June 24, or First Case of UFO


Zodiac Sign Cancer

June: 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
July: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
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CancerJune 24As a rule, the most refined personalities of those who were born on June 24, devote themselves to serving spiritual ideals, which they see as a manifestation of Divine Love.

Those who set foot on this path cultivate in themselves kindness, sensitivity, understanding, religious devotion, respect for all living things.

Less developed individuals are directed in a completely opposite direction, preferring frank conflicts, pain, struggle for superiority to rational problem solving.

However, the opportunity to change their life position is not excluded for them, however, given the fact that a person's life cycle is designed for 84 years (one cycle of Uranus circulation), it will obviously take more than one life to radically change the landmarks. In addition, this process should be based primarily on a great desire for self-improvement.


Cancer men born on June 24:
  • can boast of the following qualities: 
  • gallant, 
  • nostalgic, 
  • understanding, 
  • romantic.
  • The Cancer man values loyalty and boundless love, bordering on unhealthy adoration, while the role of a leader in relationships is important to him.
  • Finding the necessary balance will become a difficult aspect of a relationship with a Cancer Man - with all the selfish love for domination, he will quickly lose interest in a woman without individuality.
Cancer women born on June 24:
  • stand out for their special properties: 
  • feminine, 
  • loving, 
  • open.
  • In love, a Cancer woman is obsessed, desperate, unpredictable and losing control.
  • She attaches great importance to sensual pleasures, but is ashamed of her weakness and hides behind a feigned coldness.

Main event

The first case of UFO sightings

June 24, 1947

The first case of UFO sightings

June 24, 1947, American pilot and businessman Kenneth Arnold first announced the case of surveillance of UFOs near Mount Rainier in Washington State in the United States.

He claimed to have seen nine unusual objects that flew in the sky, describing their shape as "flat as a plate for a pie" or simply as a "large flat disk". Since then, UFOs have often begun to be called flying saucers.

This case was widely covered in the press and is considered the first case of UFO sightings in the modern era.

Also on June 24...

1497 - British navigator John Cabot discovered Canada, reaching the island of Newfoundland. True, he was confident that he had reached northeastern China.

1717 - On the day of St. John, representatives of the English Masonic lodges gathered in the beer-house "Gus and Spit" and established the Great Lodge of England - the union of all the lodges that were available. So, Freemasonry started as an organized movement. It spread to other countries, acquired lush names, a new paraphernalia, a story that began to go back centuries, until it reached Adoniram, who built the Temple of Solomon a thousand years before the birth of Christ.

1812 - Napoleon's army, crossing the Neman River, invaded Russia. The Patriotic War of 1812 began.

1901 - The first exhibition of 19-year-old Barcelona-based artist Pablo Ruiz Picasso opened in Paris.

1916 - the first time, contract amount of a Hollywood star was a seven-digit number. ''America's Sweetheart'' Mary Pickford has signed a contract with Paramount Pictures Studio in the amount of $ 1,040,000.

1930 - The first use of the radar for detecting aircraft (Anacostia, DC) occurred.

1934 - the capital of Ukraine was moved from Kharkov to Kiev.

1935 - Carlos Gardel (born 1887 or 1890), Argentine singer, composer, actor, the most significant person in the history of tango, died.

1947 - Peter Weller was born, an American film actor, he is Robocop (he also shone in the films ''Naked lunch'', ''Leviathan'').

1959 - Nikita Khrushchev promised US Vice President Richard Nixon to show "Kuzkin's mother" (Russian idiomatic roughly-colloquial or jokingly ironic expression meaning “to threaten anyone with punishment”). It happened during the visit of Vice President Richard Nixon to Moscow. Looking around the American exposition in Sokolniki, Nikita Khrushchev decided to discuss Soviet-American relations with Nixon and unexpectedly uttered the phrase that put the translators in shock: “We will show you Kuzkin's mother!”. According to one version, the American translator was taken aback by surprise and literally translated his words - “Kuzma's mother”. Nixon did not understand what the Soviet leader meant. After this, the myth spread that the Americans considered the “mother of Kuzma” a new top-secret weapon of the Soviet Union. And indeed, the Soviet nuclear scientists eventually began to call their products "Kuzkin's mother."

1963 - A home video recorder was demonstrated for the first time at the BBC studio in London.

1967 - born Richard Kruspe-Bernstein, musician, lead guitarist of the German group ''Rammstein'', creator and vocalist of the group ''Emigrate''.

1987 - Lionel Messi, football player, player of FC Barcelona and Argentina national team was born. One of the best football players of our time.

1973 - Leonid Brezhnev during a visit to the United States announced that the cold war was over.

1982 - ''Soyuz-T-6'' was launched with the first French astronaut on board (Jean-Loup Chretien).

2008 - Leonid Hurwitz (b. 1917), American economist, Nobel Prize winner (2007). The name of the scientist named the optimism-pessimism coefficient proposed by him for the theory of decision-making (Hurwitz coefficient).


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