July 3, or "Titanic" Trail
Zodiac Sign Cancer
Cancer, July 3. Born on this day - chroniclers, collectors of events and traditions.
Many of them consider themselves to be fighters for the rights of an ordinary citizen.
While defending the freedom of private life of the most eccentric and odious personalities, they themselves may in fact be adherents of conservative views and habits.
Many of those born on July 3 come across as extreme cynics. However, a closer look reveals that cynicism is just a facade behind which an extreme sensitivity is hidden.
Born 3 July actually build defensive fortifications around themselves. Because of their thick walls, they watch what is happening around, not missing a single episode.
Quickly commenting on what appears to their gaze, they do not miss the opportunity to focus on the most piquant details.
Cancer men born on July 3:
- have the following characteristics:
- gallant,
- gentle,
- careful,
- sentimental.
- Cancer men, for the most part, are prone to excessive exaggeration of life problems - their depression and negative attitude can greatly spoil the impression.
- Refined, restless and ambiguous, Cancers can look capricious and speculate on their sophistication and mystery.
- But at the same time, Cancer men are loyal and faithful, especially in matters of love - they can fanatically idealize the object of their adoration.
Cancer women born on July 3:
- endowed with such differences of nature:
- natural,
- affectionate,
- friendly.
Cancer women are divided into two types.
- The first is affectionate, shy and somewhat frigid women who amaze with their humility and readiness to cringe.
- The second, on the contrary, are bright, emotionally unstable, with high self-esteem.
Both types are suspicious, sensitive to criticism, prone to excessive drama, impressionable.
A trial in the case of the crash of the Titanic liner took place
July 3, 1916

Iceberg, with which, allegedly, the "Titanic" collided. The picture was taken on the morning of April 16 by the chief steward of the ship Prince Adalbert. He, not yet aware of the disaster, drew attention to the traces of red paint at the waterline.
July 3, 1916

Iceberg, with which, allegedly, the "Titanic" collided. The picture was taken on the morning of April 16 by the chief steward of the ship Prince Adalbert. He, not yet aware of the disaster, drew attention to the traces of red paint at the waterline.
The death of the Titanic became legendary and was one of the largest shipwrecks in history. At the time of its construction, it was the world's largest passenger liner.
During the first voyage, on the night of April 14 to 15, 1912, the ship crashed and sank after 2 hours and 40 minutes. On board there were 1,316 passengers and 892 crew members, totaling 2,208 people. Of these, only 704 survived.
July 3, 1916 in London held a trial on the case of the crash liner. As a result, the judges ruled that "the ship sank due to a collision with an iceberg, caused by the excessive speed with which it was conducted."
The experts came to approximately the same conclusions: Captain Smith did not slow down the speed in the danger zone, the Californian crew misinterpreted the signals sent by the Titanic with the help of signal rockets, a large number of victims were attributed to the lack of boats on board and poor organization of evacuation, passengers of the third class for a long time could not climb the boat deck because of the lack of a direct exit and their own indecision.
Stanley Lord, the captain of the steamship "California", who, according to experts, was six miles from the site of the tragedy, was accused of the most terrible crime in the law of the sea - refusal to help the dying people, he had a stain of shame until the end of days. And he left the company Leyland Line. Only after the death of the Lord, in 1962, it became clear that he was innocent. On the Titanic saw the lights of another ship - the Norwegian ship Samson. Going home with a poaching catch, ship did not discover itself.
The head of the company "White Star Line" Joseph Ismay accused of pressure on the captain, but he was able to ensure that the charges against him were canceled.
Accusations of premature abandonment of the sinking ship were presented to passengers of Boat No. 1, among whom were the spouses Cosmo and Lucy Duff Gordon, who sailed from the sinking ship with 12 occupied places out of 40, however these charges were also canceled.
Criminal liability for the crash of the Titanic no one bore, because the main cause of the disaster were recognized as a weather conditions.
1608 - Canadian city of Quebec was founded by the French explorer S. de Champlain.
1648 - seven kochi under the command of Fedot Popov and Semyon Dezhnev took to the sea from the Srednekolymskiy prison. The consequence of this expedition was the opening of the Bering Strait between Asia and America.
1875 - Ferdinand Sauerbruch (d. 1951), German surgeon, one of the founders of thoracic surgery, was born.
1883 - Franz Kafka (died 1924), Czech philosopher, German writer.
1886 - Karl Benz from Mannheim made the world's first exit in a car of his own design, reaching a speed of 16 km / h.
1915 - the first paper money in Turkey is issued.
1928 - the first television sets went on sale. They cost 75 dollars.
1935 - Harrison Schmitt was born, an American astronaut, participant in the lunar program on the Apollo 17.
1949 - “Enola Gay” - a bomber dropping an atomic bomb on Hiroshima - became an exhibit at the Smithsonian Institution Museum.
1952 - Laura Branigan was born (d. 2004), American pop singer.
1960 - born Vince Clarke, British synthpop musician, songwriter, one of the founders of "Depeche Mode".
1966 - The first nuclear weapon test was conducted on the atoll of Mururoa (French Polynesia). After the loss of the landfill in the Sahara as a result of the independence of Algeria, the atoll became the main site of the French nuclear explosions.
1971 - Jim Morrison died (b. 1943), leader of The Doors music group.
2004 - Andrian Nikolayev (b. 1929), Soviet cosmonaut No. 3, twice Hero of the Soviet Union, died.
2005 - Same-sex marriage law entered into force in Spain.
2006 - asteroid 2004 XP14 flew at a distance of 432,308 kilometers from the surface of the Earth.
2018 - Danish scientists first created an artificial human ovary.
Also on July 3...
1648 - seven kochi under the command of Fedot Popov and Semyon Dezhnev took to the sea from the Srednekolymskiy prison. The consequence of this expedition was the opening of the Bering Strait between Asia and America.
1875 - Ferdinand Sauerbruch (d. 1951), German surgeon, one of the founders of thoracic surgery, was born.
1883 - Franz Kafka (died 1924), Czech philosopher, German writer.
1886 - Karl Benz from Mannheim made the world's first exit in a car of his own design, reaching a speed of 16 km / h.
1915 - the first paper money in Turkey is issued.
1928 - the first television sets went on sale. They cost 75 dollars.
1935 - Harrison Schmitt was born, an American astronaut, participant in the lunar program on the Apollo 17.
1949 - “Enola Gay” - a bomber dropping an atomic bomb on Hiroshima - became an exhibit at the Smithsonian Institution Museum.
1952 - Laura Branigan was born (d. 2004), American pop singer.
1960 - born Vince Clarke, British synthpop musician, songwriter, one of the founders of "Depeche Mode".
1966 - The first nuclear weapon test was conducted on the atoll of Mururoa (French Polynesia). After the loss of the landfill in the Sahara as a result of the independence of Algeria, the atoll became the main site of the French nuclear explosions.
1971 - Jim Morrison died (b. 1943), leader of The Doors music group.
2004 - Andrian Nikolayev (b. 1929), Soviet cosmonaut No. 3, twice Hero of the Soviet Union, died.
2005 - Same-sex marriage law entered into force in Spain.
2006 - asteroid 2004 XP14 flew at a distance of 432,308 kilometers from the surface of the Earth.
2018 - Danish scientists first created an artificial human ovary.
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