June 25, or Across the Atlantic, Slavs and Seaman Day


Zodiac Sign Cancer

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CancerJune 25People born on this day have the rare ability to make their dreams come true. The reasons for this success lie both in an understanding of the environment and time, and in a special flair for luck.

Thus, those born on this day are not only tuned in to the wave of thoughts of others, but are also able to take full advantage of the opportunities provided by life.

If they put the full potential of their creative forces into work, they are guaranteed financial success, but in the process of realizing this potential, they may experience certain financial difficulties and even fall into poverty.


Cancer men born on June 25:
  • boast the following properties: 
  • artistic, 
  • caring, 
  • understanding, 
  • sensual.
  • The Cancer man values loyalty and boundless love, bordering on unhealthy adoration, while the role of a leader in relationships is important to him.
  • Finding the necessary balance will become a difficult aspect of a relationship with a Cancer Man - with all the selfish love for domination, he will quickly lose interest in a woman without individuality.
Cancer women born on June 25:
  • endowed with such features: 
  • homely, 
  • soft, 
  • pliable.
  • In love, a Cancer woman is obsessed, desperate, unpredictable and losing control.
  • She attaches great importance to sensual pleasures, but is ashamed of her weakness and hides behind a feigned coldness.

Main event

Fisherman Alfred Jensen went to the first ever single voyage across the Atlantic

June 25, 1876

Fisherman Alfred Jensen went to the first ever single voyage across the Atlantic
On such a boat-dory Alfred Jensen crossed the Atlantic.

June 25, 1876, a fisherman from the village of Gloucester (New Jersey), Alfred Jensen on the boat ''Centennial'' went to the first ever single voyage across the Atlantic. Thus, he wanted to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the proclamation of the independence of the United States of America.

In the sea he was guided by a simple boat compass and with the help of his fishing intuition. Geographic latitude Jensen determined by the duration of dawn and the onset of evening twilight. The fisherman adhered to temperate latitudes, avoiding approaching the equator and dangerous northern waters. Following this course, Jensen was thus going to reach the shores of Europe.

After 13 days of sailing, a squall flew into the boat, partially depriving Yensen of supplies. Later, a sailor noticed a ship, whose captain offered him a free transfer in exchange for some working services. However, Jensen refused. He wanted to swim across the ocean alone, without anyone's help, and show the world what ordinary American sailors can do.

On the southern coast of Ireland, "Centennial" fell into a storm that deprived Yensen of almost all supplies. Five days later he met the brig ''Alfredon''. The sailor again refused help, asking only to inform him of the coordinates of his whereabouts and some bread and water.

On August 10, Jensen arrived in the Welsh port of Aberkasl, crossing the Atlantic alone in 46 days. Later, he bought a large fishing schooner and for many years practiced fishing on the coastal shores of Newfoundland.


Day of Friendship and Unity of the Slavs

Today, the Slavs of the whole world - and there are more than 300 million of them - celebrate the Day of Friendship and Unity of the Slavs.

Slavs represent the largest linguistic and cultural community of the peoples of the world. The total number of Slavs in the world is 300-350 million people. They distinguish western (Poles, Czechs, Slovaks, Kashubians and Lusatians), southern (Bulgarians, Serbs, Croats, Bosnians, Macedonians, Slovenes, Montenegrins) and Eastern Slavs (Belarusians, Russians, Ukrainians, Rusyns).

Slavs make up the bulk of the population of Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and live in all post-Soviet countries, also in Poland,  Czech Republic, Croatia, Slovakia, Bulgaria, Serbia and Montenegro, Hungary, Greece, Germany, Austria, Italy, America and Australia.

Most of the Slavs are Christians, Bulgarians, Serbs, Macedonians, Montenegrins, Russians - mostly Orthodox. The exception of the Bosnians, who converted to Islam during Ottoman rule over southern Europe. Croats, Slovenes, Poles, Czechs, Slovaks are Lusatians are Catholics, there are many Catholics and Uniates among Ukrainians and Belarusians.

Seaman ( Navigator) Day

Every year June 25 is celebrated as the Day of the Seaman or, in a different way, the Day of the Navigator. The decision to celebrate was taken in 2010, when the member states of the International Maritime Organization, which are part of the United Nations, signed resolution No. 19 at the conference in Manila. The document emphasized that it was necessary to introduce the International Day of the Navigator, for appreciation the contribution of seafarers to the development of trade, the economy, science and civil society as a whole.

The holiday is dedicated to the sailors of the merchant fleet, because the Navy has its own holiday.

Also on June 25...

1178 - five Canterbury monks observed an explosion on the Moon. It is believed that this was a collision of a meteor with the Moon.

1498 - A toothbrush was invented in China (approximate date). According to the description, it was made of hair stuck at a right angle into the handle and practically did not differ from modern. The hair was harvested from the backs of pigs that were grown in the north of the country.

1630 - Governor Winthrop for the first time in US history used a fork for food.

1783 - French chemist Antoine Laurent Lavoisier told a meeting of the Paris Academy of Sciences that water was a combination of hydrogen and oxygen, and two years later, together with military engineer Jean Meunier, synthesized water from them.

1794 - in connection with the revolution in France, Catherine II banned the sale of French goods in Russia.

1852 - Antonio Gaudi was born, the most famous Spanish architect, most of whose whimsically fantastic works, as if made by hands, were erected in Barcelona.

1863 - Shogun Tokugawa ordered to expel all foreigners from Japan.

1903 - George Orwell, English writer and publicist, author of the novel "1984" was born.

1919 - ''Junkers J13'' passenger all-metal aircraft made its first flight in Germany.

1935 - The International Congress of Writers for the Protection of Culture, held in Paris, founded the International Writers Association and the Permanent International Writers Office to protect culture. Henri Barbusse, Romain Rolland, Maxim Gorky, Heinrich Mann, Thomas Mann, Ald Huxley, Bernard Shaw, Sinclair Lewis, Selma Lagerlef, etc.

1951 - The first color commercial telecast was shown. CBS filmed the four-hour Arthur Godfrey show in New York, which was also broadcast to Baltimore, Philadelphia, Boston and Washington. The most interesting thing is that the TV viewers did not have color television sets at that time, and the company itself owned about three dozen of them.

1963 - George Michael was born (real name Georgios Panayotu), an English pop singer of Greek origin, a composer who began his musical career in the duet “Wham!”.

1966 - the first Soviet ''Cosmos-122'', meteorological satellite was launched.

1967 - the first show of live TV on a worldwide scale. "Our World'' program was broadcast to 24 countries on five continents, and 400 million viewers watched the performance of The Beatles, the first to perform the song ''All You Need is Love''.

1971 - In the UK, Education Minister Margaret Thatcher announced that free milk delivery to primary school students was discontinued.

1975 - Vladimir Kramnik was born, the 14th PCA World Chess Champion.

1991 - Slovenia and Croatia declared independence from Yugoslavia.

1998 - officially released the operating system "Windows 98".

2009 - Chinese authorities accused Google of distributing pornography and closed access to it.

2009 - Michael Jackson, American King of Pop, dies.


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