July 9, or "Bell Telephone Company" Day
Zodiac Sign Cancer
Cancer, July 9. Born on this day have a strong imagination, allowing you to develop unusual working hypotheses and, moreover, put them into practice.
Thus, the influence of these people on the world around them is very noticeable. Many of them strive to get to know and understand the very process of life and creation as best as possible, to penetrate into the essence of what is happening, to separate thought from an object, and then reconnect them.
For them, skill based on experience is an important success factor.
Throughout their lives, those born on July 9 show an increased interest in coincidences, hidden forces and mysteries of nature for which there is no explanation. Most of those born on July 9 are quite satisfied with reading about the secrets and mysteries of nature, but some go further and try to do something to solve them.
They do not miss a single more or less serious opportunity bestowed by fate. In this sense, they are opportunists in the best sense of the word - living, open and purposeful people who willingly take part in any event.
Cancer men born on July 9:
- can be proud of the following qualities:
- homely,
- sincere,
- insightful,
- emotional.
- Cancer men, for the most part, are prone to excessive exaggeration of life problems - their depression and negative attitude can greatly spoil the impression.
- Refined, restless and ambiguous, Cancers can look capricious and speculate on their sophistication and mystery.
- But at the same time, Cancer men are loyal and faithful, especially in matters of love - they can fanatically idealize the object of their adoration.
Cancer women born on July 9:
- endowed with such facets of temperament:
- homely,
- cautious,
- romantic.
Cancer women are divided into two types.
- The first is affectionate, shy and somewhat frigid women who amaze with their humility and readiness to cringe.
- The second, on the contrary, are bright, emotionally unstable, with high self-esteem.
Both types are suspicious, sensitive to criticism, prone to excessive drama, impressionable.
The inventor of the phone Alexander Bell created the first telephone company "Bell Telephone Company"
July 9, 1877

Alexander Graham Bell.
Since 1873, the professor of physiology of the organs of speech of Boston University Alexander Bell worked on the invention of harmonic telegraph. This device was supposed to transmit seven telegrams (according to the number of notes in an octave) via one telegraph wire. At that, seven pairs of flexible metal plates were used. Each pair was tuned to its own frequency.July 9, 1877

Alexander Graham Bell.
During the experiments on June 2, 1875, the free end of one of the plates on the transmitting side of the line was welded to the contact. Bell's Assistant mechanic Thomas Watson tried to eliminate this malfunction and at the same time obscenely expressed. Bell at that time worked in the other room with the receiving plates. He caught the barely audible sound of his mechanic's curses through the wires.
Bell suddenly realized that the plate, which was spontaneously fixed at both ends, had become a kind of flexible membrane. It was above the pole of the magnet and changed its magnetic flux. At the same time, the current entering the line changed in time with the air oscillations caused by Watson's muttering.
Almost a year the scientist improved his invention. He applied for an invention on February 14, 1876, and received a patent on March 7.
March 10, 1876 was the transfer of the first articulate phrase, which became historical: "Mr. Watson, come here. I need you". This transfer was carried out on a 12-meter wire connecting the apartment of Bell with the laboratory in the attic.
The demonstration of the device made such a strong impression on the American public that this circumstance enabled the inventor not only to establish in the USA his own "Bell Telephone Company" (the date of its creation on July 9, 1877), but also quickly enough to turn it into a prosperous concern.
In 1881 the first telephone stations were opened. Switching to them was done manually, with the help of plugs, which deftly operated "telephone ladies".
1762 - the overthrow of Peter III in favor of his wife, Catherine II.
1764 - Anna Radcliffe (d. 1823), English writer, one of the founders of the Gothic novel, was born.
1877 - the first final of the tennis tournament at Wimbledon. The winner was Spencer Gore.
1887 - English paper manufacturer John Dickenson presented the first paper napkins at the annual meeting of paper makers. He did it at the most opportune moment - at a gala dinner.
1894 - Peter Kapitsa, Soviet physicist, academician, winner of the 1978 Nobel Prize in Physics, was born. His surname has become the nominal of an intelligent scholar.
1901 - Barbara Cartland was born, a novelist writer, listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the most successful English author.
1919 - by 208 votes against 115 the German Reichstag ratified the Treaty of Versailles degrading for Germany.
1938 - 35 million gas masks entered the UK stores. For the first time, they were offered to the civilian population.
1944 - Glen Cook was born, modern American science fiction writer, author of the series “The Adventures of Garrett” (fantasy detective story), “The Black Squad Chronicles” (saga, fantasy), “Empire of Terror” (fantasy) and others.
