June 30, or Tunguska Meteorite and Asteroid Day


Zodiac Sign Cancer

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CancerJune 30It is incredibly difficult to get people born on this day to do something if they are not in the mood for it.

People of this day are divided into two types: extroverts and introverts, however, both have high personal goals. Their world is a personal property, where outsiders are prohibited from entering.

Introverts from among those who were born on this day organize their lives so that everything in it resembles their home. Any undertaking must first of all meet the criteria of reliability, safety, predictability.

Extroverts behave quite good-naturedly until they find themselves in a game situation. At this point they need to make sure that their violent nature does not get out of control.


Cancer men born on June 30:
  • boast the following distinctive features: 
  • artistic, 
  • gentle, 
  • adventurous, 
  • emotional.
  • The Cancer man values loyalty and boundless love, bordering on unhealthy adoration, while the role of a leader in relationships is important to him.
  • Finding the necessary balance will become a difficult aspect of a relationship with a Cancer Man - with all the selfish love for domination, he will quickly lose interest in a woman without individuality.
Cancer women born on June 30:
  • stand out for special facets of temperament: 
  • supportive, 
  • cautious, 
  • friendly.
  • In love, a Cancer woman is obsessed, desperate, unpredictable and losing control.
  • She attaches great importance to sensual pleasures, but is ashamed of her weakness and hides behind a feigned coldness.

Main event

The Tunguska meteorite fell to Earth

June 30, 1908

The Tunguska meteorite fell to Earth
The mystery of the Tunguska meteorite has not yet been revealed.

June 30, 1908 at 7 am local time over the vast territory of Central Siberia in the interfluve of the Lower Tunguska and Lena flew a giant balloon. The flight was accompanied by sound and light effects and ended with an explosion, the power of which is estimated at 40-50 megatons, which corresponds to the energy of the most powerful (from the blown up) hydrogen bomb.

A blast wave within a radius of 40 kilometers was destroyed a forest, animals were destroyed, and people were injured. Because of the powerful light flash and the flow of hot gases, a forest fire broke out, which completed the devastation of the area. On a vast space, starting from the Yenisei River and ending with the Atlantic coast of Europe, a few nights in a row there were unprecedented in scale and completely unusual light phenomena that went down in history as "bright nights of the summer of 1908".

Scientists have put forward many hypotheses of the explosion. Now there are about a hundred of them. Adherents of the first believe that a giant meteorite fell to Earth. Beginning in 1927, his tracks were searched in the area of ​​the explosion by the first Soviet scientific expeditions. However, the scene of the accident was not the usual meteor crater.

Subsequent expeditions noticed that the area of ​​the fallen forest has a characteristic "butterfly" shape, directed from the east-southeast to the west-north-west. A study of this area showed that the explosion occurred not in the collision of the body with the earth's surface, but even before that in the air at an altitude of 5-10 kilometers.

Astronomer V. Fesenkov put forward a version of the collision of the Earth with a comet. In another version, it was a body that possessed great kinetic energy, had low density, low strength and high volatility, which led to its rapid destruction and evaporation as a result of sudden braking in the lower dense layers of the atmosphere.

However, the nature of the Tunguska phenomenon still remains unclear. And in memory of this event in 2016, according to the UN decision, a new international date - the Day of the Asteroid is established.


Asteroid Day

The holiday has been celebrated since 2017 in “the purpose of raising public awareness about the danger of a collision with asteroids”.

World Asteroid Day was proclaimed by the UN General Assembly at its meeting on December 7, 2016.

It was decided to celebrate the new space festival annually on the international level on June 30 - the anniversary of the “Tunguska phenomenon over Siberia”.

The initiative to establish the new date belongs to the Association of Space Explorers and is supported by the Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space.

And the main ideologues of the Day are rock musician, ''Queen'' guitarist and astrophysicist Brian May, and director Grieg Richters. Their collaboration began in February 2014, when Brian May wrote musical accompaniment for the Richters disaster film about the fall of a large asteroid on London. As a result, the idea of creating the Day of the asteroid was born.

Also on June 30 ...

1894 - opened the most famous London bridge - Tower Bridge.

1905 - Albert Einstein in the article "On the electrodynamics of moving bodies" outlined the basics of the Special Theory of Relativity.

1936 - The first edition of ''Gone with the Wind'' was printed by American writer Margaret Mitchell.

1942 - Robert Ballard was born, a geologist-researcher, in 1985, discovered the sunken ''Titanic''.

1948 - William Shockley, Walter Brattein, and John Bardeen created the transistor at Bell Laboratories, a US firm of physics. For this achievement, they were awarded the Nobel Prize.

1959 - Vincent D’Onofrio, American actor, was born

1963 - Yngwie Malmsteen was born, Swedish guitarist.

1964 - the first photographs of the Moon were taken at close range.

1966 - born Mike Tyson, American boxer, two-time world heavyweight champion, whose sporting fame is completely unfairly ruined by criminal fame.

1971 - the crash of the ''Soyuz-11'' manned spacecraft. The whole crew died.

1972, 23:59:60 UTC - a leap second was first introduced.

1993 - 1200 toasters of the same company and one series were returned to Cape Town stores. The "toasters - killers," as the South African newspapers called them, fired ready-made toasts with such force that some of their happy owners received physical injuries. The toasters were discontinued, and the manufacturing company, dishonored and disgraced, left the South African market.

1997 - first Harry Potter book, ''Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone'', was published in the UK.

2008 - crash of ''Tu-154'' aircraft in St. Petersburg.

2009 - crash of the ''A310'' aircraft near the Comoros.


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