July 7, or American Express, Cooperatives, Ivan Kupala and Dnieper Day
Zodiac Sign Cancer
Cancer, July 7. Opening is the dominant theme in the life of those born on July 7.
An irresistible need to bare feelings, thoughts, fantasies, both one's own and that of other people, distinguishes these individuals from those who are used to hiding their experiences from prying eyes.
Perhaps someone will call them exhibitionists, but not in the medical sense of the word.
Opening up to others, those born on July 7 can cause the most unpredictable reactions - from mild shock to severe shock.
Cancer men born on July 7:
- possess the following qualities:
- educative,
- sincere,
- understanding,
- romantic.
- Cancer men, for the most part, are prone to excessive exaggeration of life problems - their depression and negative attitude can greatly spoil the impression.
- Refined, restless and ambiguous, Cancers can look capricious and speculate on their sophistication and mystery.
- But at the same time, Cancer men are loyal and faithful, especially in matters of love - they can fanatically idealize the object of their adoration.
Cancer women born on July 7:
- are not like others with such properties:
- natural,
- loving,
- affable.
Cancer women are divided into two types.
- The first is affectionate, shy and somewhat frigid women who amaze with their humility and readiness to cringe.
- The second, on the contrary, are bright, emotionally unstable, with high self-esteem.
Both types are suspicious, sensitive to criticism, prone to excessive drama, impressionable.
The American Express Courier Service patented the first ever traveler's check
July 7, 1891

The first American Express traveler's check.
July 7, 1891

The first American Express traveler's check.
A traveler's check is a payment document representing a monetary obligation of the issuer (bank or other financial institution) to pay the amount indicated in the check to the holder - a specific individual.
The history of this document is more than 100 years old. In the 1880s, the president of American Express, Mr. Fargo, traveled around Europe. However, the rest was hopelessly ruined because of the endless problems associated with using credit letters to receive money. Returning from the trip, he instructed the head of the transportation department to come up with a better alternative to credit letters.
July 7, 1891, American Express patented a traveler's check, which served as a prototype for modern credit cards.
Traveler's checks "American Express" were issued in denominations of $ 100, $ 50, $ 20 and $ 10. To protect yourself against fakes, the customer signs a receipt at the top of his corner when buying a check, and when he is cashed, he reproduces his signature.
Initially, this innovation was perceived with some apprehension, and in the first year the company sold only 248 checks for a total of $ 9,120. The main reason for the slow start was that you could get money by check only at American Express offices, the network of which covered only part of the US territory. The company solved the problem very quickly, having concluded contracts with a number of banks and hotels.
Already by 1892, the list of institutions that accepted traveler's checks was 14 pages of the American Express brochure, and the checks themselves were sold for $ 483,490.
By 1909, annual sales of traveler's checks reached $ 23 million.
Today, the use of traveler's checks is a common practice in many spheres of life of a person and society.
On the first Saturday of July, beginning in 2003, the International Day of the River Dnieper is celebrated - the river, to the middle of which a “rare bird” will fly.
Most of the way, the Dnieper flows through the territory of Ukraine - the length of its channel within the borders of this country is 981 kilometers, the basin area is 291.4 thousand square kilometers.
There are 26 cities in the Ukrainian part of the Dnieper, including Kiev, the capital of Ukraine. It is no coincidence that Ukrainians consider the Dnieper to be their main waterway: it supplies about 70 percent of the country's population with water.
Ivana Kupala, also Ivanov Day - one of the main Slavic pagan holidays, later timed to coincide with the birth of John the Baptist.
The name of the holiday arose as a result of the gradual imposition (in the process of Christianization) of the name of the church day in memory of John the Baptist (John the Forerunner) on the ancient pre-Christian (Slavic) holiday Kupalye dedicated to the pagan god Kupala.
The holiday of Ivan Kupala was timed to the day of the summer solstice, the shortest night (June 20-22 in the old style). The holiday was also called Kupa, meant unity.
With the adoption of Christianity, the holiday began to be celebrated on the birthday of John the Baptist - on June 24 in the old style. With the transition to the new style, the date of birth of John the Baptist moved to July 7, as the Orthodox Church lives in the old style. In this regard, the holiday has lost astronomical correspondence to the solstice.
Traditionally, Ivan Kupala celebrated in nature. On this night, you need to make a fire and jump over the fire, weave a wreath of flowers and put it on the water, wondering at your beloved, sing songs, find a flowering fern. If all this is done, then the holiday is considered successful.
After the festive night, they tried to heal themselves with dew. To do this, you need to get up as early as possible (or do not go to bed!) And walk barefoot through the healing Kupala dew. On this day, held a massive collection of medicinal herbs. Kupala grass is gaining special healing power by the rising of the Sun, and so, as they say, "Whoever gets up early, God gives!"
Ivan Kupala was also called Travnik ( Grassman). There are two reasons for this. Firstly, it was necessary to collect medicinal herbs that acquired special properties. Secondly, on the Kupala the peasants discovered a big mowing.
Medicinal plants harvested at dawn, away from the settlements and roads, always in a good mood and with prayer. In addition to the healing properties, the plants possess considerable magic power at this time.
Particularly revered grass tirlich. A decoction of it was made necessarily in a new pot, which was bought without bargaining. They washed face with this broth to attract the attention of the chosen one, saying three times: “Tirlich, tirlich! Call my dear!” Such a ceremony also was carried out in order to marry a girl faster.
Another love plant is periwinkle. Used it so that the guys "were following" after girls.
