August 11, or SOS, Viburnum and St. Clara's Day


Zodiac Sign Leo

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LeoAugust 11Born on this day have a strong desire to know the truth.

They also have an interest in the dark sides of life and in topics that tend to be rejected by sensitive enough people. They feel it is their job to courageously expose what is hidden: to test and, if necessary, expose those who impersonate others. Proving and documenting the truth, however monstrous it may be, can turn into mania for them and even become a matter of their life.

More advanced people born on August 11 can address these issues in a positive and creative way by enlightening and educating their fellows.

Natures that are not so refined can come to terms with unpleasant truths, which ultimately leads to antisocial actions on their part.

Nevertheless, these latter can raise their spiritual level, realizing the bad deeds, commenting on them and thus initiating the movement to a higher level of their existence. With this aspect, they have a chance to go through major evolutionary changes in personality during one life cycle.



Leo men born on August 11:
  • are characterized by the following characteristics: 
  • cheerful, 
  • leader, 
  • creative, 
  • recognized.
  • Leo is a masculine sign, as its emphasis shifts towards leadership qualities and power energy.
  • Men of this sign are typical strong and bright alpha males and macho, ready to throw all the treasures of the world at the feet of their chosen one, counting on admiration and emphasizing their superiority.
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Leo women born on August 11:
  • stand out for special differences of nature: 
  • kind, 
  • reliable, 
  • creative, 
  • bright.
  • The ability to put herself above others and the regal manners of the Leo woman hypnotize many men.
  • At the same time, Lionesses are often bright, strong, charismatic women in bright outfits, which men of a timid dozen are simply afraid of.
  • Falling in love, this woman loses her head and gives herself up without a trace.

The SOS signal was first transmitted

August 11, 1909

SOS - an international distress signal

SOS - an international distress signal according to the Morse code is a sequence (... _ _ _ ...), and it has become the international standard for a marine distress signal for radio communications under the International Radio Telegraph Convention.

Even before the invention of radio in the early 1890s, a variety of visual and audio distress signals were already used on sea-going vessels. For this purpose, such means of communication as semaphore flags, signal lights and bells were used. The radio (then called the "wireless telegraph") first used the Morse code, a system originally developed for a terrestrial wire telegraph. When radio stations began to appear on ships, there was a need for standardization of communications, but cooperation was hampered by national differences and rivalry between competing radio companies, such as Marconi International Marine Communication Company, Telefunken and Sloby Arco.

In 1906, in Berlin, the Second International Radio Telegraph Conference was held. Twenty-nine countries took part in its work, including Britain, Germany, Russia, the United States, France and Japan. According to the International Radio-Telegraph Convention signed in Berlin on November 3, 1906, a signal for radio communication at sea was signaled (... - - - ...). The radio stations of the countries that signed the convention had to receive it from the courts without any queue. With the introduction of this signal, all other distress signals of private firms were canceled.

The first reliable use of the SOS signal happened on August 11, 1909, when the American steamship Arapaoe lost its course and kicked it on its way from New York to Jacksonville. The signal was received by the United Wireless Telegraph Company on Hatteras Island in North Carolina and redirected to the offices of the shipping company.

In fact, the letters SOS do not refer to any words (like "save our souls"). They were chosen simply because they were easier to transfer.

The distress code in radiotelephone communication is "MAY DAY".

At present, the use of Morse code for the transmission of distress signals has been replaced by automated warning systems.

In Folks

Viburnum Day

Our ancestors considered viburnum to be a symbol of pure and immaculate beauty, and the bitter taste of the berries symbolized the bitter fate of the girl, married without love.

Peasants cooked kissels and compotes from viburnum; they pounded her with honey, made marmalade, mixed with applesauce.

Viburnum pies are made this day. Vladimir Dal describes their cooking: “A pinch of viburnum will wrap with a piece of rye dough, straighten it, put on a dry cabbage leaf - and then bake and roast on a baking sheet, in a stove, in free spirit. And when it will smell like a treat - open the flap, take out the finished pies. Cabbage leaf is shaken off - and here it is, pie with Viburnum, with a forest smell! ”.

Also, the morning frosts were called viburnum, which had already happened at that time and had a destructive effect on the bread left in the fields. In the northern provinces they prayed: "Carry, O Lord, with a daze, not frost."

St. Clara's Day

By the way, today is St. Clara's Day - the patroness of television, telephone and telegraph.

According to legend, at the end of her life, her health deteriorated greatly, and she could no longer take part in the mass. However, the image of the mass was magically reflected on the wall of her cell.

Also on August 11...

3114 BC - long count in the Mayan calendar has begun.

1866 - first roller skating rink in the world opened in the USA.

1877 - American astronomer Asaf Hall discovered the moons of Mars - Phobos and Deimos.

1899 - the introduction of the "Interim Rules", about placing students to the soldiers after participating in the student movement.

1906 - in England, Eugene Last patented a sound film, which saved the audience from the grimace of actors.

1918 - the estimated date of installation of the monument to Judas Iscariot in Sviyazhsk. The opening of the monument could also take place on August 12th. Two weeks later, he disappeared without a trace.

1926 - ''Kodak'' company announced that it began work on creating color film.

1950 - Stephen Wozniak, American computer developer, co-founder of Apple, was born.

1953 - Hulk Hogan, American wrestler and actor, was born.

1969 - for the first time in one of the Beverly Hills clubs, Diana Ross presented the group ''Jackson 5'' to the audience. Of course, the most compelling impression on the three and a half hundred guests was made by an 11-year-old boy named Michael.

1981 - IBM PC was introduced.

1984 - US President Ronald Reagan, checking the microphone before the press conference, declared to the whole country, not knowing that the microphone was turned on: “Dear Americans, I am pleased to inform you that I have just signed a law declaring Russia outlawed for all time. Bombing will start in five minutes. ”

1996 - Wanga (real name of Wangelia Pandev-Guscherov) died; Bulgarian clairvoyant. According to the statements of followers, Wanga had the ability to determine the diseases of people with great accuracy and predict their future. Often, she sent people to healers or doctors who could help these people, and often she did not know these healers and spoke of them like this: in such city there is such a person.

1999 - total solar eclipse, visible in Europe.

1999 - in the state of Kansas, US, lectures on the theory of evolution of Charles Darwin were excluded from the programs of public schools.

1998 - American Jim Parol put 151 straws in his mouth (world record).

2014 - died Robin Williams (b. 1951), American actor and stand-up comedian, winner of the Oscar.


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