July 20, or Cake and Chess Day

Cancer, July 20

Zodiac Sign Cancer

June: 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
July: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
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CancerJuly 20Often the life of those born on July 20 consists of an endless series of ups and downs. This applies to family, professional and emotional life as well as their dreams and hobbies. The ups and downs for those born on July 20 are as natural as the changing seasons in nature.

To understand what the personality of those born on July 20 is, it is necessary to observe them in dynamics, since the transition from one state to another is a process quite typical for these people.

In general, those born on July 20 are attracted not by ups and downs, as such, not by successes or failures, but by the process of movement itself. Thus, it is not the present state that is important for them, but the future is not “is”, but “to become”.

Many of them are extremely active, and by no means static people. However, the endless process of movement has its drawbacks: there is a danger of turning into extremely unbalanced individuals, akin to radioactive elements.


Cancer men born on July 20:
  • have the following qualities: 
  • kind, 
  • sincere, 
  • devoted, 
  • persistent.
  • Cancer men, for the most part, are prone to excessive exaggeration of life problems - their depression and negative attitude can greatly spoil the impression. 
  • Refined, restless and ambiguous, Cancers can look capricious and speculate on their sophistication and mystery.
  • But at the same time, Cancer men are loyal and faithful, especially in matters of love - they can fanatically idealize the object of their adoration.

Cancer women born on July 20:
  • characterized by such differences of nature: 
  • feminine, 
  • affectionate, 
  • emotional.
        Cancer women are divided into two types.
        • The first is affectionate, shy and somewhat frigid women who amaze with their humility and readiness to cringe.
        • The second, on the contrary, are bright, emotionally unstable, with high self-esteem.
        Both types are suspicious, sensitive to criticism, prone to excessive drama, impressionable.


        International Cake Day

        International Cake Day

        July 20 marks an interesting and still young holiday - International Cake Day, dedicated to friendship and peace between people, countries, peoples. It passes under the motto "I CAKE YOU", which means - "I will come to you with a cake", that, in general, it is logical - how, if not a cake with tea, to celebrate peace and friendship?

        At the roots of this sweet summer holiday was the "Milan Club" of the Kingdom of Love - a community of friends, whose members are musicians, cooks and other enthusiastic creative people. And it was this creative union in 2009 that started the tradition of creating joint musical cakes, which was later supported by other countries.

        For the first time on an international scale, Cake Day was celebrated on July 20, 2011, it is held with the aim of spreading the ideas of peace and friendship on the planet through culture. Therefore, the motto of the Day was the phrase "I CAKE YOU". Every year the holiday is dedicated to a certain topic. The countries that took an active part in this first celebration of the Cake Day in 2011 and became the founders of the international holiday are Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Armenia, Israel, the USA.

        On this day, the world's first collective "multinational" peace-making cake was baked - many people from these countries took part in preparing it, and they sent photos of cakes baked to them on the festival's website. Then the parameters of all cakes were summed up, and the borders of the world's first collective peacekeeping cake covered Europe, Asia, America and the Middle East. And since then, Cake Day has become an annual sweet tradition, and the number of participants from different countries is increasing.

        Since the Day of Cake is celebrated not only for the glory of beloved sweets, but also as a sign of the strength of the friendly bonds of the peoples of the world, its holding has become an important event in the cultural and social life of different countries. To participate in festive events, which are often held with the support of local authorities, everyone is invited. And for a couple of years this sweet tradition has been joined by many sweeties, and celebrates the Day of the cake at all levels and the most diverse people.

        By the way, every year the holiday is devoted to a certain topic. So, in 2012, Cake Day was held on a space theme, because cosmonautics, like no other area of ​​human activity, unites the progressive people of our planet.

        In 2013, the theme of the holiday was the words "Planet of Love" - ​​the theme of showing love for the world around us.

        In 2014 - "Parade of the Planets", because every person, every organization, each country - as a separate planet, unique in its kind, so this topic allows all participants of the holiday to show the world their talents and share their good feelings. Every year the number of participants is increasing ...

        In 2015 - "Visiting the Tale". Fairy-tale themes open up endless possibilities for cake makers who were able to demonstrate the wonders of culinary craftsmanship and their creative talents on the subject of favorite fairy tales.

        The theme of 2016 is "Journey in Time." The exact date of the appearance of such a holiday delicacy, as a cake, is unknown. There are opinions that the history of the cake is about 4 thousand years old. And in honor of the holiday, the confectioners had a unique opportunity to make an excursus into history and present cakes that were fashionable centuries ago to the audience.

