August 4, or Champagne's Birthday


Zodiac Sign Leo

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LeoAugust 4Born on this day are often the focal point for any social group, political movement, family, or business to which they belong.

Not always created to be leaders, they must nonetheless be in a leadership position; in fact, their influence is felt and their philosophy is known to everyone with whom they come in contact.

Sometimes they are useful to their group, at least because they are the embodiment of its ideals, adhering to a certain lifestyle that is truly worthy of respect.

For tireless and active people born on August 4, it is important to be able to go their own way. Too often they are hot-headed and furious when faced with resistance. Because of these features, as well as due to the tendency to rebel against the existing system, they can lead their like-minded people only for a limited period of time, unless, of course, they set themselves the goal of constantly conducting revolutionary activity.

With a strong mind and strong will, they make every effort to take a position in which they will be absolutely free in their words and deeds.


Leo men born on August 4:
  • can be proud of the following properties: 
  • gallant, 
  • decisive, 
  • confident, 
  • playful.
  • Leo is a masculine sign, as its emphasis shifts towards leadership qualities and power energy.
  • Men of this sign are typical strong and bright alpha males and macho, ready to throw all the treasures of the world at the feet of their chosen one, counting on admiration and emphasizing their superiority.

Leo women born on August 4:
  • stand out for their special qualities: 
  • reliable, 
  • creative, 
  • kind, 
  • bright.
  • The ability to put herself above others and the regal manners of the Leo woman hypnotize many men.
  • At the same time, Lionesses are often bright, strong, charismatic women in bright outfits, which men of a timid dozen are simply afraid of.
  • Falling in love, this woman loses her head and gives herself up without a trace.

Birthday of champagne

August 4, 1668

date, history, food,

As an economist at the abbey of Hautville, located in the very center of Champagne, the Benedictine monk Pierre Perignon was in charge of edible supplies and a cellar, and at leisure he was engaged in experiments on the production of various wines.

And so, on August 4, 1668 Father Perignon presented a surprised drink to the surprised brethren: the silvery bubbles rose from the bottom of the glass with a quiet rustle, the transparent foam sparkled, as if alive. This sparkling wine became the progenitor of modern champagne, the date is the birthday of this drink, and the name Perignon is subsequently a brand of French premium champagne.

By the way, Pierre Pérignon not only the first produced champagne, but also suggested that instead of the usual traffic jams at the time of oiled stick used cortical, which is still used today.

Although the invention of champagne was dated 4 August 1668, a description of the technology of its production was published only in 1718 by the abbot Fedino, the canon of the Reims cathedral.

In 1728, it began trading with champagne, and the first manufacturer of sparkling wines "Ruinart" was founded a year later.

By the end of the 19th century, champagne became popular all over the world (and it still does not lose it today), and many countries began to master its production. Particularly successful in this business have reached the Russian winemakers, who even received prizes at exhibitions in Paris.

However, such a competitive situation did not suit the wine makers from Champagne itself. After the First World War, France adopted a law that established that champagne can be called only those sparkling wines that are produced directly in the province of Champagne, with strict adherence to certain rules.

Also on August 4...

1525 - died Andrea della Robbia (b. 1435), Florentine sculptor, the greatest master of polychrome glazed terracotta (majolica).

1526 - died Sebastian Elcano (b. 1486), a Spanish navigator who completed the first world tour after the death of Magellan.

1777 - a retired senior sergeant of the 15th Light Dragoons Regiment Philip Astley opened the world's first circus in London. In the round arena (hence the word “circus” itself) riders on horseback performed. Astley owns the merit of determining the diameter of the circus stage (42 feet), which was chosen in such a way that the optimum centrifugal force was created for the rider.

1834 - born John Venn (d. 1923), English logician and philosopher, who invented the ''Venn diagram''.

1875 - died Hans Christian Andersen (b. 1805), a Danish writer, poet and storyteller.

1901 - Louis Armstrong was born, the greatest jazz musician of the 20th century.

1912 - first passenger flight over the English Channel was completed (there were only two passengers).

1914 - World War I: Britain declared war on Germany.

1922 - the funeral of inventor Alexander Bell took place. For a minute, 13 million phones across North America were silent.

1947 - born Klaus Schulze, German composer and musician, one of the founders of electronic music.

1955 - Billy Bob Thornton, American actor, screenwriter, director and singer was born.

1961 - born Barack Obama, the 44th President of the United States.

1984 - African state of Upper Volta changed its name to Burkina Faso.

1995 - operation ''Storm'' begins, ending with the destruction of the Republic of Serb Krajina and the Republic of Western Bosnia.

2002 - former king of Afghanistan returned to the chambers of his palace, which he left 29 years ago.

2006 - died John Tilden Locke (b. 1943), American pianist, member of the rock bands Spirit and Nazareth.

2007 - American AMC ''Phoenix'', designed for Mars exploration, was launched from the Canaveral space center using the ''Delta 2'' launch vehicle.


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