the first time called the Green Continent - Australia (24 hours after the publication of the book, he died).
1814 - Samuel Colt was born, the inventor of the six revolver.
1822 - French scientist Joseph Niepce made the first photograph in the world.
1834 - Edgar Degas, French artist, graphic artist and sculptor was born.
1908 - in the London Cathedral of St. Paul, the bishop, blessing the Olympics (the first of three in London), said the famous phrase: "The main thing is not victory, but participation."
1952 - Finnish President Juho Paasikivi opened the XV Summer Olympic Games in Helsinki, in which Soviet athletes took part for the first time.
1966 - Michael Collins performed his first and third in the history of America spacewalk from the spacecraft "Gemini X".
1976 - Benedict Cumberbatch, British actor of theater, film and television ("Sherlock") was born.
1982 - Jared Padalecki, American actor, was born ( "Supernatural").
1991 - thousands of people in Tehran left the city in a panic when a Chinese astrologer predicted soon quick earthquake there.
1993 - in the United States, when recruiting for the army, it is forbidden to ask questions about the sexual orientation of recruits (the principle “Don't ask, don't say”).
1996 - 26th Olympic Games began in Atlanta, in which a record number of athletes took part - 10,744 people (7,060 men and 3,684 women). The interest in them was so great that the French-speaking state television station, ''Swiss 4'', broadcast them without interruption from July 19 until the close on August 5, 16 days 22 hours and 45 minutes.
2003 - the world's first tongue transplant operation was successful.
2010 - David Warren (b. 1925), Australian scientist, inventor of an emergency flight recorder ("black box") died.
In Folks
Dew Day
This day called Sysoy Day.
It was believed, that this morning, dew acquires healing properties and gives strength and health to man, animal and bird.
“Sysoy (Sisoy) - go barefoot through the dew,” folks said.
They also believed that the morning dew contributes to the ripening of bread: “After Sysoy calls, dew takes power, the spica is poured. And if the bread is rising thin - it means that Sysoy is not prayed enough. ”
Also on July 19...
1799 - Rosetta Stone was found, thanks to which Champollion was able to decipher the ancient Egyptian language.
1814 - English navigator M. Flinders in his book for the first time called the Green Continent - Australia (24 hours after the publication of the book, he died).
1814 - Samuel Colt was born, the inventor of the six revolver.
1822 - French scientist Joseph Niepce made the first photograph in the world.
1834 - Edgar Degas, French artist, graphic artist and sculptor was born.
1908 - in the London Cathedral of St. Paul, the bishop, blessing the Olympics (the first of three in London), said the famous phrase: "The main thing is not victory, but participation."
1952 - Finnish President Juho Paasikivi opened the XV Summer Olympic Games in Helsinki, in which Soviet athletes took part for the first time.
1966 - Michael Collins performed his first and third in the history of America spacewalk from the spacecraft "Gemini X".
1976 - Benedict Cumberbatch, British actor of theater, film and television ("Sherlock") was born.
1982 - Jared Padalecki, American actor, was born ( "Supernatural").
1991 - thousands of people in Tehran left the city in a panic when a Chinese astrologer predicted soon quick earthquake there.
1993 - in the United States, when recruiting for the army, it is forbidden to ask questions about the sexual orientation of recruits (the principle “Don't ask, don't say”).
1996 - 26th Olympic Games began in Atlanta, in which a record number of athletes took part - 10,744 people (7,060 men and 3,684 women). The interest in them was so great that the French-speaking state television station, ''Swiss 4'', broadcast them without interruption from July 19 until the close on August 5, 16 days 22 hours and 45 minutes.
2003 - the world's first tongue transplant operation was successful.
2010 - David Warren (b. 1925), Australian scientist, inventor of an emergency flight recorder ("black box") died.
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