        In 2017, the holiday was held under the motto "The Garden of Love", which became a very fertile topic for all connoisseurs of beauty and romance. Confectioners in different countries of the world know that the most exquisitely and effectively decorate the cake can be flowers - cream, sugar or alive.

        The theme of 2018 is "Our Movie". Cinema art is a kind of artistic creativity, which is a synthesis of literature, fine arts, theater and music.
        In 2011, in the Kingdom of Love was created a new genre - Real Fantasy, which is a synthesis of the game and documentary. Since then, the successful implementation of the first project in the new genre - the movie "Breaking the Wall", which tells about the adventures of space bikers from the star of love AZAM21 on planet Earth, continues. And in 2018 confectioners, filmmakers, fans of movies and cakes, all creative people will celebrate the sweetest holiday of the year interestingly and unusually, according to their unique scenarios.

        Anyone can take part in the holiday, regardless of culinary abilities, age, country of residence and other factors. After all, the cake is a symbol of good, love, association of people, therefore, within the framework of the holiday, it is possible not only to bake, but also ... draw, blind, tie, create from any materials that fall on the arm. The main thing that he pleased you and others.

        Among the most popular events are exhibitions of the most unusual cakes on this Day, a fair of cooks, an auction of author's art aprons, confectioners' competitions, a confectionery show, a solemn Cake Parade, master classes for children and adults for making and decorating cakes, various flashmobs ... There is no limit to fantasy! And you can just send electronic or paper greetings to friends and acquaintances, organize a friendly or corporate party with a tea party. After all, Cake Day is a very cheerful and life-affirming holiday.

        This bright and sweet holiday receives wide coverage in the media, on forums, blogs and social networks. Organizers on the official website of the holiday and in social networks publish photo and video reports about celebrations from around the world and hope that the International Day of Cake, whose goal is to spread the ideas of friendship and peace, unite people and give a good mood and positive emotions, will become a good tradition for people all over the world. 

        Feel sweet taste of the holiday - it's so easy!

        International Chess Day

        Every year on July 20, the world celebrates International Chess Day.

        The holiday is held by decision of FIDE - the World Chess Federation, founded in 1924.

        Homeland of chess is India. There in the V century appeared the predecessor of chess - the game chaturanga.

        Chess is a board game on a 64-cell board, on which there are 32 figures (16 figures in white and black). Play 2 partner. The goal of the game is to checkmate the opponent's king. It is believed that the game of chess contributes to the development of memory, mental abilities, creative and logical thinking. According to FIDE, today chess is recognized as a sport in 105 countries of the world.

        Also on July 20 ...

        1304 - Francesco Petrarca, Italian poet, head of the older generation of humanists, one of the greatest figures of the Italian Renaissance, was born.

        1534 - first publisher in the world was registered in Cambridge.

        1836 - Thomas Olbut, English doctor, inventor of a medical thermometer, was born.

        1917 - BMW is registered.

        1938 - Natalie Wood was born (her real name is Natalya Zakharenko), an American film actress of Russian origin (“West Side Story”, “Great Race”).

        1940 - American music magazine ''Billboard'' published the first list of the most popular songs. Previously, such lists were already published in the journal, but the data presented in them were given by manufacturing companies and reflected the popularity of records produced only by them. Now all the information was put together and represented an objective picture of the sales of records of one or another singer. The first to lead the chart was the song “I’ll Never Smile Again”, recorded by the ''Tommy Dorsey Orchestra'' with Frank Sinatra and the vocal group ''The Pied Pipers''.

        1947 - Carlos Santana, American Mexican guitar player, was born.

        1960 - a woman was elected a head of government for the first time in history: Sirimavo Bandaranaike becomes prime minister of  Sri Lanka.

        1969 - American spacecraft ''Apollo 11'' completed its first landing on the Moon.

        1969 - Josh Lee Holloway, American actor, best known for playing Sawyer in ''Lost'' series was born.

        1976 - the landing compartment of the ''Viking-1'' spacecraft (USA) made a soft landing on the surface of Mars.

        1987 - Paul McCartney began recording a new album, which was released only in the Soviet Union.

        2005 - same-sex marriage law entered into force at the national level in Canada.

        2012 - 14 people killed and about 50 injured in the shooting at the premiere of a new  movie about Batman in the city of Aurora in the vicinity of Denver.


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