July 26, or FBI, Skydiver and Esperanto Day


Zodiac Sign Leo

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LeoJuly 26Born on this day are highly dominant individuals. However, their authority is based not so much on financial or physical strength, but on an understanding of the truth of life, the essence of current events and personal participation in them.

When people born on July 26 comment on something, they know what they are talking about, because they are based on their own experience, and often also on a deep knowledge of the subject itself.

The most exceptional people born on this day become a kind of messiah, followed obediently by their worshipers.

Closing in on an in-depth study of any one subject or focusing their efforts strictly on a certain direction of activity, those born on July 26 may seem overly straightforward people. They bring to this specialized area of their interest all the knowledge about life that they have acquired over the years.



Leo men born on July 26:
  • characterized by the following characteristics: 
  • confident, 
  • recognized, 
  • cheerful, 
  • leader.
  • Leo is a masculine sign, as its emphasis shifts towards leadership qualities and power energy.
  • Men of this sign are typical strong and bright alpha males and macho, ready to throw all the treasures of the world at the feet of their chosen one, counting on admiration and emphasizing their superiority.

Leo women born on July 26:
  • endowed with the following traits: 
  • confident, 
  • open, 
  • disciplined, 
  • extravagant.
  • The ability to put herself above others and the regal manners of the Leo woman hypnotize many men.
  • At the same time, Lionesses are often bright, strong, charismatic women in bright outfits, which men of a timid dozen are simply afraid of.
  • Falling in love, this woman loses her head and gives herself up without a trace.
Main event 

In the United States, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) was established

July 26, 1908

The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)

The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) is the successor of the Bureau of Investigation, established on July 26, 1908 in the US Department of Justice.

The current name it received in 1935. The FBI is part of the system of the Ministry of Justice and is subordinated to the Attorney General. His official motto is "loyalty, courage, honesty."

The main areas of the FBI's activities are the fight against terrorism and organized crime, counterintelligence, combating drug trafficking and serious crimes against the individual, as well as investigating violations of civil rights.

The bureau is in charge of the country's largest center for the registration of crimes and criminals. The order of the investigation conducted by the FBI is regulated by federal criminal procedure legislation, decisions of the US Supreme Court, orders, instructions and instructions of the president and the attorney general.

The director, the deputy director and the heads of the main divisions in the rank of assistant director supervise the work of the FBI.

The director of the FBI is appointed to his office for a period of ten years by the President of the United States "on the advice and with the consent of the Senate."

The headquarters of the FBI is located in the building. Edgar Hoover in Washington, DC, USA.

The FBI actively participates in international cooperation programs in these areas. FBI communication posts exist at US embassies in 34 countries.


Skydiver Day

Skydiver Day is an unofficial holiday, but it is widely celebrated among professionals and skydiving enthusiasts.

On July 26, 1930, a group of Soviet paratrooper pilots led by B. Mukhortov made a series of aircraft jumps near Voronezh. This event marked the beginning of the massive development of parachute sport in the USSR.

The holiday is also celebrated in other countries, in particular in Kazakhstan, Belarus, and Russia.

And it seems that not only the parachutists of the former USSR celebrate this day: on July 26, 1998 in Illinois (USA) 246 parachutists made a living circle in the sky (world record).

Esperanto Day

Every year on July 26, fans of the first artificial language in the world celebrate Esperanto Day.

This sign system was created by an oculist Ludwig Zamenhof. He was born in Bialystok - now this city is located on the territory of Poland, and in the 19th century was part of the Russian Empire.

Zamenhof’s neighbors were Russians, Belorussians, Poles, Jews, Germans, Lithuanians. Communication with people of different nationalities prompted the young man to create a language that could be understood by anyone on the planet.

Ludwig Zamenhof published his first work under the pseudonym Esperanto. This name, which translates as “Hopeful,” soon became the name of the language itself.

Also on July 26...

1722 - war on the Indians was declared in Boston. For the scalp of the Indian was promised from 15 to 100 pounds.

1856 - George Bernard Shaw was born, Irish writer, winner of the 1925 Nobel Prize "for creativity marked by idealism and humanism, for sparkling satire, which is often combined with exceptional poetic beauty" ("Cart with apples", "Androkl and Lion", " Pygmalion "," Candida "). Quote: "In addition to those things that everyone can learn, - the ability to dress well and speak correctly, and all that, - a lady differs from a florist not in the way she keeps herself, but in the way she behaves with her."

1864 - “On July 26, 1864, with a strong northeastern wind, a magnificent yacht rushed at full speed along the Northern Strait ...” - the beginning of the J. Verne's novel ''Children of Captain Grant''.

1875 - Carl Gustav Jung, a Swiss psychiatrist, psychologist, philosopher, founder of "analytical psychology" was born. Jung's research (along with Z. Freud) led to the fact that telling your dreams became a dangerous thing for reputation.

1908 - The Federal Bureau of Investigation is created in the USA.

1928 - born Stanley Kubrick, American film director, creator of a number of truly epic canvases (“Eyes wide shut”, “Full Metal Jacket”, “Shining”, “A Clockwork Orange”, “Space Odyssey 2001”).

1943 - Mick Jagger was born, the leader of the ''Rolling Stones'' group.

1953 - Cuban revolution began. Cubans love this holiday and create a lot of carnivals, festive processions, concerts and demonstrations on the streets of Havana and Santiago de Cuba.

1959 - Kevin Spacey was born, American film actor (''American Beauty''), winner of 2two Oscars.

1964 - Sandra Bullock, Oscar-winning American actress and congenial FBI agent, was born.

1967 - Jason Statham was born, a British actor known for films directed by Guy Ritchie "Cards, money, two trunks", "Big Jackpot" and "Revolver", as well as the adrenaline filographer and the film series "The Expendables" and ''Fast and the Furious''.

1973 - Kate Beckinsale was born, an American actress and a charming vampire from "Another World".

1978 - Danish explorer William Peterson discovers the most northern point of land - Odac  Island (706 km from the North Pole).

1989 - 24-year-old American student, Robert Morris, was charged with creating and launching a computer virus. Morris was the first virus creator who was prosecuted.

1994 - 29-year-old putsch leader Yaya Jammeh declares himself president of the Gambia and promises to hold parliamentary elections in the country. He is 29 years old (the youngest president in world history).

1995 - representatives of 15 countries of the European Union sign the Convention on the Establishment of Europol, an organization designed to coordinate the activities of EU crime police in combating crime. It will enter into force on October 1, 1998.

1998 - in Illinois (USA) 246 paratroopers form a living circle in the sky (world record).

2005 - the first launch of the shuttle after the crash of ''Columbia'': ''Discovery'' is sent on the flight.

2010 - Russia abolished the maximum permitted rate of alcohol content in the driver’s blood.


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