June 29, or First Boeing and Tropics Day


Zodiac Sign Cancer

June: 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
July: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
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CancerJune 29Fortunately, those born on June 29 have certain financial capabilities in order to build castles in the air in reality.

As a rule, they demonstrate a deep knowledge of the subject they are engaged in, however, due to their obvious disinclination to excessive talkativeness, it is sometimes difficult for them to explain their plans and methods of their implementation.

However, the results of labor born on June 29 are always impressive, and the ease with which they achieve this partly explains why these people are called wizards.

Among other things, those born on June 29 are seekers of truth, they do not recognize lies and falsehood, it is difficult to mislead them.

They firmly believe that the goals they serve will help lift the veil over reality, or at least become the criterion of purity and honesty.


Cancer men born on June 29:
  • have the following distinctive features: 
  • educative, 
  • imaginative, 
  • adventurous, 
  • romantic.
  • The Cancer man values loyalty and boundless love, bordering on unhealthy adoration, while the role of a leader in relationships is important to him.
  • Finding the necessary balance will become a difficult aspect of a relationship with a Cancer Man - with all the selfish love for domination, he will quickly lose interest in a woman without individuality.
Cancer women born on June 29:
  • endowed with such differences of nature: 
  • homely, 
  • soft, 
  • emotional.
  • In love, a Cancer woman is obsessed, desperate, unpredictable and losing control.
  • She attaches great importance to sensual pleasures, but is ashamed of her weakness and hides behind a feigned coldness.

Main event

The first Boeing aircraft took off in the air

June 29, 1916

The first Boeing aircraft took off in the air
Boeing 1 B&W

His first seaplane on two floats - Boeing 1 B & W - American engineer William Boeing built in a boat shed on the shore of Lake Union. June 29, 1916 for his test, he hired a professional pilot, but he was late, and the desperate designer himself decided to sit at the helm. This aircraft, also named as Model 1, had a linen-wooden biplane design with wings of different sizes and ailerons on the upper wing.

William Boeing studied at Yale University, but did not complete his education and then worked for a while in the forest industry, where he got rich and got knowledge about wood structures that proved invaluable for the subsequent development and production of airplanes.

Already on July 15, 1916, Boeing registered its company, which a year later was called the Boeing Airplane Company. In two years, 50 seaplanes for the navy were built in workshops, where more than 300 people worked.

By 1927 Boeing began manufacturing fighter planes and postal aircraft. Orders were estimated at several hundred aircraft per year. In 1929 the company became one of the leaders of the American aircraft industry.

During the Second World War, Boeing built a huge number of bombers. Many of the workers who worked at that time were women, whose husbands had gone to war. In early March 1944 production was expanded, and every month more than 350 aircraft were produced.

The company produces a wide range of civil and military aircraft, being, along with Airbus, the largest aircraft manufacturer in the world. In addition, Boeing produces a wide range of military aerospace equipment (including helicopters), and conducts large-scale space programs (for example, the CST-100 spacecraft).

The company's plants are located in 67 countries around the world. The company delivers its products to 145 countries. Boeing cooperates with more than 5,200 suppliers in 100 countries.

Boeing Corporation has a private firefighting service (Boeing Fire Department). Currently, it has 21 fire brigades, 300 professional firemen, 13 workers who are not fire fighters.

In 2018, on March 28, operating systems of the Boeing aircraft-building corporation were subjected to cyber attacks using the WannaCry virus. The company quickly rehabilitated the software, and the virus did not affect the production activities of Boeing.


Tropics Day

Since 2016, according to the UN decision, this climate zone has its own holiday.

Tropical areas and their climatic zones are located to the south and north of the equator between the Tropic of Capricorn in the south and the Tropic of Cancer in the north.

Tropics is characterized by a hot climate, mostly dry inside the continent and more humid on the coasts, where moisture is brought from the ocean.

Tropics as a region occupy 40% of the entire territory of the world, on which about 80% of all biological species of the Earth are concentrated, as well as a significant part of languages and cultures. Despite the fact that tropical countries have made significant progress, they still have to face various challenges in the sustainable development.

The International Day of the Tropics was established by the UN General Assembly to raise awareness at all levels of the special difficulties faced by tropical areas and the far-reaching consequences of problems affecting this zone of the World.

Also on June 29...

1174 - Poltava was first mentioned in the Ipatiev Chronicle, called Ltava. The name Poltava appeared in 1430.

1613 - during the premiere of Shakespeare's "Henry VII", "Globus Theater" burned down.

1754 - designed by Italian architect Bartolomeo Francesco Rastrelli in St. Petersburg began the construction of the Winter Palace, which was completed in 1762.

1855 - The first issue of The Daily Telegraph was published in London.

1888 - one of the oldest surviving sound recordings was made. Handel's oratorio "Israel in Egypt", performed by a choir of 4,000 voices at the Handel Festival in the London Crystal Palace, was recorded on Edison's refined phonograph. This sound recording, made by Edison's representative in England by Colonel George Gouraud, is considered the oldest surviving recording of music made for the purpose of further reproduction. Also, it was considered the oldest surviving recording of music in general, until the digital restoration of the background music of the French inventor Leon Scott.

1900 - Antoine de Saint-Exupery, French writer (“The Little Prince”) was born. He was a postal pilot, test pilot, mastered new routes in Africa over the Sahara, over the Atlantic and South America. During the Second World War he became a military pilot, fought in North Africa, in July 1944 did not return from reconnaissance flight.

1922 - Fyodor Chaliapin went on tour abroad and never returned to Russia.

1925 - Marvin Pipkin patented a light bulb with a matte facing.

1944 - Gary Busey, American film actor, composer, producer was born. He starred in more than 165 films.

1955 - Bill Haley’s Rock song “Rock Around the Clock” rose to first place in the American charts and remained for eight weeks. This date can be considered the birthday of rock and roll.

1964 - the first wireless TV control panel was created, which could switch the channel and adjust the volume.

1973 - ''Deep Purple'' concert in Osaka (Japan) was their last performance in the classical lineup of the early 1970s. Ian Gillan and Roger Glover reunited with the group only in 1984.

1995 - ''Sampoong'' supermarket collapsed in Seoul, 502 people died.

1995 - due to heavy rainfall in Kharkov there was a major accident at the Dikanevskiy treatment facilities and the city was left without water for a month.

1998 - is the official day of the release of the ''Intel Pentium II Xeon'' processor.

2007 - the first iPhone went on sale in the USA.

2010 - Supreme Court of the Russian Federation finally banned the Slavic Union.


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