July 12, or Stewardess, Photographer and Mustard Gas Day


Zodiac Sign Cancer

June: 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
July: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
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CancerJuly 12Born on this day - masters of persuasion. 

And not only because their arguments are always logical and weighty, but the natural gift of tamers lives in these people. If necessary, they can influence the opponent with affection and a smile, in special cases - use a threat. However, most often they have enough sense of humor to lay the enemy on his shoulder blades.

Born 12 July are good not only in persuading, but also in initiating action. Thanks to their efforts, projects, which, it would seem, were not destined to materialize, are getting under way.

Sometimes those born on July 12 so cleverly and cleverly present their ideas to the future executor of the plan that he begins to act, being fully convinced that the brilliant idea was born in his head.

Cancer men born on July 12:
  • characterized by the following characteristics: 
  • artistic, 
  • nostalgic, 
  • cautious, 
  • sentimental.
  • Cancer men, for the most part, are prone to excessive exaggeration of life problems - their depression and negative attitude can greatly spoil the impression. 
  • Refined, restless and ambiguous, Cancers can look capricious and speculate on their sophistication and mystery.
  • But at the same time, Cancer men are loyal and faithful, especially in matters of love - they can fanatically idealize the object of their adoration.

Cancer women born on July 12:
  • are not like others in such qualities: 
  • intuitive, 
  • loving, 
  • affable.
        Cancer women are divided into two types.
        • The first is affectionate, shy and somewhat frigid women who amaze with their humility and readiness to cringe.
        • The second, on the contrary, are bright, emotionally unstable, with high self-esteem.
        Both types are suspicious, sensitive to criticism, prone to excessive drama, impressionable.

        Main event

        During the First World War for the first time as a chemical weapon used poison mustard gas

        July 12, 1917

        For the first time a chemical weapon used
        Mustard gas burns.

        On the night of July 12 to July 13, 1917, under the Belgian city of Ypres, in order to disrupt the advance of the Anglo-French forces, Germany used chemical weapons - liquid poisonous mustard gas of blistering action, which in the place of fighting was known as mustard gas.

        Defeats of different severity were received by 2490 people, 87 of which died at the first use of a gas.

        British scientists quickly deciphered his formula, but it was only in 1918 that the production of a new poison could be established, which made it useless for military purposes only in September 1918 (two months before the truce).

        Mustard gas has a distinct local effect - it affects the eyes and respiratory system, gastrointestinal tract and skin. Absorbed in the blood, it manifests all body poisoning action. Gas affects the skin during exposure, both in droplet and in the vapor condition.

        From drops and vapors of mustard gas, usual summer and winter army uniforms do not protect the skin, just like almost any kind of civilian clothes. There were not a real protection of troops from mustard gas in those years, and its using on the battlefield was effective until the end of the war.

        Neither before nor after this war, chemical warfare agents were not used in such quantities as in 1915-1918. During the First World War, chemical substances were used in huge quantities: 12,000 tons of mustard gas, which affected about 400,000 people.

        At present, chemical weapons are prohibited for use by the Convention on the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons, which was opened for signature in January 1993. According to its provisions, it came into force after its ratification by 65 states. The effective date is April 29, 1997.


        Flight Attendant Day

        Every year on July 12, representatives of one of the most romantic specialties in the world celebrate their holiday - civil aviation flight attendants, better known to us as stewards.

        It is believed that this profession originated in Germany in 1928, when they began to take on board an aircraft a special person, whose duties included providing service during the flight, the steward. The co-pilot of the aircraft was involved in this before, which was risky from the point of view of flight safety.

        First, the functions of flight attendants were performed by men - most often they were former waiters of expensive restaurants. However, already in 1930, the United States had the idea of taking on this job attractive girls - this was supposed to be an additional advertisement for passenger traffic. There was one more argument in favor of the fair sex: they weighed less, which was of great importance for the aircraft of that time.

        Nowadays, the weight of the flight attendant is not so important. But when recruiting personnel, the principle of “three I” is often used: this is an external image (speech, facial expression, make-up, external attractiveness); the image of the internal (the presence of the necessary traits of character); image professional (professional knowledge and skills).

        Day of Photographer

        And today is the Day of the photographer. More precisely, not quite so: the Day of St. Veronica, the patroness of photographers. According to legend, sv. Veronica, among other people, followed Jesus Christ on Calvary. When the exhausted Savior fell, Saint Veronica offered him her handkerchief to wipe the sweat from her face. On the cloth imprinted face Savior. When was the photo invented by papal decree of St. Veronica was declared the patroness of photography and photographers.

        Also on July 12 ...

        1679 - English King Charles II issued an act guaranteeing the judicial rights of citizens.

        1776 - James Cook went on his last expedition from Plymouth.

        1804 - first in the world, exclusively scientific journey on air balloon took place in St. Petersburg.

        1862 - Medal of Honor, highest US military award astablished.

        1880 - Charles Albert Browning Jr., better known as Tod Browning, American film director, actor and screenwriter, one of the founders of the horror film genre, was born.

        1904 - Pablo Neruda was born (real name is Ricardo Elizer Neftali Reyes Basualto), Chilean poet, winner of the 1971 Nobel Prize "for poetry, which embodied the fate of an entire continent" , “Black Island Memorial”).

        1922 - largest sailing ship in the history of shipbuilding "France II", hit a reef.

        1931 - monument to Musketeer D'Artagnan is opened in France.

        1962 - first ''Rolling Stones'' concert was held in London. Mick Jagger, Kate Richards, Brian Jones, Dick Taylor (bass guitar) and Mick Eyvor (drums) took to the stage of the ''Marki Club''.

        1978 - Michelle Rodriguez, American actress (“Fast and Furious”, “S.W.A.T.”, “Resident Evil”, “Avatar”, “Machete”) and producer was born.

        1988 - The Phobos-2 automatic interplanetary station was launched in the USSR.

        1998 - French football team for the first time became a world football champion, beating the Brazilian national team in the final with a score of 3: 0.

        2003 - in California, the court ordered the Taiwanese caramel manufacturer to pay $ 50 million to the parents of a child who choked on candy and died from it.

        2011 - Neptune completed its first complete revolution around the sun since the discovery of the planet in 1846.


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