Lovage was also harvested, which was popularly called the “love root”. They believed that in order to always remain young, beautiful and attractive to the opposite sex, one must bathe in water with a decoction of lovage, and in order to attract love, you can add seven rosebuds to the water.
By the way! If on Ivanov a day to climb over twelve gardens (in the sense of fences), any desire will come true.
1852 - a virtual ''Happy Birthday'' happened. On this day was born John Watson, an English army doctor, faithful associate of Sherlock Holmes, told us about the exploits and adventures of his comrade.
1891 - ''American Express'' traveler's checks are patented, which will mark the beginning of modern credit cards.
1940 - born Ringo Starr (real name Richard Starkey), British musician, drummer of the band ''The Beatles''.
International Day of Cooperatives
And in 1992, the UN General Assembly proclaimed the first Saturday of July as the International Day of Cooperatives.
The purpose of the holiday is to attract world attention to the cooperatives and to promote the expansion of partnerships between the international cooperative movement and other subjects of international law, including governments and non-governmental organizations at all levels.
International Day of the River Dnieper
Most of the way, the Dnieper flows through the territory of Ukraine - the length of its channel within the borders of this country is 981 kilometers, the basin area is 291.4 thousand square kilometers.
There are 26 cities in the Ukrainian part of the Dnieper, including Kiev, the capital of Ukraine. It is no coincidence that Ukrainians consider the Dnieper to be their main waterway: it supplies about 70 percent of the country's population with water.
In Folks
Ivan Kupala
Ivana Kupala, also Ivanov Day - one of the main Slavic pagan holidays, later timed to coincide with the birth of John the Baptist.
The name of the holiday arose as a result of the gradual imposition (in the process of Christianization) of the name of the church day in memory of John the Baptist (John the Forerunner) on the ancient pre-Christian (Slavic) holiday Kupalye dedicated to the pagan god Kupala.
The holiday of Ivan Kupala was timed to the day of the summer solstice, the shortest night (June 20-22 in the old style). The holiday was also called Kupa, meant unity.
With the adoption of Christianity, the holiday began to be celebrated on the birthday of John the Baptist - on June 24 in the old style. With the transition to the new style, the date of birth of John the Baptist moved to July 7, as the Orthodox Church lives in the old style. In this regard, the holiday has lost astronomical correspondence to the solstice.
Traditionally, Ivan Kupala celebrated in nature. On this night, you need to make a fire and jump over the fire, weave a wreath of flowers and put it on the water, wondering at your beloved, sing songs, find a flowering fern. If all this is done, then the holiday is considered successful.
After the festive night, they tried to heal themselves with dew. To do this, you need to get up as early as possible (or do not go to bed!) And walk barefoot through the healing Kupala dew. On this day, held a massive collection of medicinal herbs. Kupala grass is gaining special healing power by the rising of the Sun, and so, as they say, "Whoever gets up early, God gives!"
Ivan Kupala was also called Travnik ( Grassman). There are two reasons for this. Firstly, it was necessary to collect medicinal herbs that acquired special properties. Secondly, on the Kupala the peasants discovered a big mowing.
Medicinal plants harvested at dawn, away from the settlements and roads, always in a good mood and with prayer. In addition to the healing properties, the plants possess considerable magic power at this time.
Particularly revered grass tirlich. A decoction of it was made necessarily in a new pot, which was bought without bargaining. They washed face with this broth to attract the attention of the chosen one, saying three times: “Tirlich, tirlich! Call my dear!” Such a ceremony also was carried out in order to marry a girl faster.
Another love plant is periwinkle. Used it so that the guys "were following" after girls.
Lovage was also harvested, which was popularly called the “love root”. They believed that in order to always remain young, beautiful and attractive to the opposite sex, one must bathe in water with a decoction of lovage, and in order to attract love, you can add seven rosebuds to the water.
By the way! If on Ivanov a day to climb over twelve gardens (in the sense of fences), any desire will come true.
Also on July 7...
1891 - ''American Express'' traveler's checks are patented, which will mark the beginning of modern credit cards.
1940 - born Ringo Starr (real name Richard Starkey), British musician, drummer of the band ''The Beatles''.
1944 - Toto (Salvatore) Cutugno, Italian singer, was born.
1977 - United States conducts the first test of a “humane” weapon - the neutron bomb, after the explosion of which only living creatures die, and the facilities and equipment remain intact.
1990 - Three prominent tenors of our time performed for the first time in Rome: Luciano Pavarotti, Placido Domingo and José Carreras. The concert was a charity event, and the recording of the singers' performances was sold out to a record circulation in the history of classical music.
1997 - Montgomery Ward, the ninth largest retailer, declared bankruptcy.
1997 - devastating flood in Central Europe.
2002 - provisional constitution was enacted in the Palestinian Authority, providing for some of the democratic reforms that President George W. Bush insists on as a condition for the creation of a Palestinian state.
2004 - Fourth Parliament of Religions of the World convened in Barcelona, which brought together more than 8 thousand participants, representatives of hundreds of religious movements and trends from more than 60 countries of the world.
2005 - a series of terrorist attacks on the London Underground and city buses.
2007 - on the day of the "three sevens" (07.07.2007), in the Portuguese capital Lisbon, the new seven wonders of the world were announced. They are: the Colosseum in Rome, the Great Wall of China, Machu Picchu in Peru, Petra in Jordan, the Taj Mahal in India, the Statue of Christ the Redeemer in Rio de Janeiro, Chichen Itza in Mexico.
2009 - buried the king of pop Michael Jackson.
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