1946 - Bon Scott (d. 1980), musician, songwriter, vocalist and frontman of the Australian group AC / DC was born.
1951 - born Chris Cooper, American actor (“Route 60”, “Time to kill”).
1955 - ''The Pugwash movement'' of scientists for peace, disarmament and international security is founded.
1956 - Tom Hanks, American film actor and producer (''Forrest Gump'', ''Terminal'', ''The Da Vinci Code'', ''Angels and Demons'') was born.
1957 - the 102nd element of the periodic table is opened - nobelium.
1958 - a huge landslide caused a wave of record height (574 m), which at a speed of 160 km / h swept through the narrow, fjord-like Lituya Bay in Alaska, USA.
1964 - England charts topped by the song of the group “The Animals” “The House of the Rising Sun”.
1964 - Courtney Love, American actress and singer, widow of Kurt Cobain.
1972 - two kilometers from the village of Krestishche, Kharkiv region, the first nuclear explosion was carried out on the territory of Ukraine for industrial purposes. The explosion was staged to extinguish the fire at the gas well bore of a powerful gas-condensate field.
1997 - after the fight with Evander Holyfield, during which he bit off his opponent's ear, Mike Tyson was excommunicated from the ring and fined three million dollars.
2002 - an unprecedented medical error in the UK. As a result of the carelessness of the doctors, a white couple in the IVF clinic was born dark-skinned twins. Parents believe that laboratory staff confused the tubes.
2002 - in connection with the successful performance of the national team at the 2002 FIFA World Cup, the South Korean authorities decided to “forgive” 4.8 million people who made minor car accidents.
2011 - South Sudan became an independent state with its capital in Juba.
Also on July 9...
1764 - Anna Radcliffe (d. 1823), English writer, one of the founders of the Gothic novel, was born.
1877 - the first final of the tennis tournament at Wimbledon. The winner was Spencer Gore.
1887 - English paper manufacturer John Dickenson presented the first paper napkins at the annual meeting of paper makers. He did it at the most opportune moment - at a gala dinner.
1894 - Peter Kapitsa, Soviet physicist, academician, winner of the 1978 Nobel Prize in Physics, was born. His surname has become the nominal of an intelligent scholar.
1901 - Barbara Cartland was born, a novelist writer, listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the most successful English author.
1919 - by 208 votes against 115 the German Reichstag ratified the Treaty of Versailles degrading for Germany.
1938 - 35 million gas masks entered the UK stores. For the first time, they were offered to the civilian population.
1944 - Glen Cook was born, modern American science fiction writer, author of the series “The Adventures of Garrett” (fantasy detective story), “The Black Squad Chronicles” (saga, fantasy), “Empire of Terror” (fantasy) and others.
1946 - Bon Scott (d. 1980), musician, songwriter, vocalist and frontman of the Australian group AC / DC was born.
1951 - born Chris Cooper, American actor (“Route 60”, “Time to kill”).
1955 - ''The Pugwash movement'' of scientists for peace, disarmament and international security is founded.
1956 - Tom Hanks, American film actor and producer (''Forrest Gump'', ''Terminal'', ''The Da Vinci Code'', ''Angels and Demons'') was born.
1957 - the 102nd element of the periodic table is opened - nobelium.
1958 - a huge landslide caused a wave of record height (574 m), which at a speed of 160 km / h swept through the narrow, fjord-like Lituya Bay in Alaska, USA.
1964 - England charts topped by the song of the group “The Animals” “The House of the Rising Sun”.
1964 - Courtney Love, American actress and singer, widow of Kurt Cobain.
1972 - two kilometers from the village of Krestishche, Kharkiv region, the first nuclear explosion was carried out on the territory of Ukraine for industrial purposes. The explosion was staged to extinguish the fire at the gas well bore of a powerful gas-condensate field.
1997 - after the fight with Evander Holyfield, during which he bit off his opponent's ear, Mike Tyson was excommunicated from the ring and fined three million dollars.
2002 - an unprecedented medical error in the UK. As a result of the carelessness of the doctors, a white couple in the IVF clinic was born dark-skinned twins. Parents believe that laboratory staff confused the tubes.
2002 - in connection with the successful performance of the national team at the 2002 FIFA World Cup, the South Korean authorities decided to “forgive” 4.8 million people who made minor car accidents.
2011 - South Sudan became an independent state with its capital in Juba.
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