July 10, or Whistle Day


Zodiac Sign Cancer

June: 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
July: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
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CancerJuly 10Detachment is a common condition that accompanies those born on July 10 throughout their lives, even in moments of success and triumph.

The sprouts of responsiveness, receptivity, sensitivity find fertile soil in the souls of these people. The result is an extraordinary personality who is both obsessed with the desire for success and susceptible to defeatism.

Visual talents are evident in them.

Born 10 July assimilate the impressions received from the outside world, and, passing them through the prism of their own feelings, use them in their work.


Cancer men born on July 10:
  • boast the following characteristics: 
  • artistic, 
  • intuitive, 
  • insightful, 
  • romantic.
  • Cancer men, for the most part, are prone to excessive exaggeration of life problems - their depression and negative attitude can greatly spoil the impression. 
  • Refined, restless and ambiguous, Cancers can look capricious and speculate on their sophistication and mystery.
  • But at the same time, Cancer men are loyal and faithful, especially in matters of love - they can fanatically idealize the object of their adoration.
Cancer women born on July 10:
  • stand out for their special qualities: 
  • intuitive, 
  • affectionate, 
  • honest.
        Cancer women are divided into two types.
        • The first is affectionate, shy and somewhat frigid women who amaze with their humility and readiness to cringe.
        • The second, on the contrary, are bright, emotionally unstable, with high self-esteem.
        Both types are suspicious, sensitive to criticism, prone to excessive drama, impressionable.

        Main event
        In England, the first time a football referee used a whistle

        July 10, 1878

        In England, the first time a football referee used a whistle.

        The referees appeared on the football field only in 1873. Then it was generally believed that on his own initiative a referee should not interfere into the game. The duties of the referees were to monitor the time, make notes about the match, remove and appoint players, and resolve disputes between team representatives when they could not agree among themselves.

        And now, as football commentators say, "the best referee is the one who controls the game, but his presence on the field is imperceptible." Until 1878, the football referees did not have  the whistle  and used to control the game only in their own voice or gave signs, or rang the bell to attract attention and make a decision.

        With the introduction of the whistle, a funny story is connected. Then the right to judge the game was preferred not to professionals, but to amateurs. It was believed that an enthusiastic amateur who loves football, and who is not paid for it, will do everything better than a professional. And so for the role of  referees took football fans. It could be clerks, doctors, writers ... It is known that Sir Arthur Conan Doyle was also a football referee.

        July 10, 1878 at one of the football matches in London to judge the game entrusted to the policeman, and when during a game players started to fight, he, without hesitation, whistled into the whistle. Frightened and stunned players immediately stopped the fight. Since then, the referees on the field are using a whistle.

        Recall that on December 10, the world celebrates Football Day.

        Also on July 10...

        1040 - according to legend, on this day Lady Godiva drove naked through the city of Coventry on horseback to make her husband, Count Leofric, reduce taxes that were beyond the means of the citizens. Grateful descendants erected a monument to Lady Godiva in the city and celebrate this day as a holiday.

        1509 - Jean Calvin (d. 1564), Swiss theologian, religious reformer, founder of Calvinism, was born.

        1547 - last duel officially allowed by the king took place in France. The reason for the further ban duels were frequent deaths. Despite the ban, duels continued as often as before. Therefore, in 1566, King Charles IX was forced to issue a decree by which any member of the duel was sentenced to death.

        1796 - the outstanding German mathematician Karl Friedrich Gauss discovered that any natural number can be represented as the sum of no more than three triangular numbers and made a famous entry in his diary: “Heureka! num = Δ + Δ + Δ. "

        1847 - 35 first overseas Chinese arrived in the United States.

        1856 - Nikola Tesla was born (d. 1943), Serbian-American physicist, inventor in the field of electrical and radio engineering.

        1908 - Dutch physicist Heike Kamerling-Onnes for the first time in the world received liquid helium.

        1914 - born Joe Schuster (d. 1992), Canadian-American comic book creator, one of the authors of Superman.

        1920 - Owen Chamberlain (d. 2006), American physicist, one of the creators of the atomic bomb, Nobel Prize winner (1959) was born.

        1921 - Harvey Ball was born (d. 2001), American artist, graphic artist who invented a smiley face.

        1925 - ''Monkey Process'' began - the trial of teacher John Thomas Scopes, who, in his lectures, set out the basics of the theory of evolution of Charles Darwin.

        1941 - Polish mass murder of Jews in the village of Jedwabne in Poland.

        1947 - ''Jugoton'' record company was founded in Yugoslavia.

        1949 - landslide caused by the earthquake, completely destroyed the city of Hait (Tajikistan); all its inhabitants died.

        1950 - Military restrictions on the trade in soap were lifted in England.

        1968 - ''Nice'' band members burned an American flag on the scene. The performances of the group in the "Royal Albert Hall" were banned.

        1981 - In the US Navy, officers were banned from wearing beards.

        1985 - ship “Rainbow Warrior”, belonging to the Greenpeace organization, was sunk by French intelligence services.

        1989 - Mel Blanc (b. 1908), American voice actor, comedian, died.

        1995 - Pope John Paul II admitted to women in a special message that the Catholic Church had discriminated against them for many years.

        2001 - Moscow City Authorities banned whistling, singing and making noise in the capital at night.

        2012 - Russian community Wikipedia was blocked for one day in protest against Bill No. 89417-6, which implied the introduction of censorship in Runet.

        2015 - Omar Sharif (b. 1932), Egyptian actor, two-time Golden Globe winner, died.


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