July 28, or Hepatitis and Christening of Kievan Rus Day


Zodiac Sign Leo

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LeoJuly 28Born on this day often demonstrate a strong desire to excel in both social and professional spheres. The desire to establish authority in any way is evident not only in their actions, but even in their appearance. Those who had to communicate with these people almost immediately understand that it is not in their rules to be content with secondary roles.

Born 28 July cannot be satisfied with the state of expectation when the storm passes, but they are eager to be at the top of the wave.

Those born on this day are looking for excellence in all spheres of life - from playing in the bedroom to the holy of holies of the board of directors of a large corporation. Of course, such obsessed individuals simply have to face great moral problems.

The people around them consider them indifferent and ruthless, when those born on July 28 go to their goal, without looking back and without considering any costs.

In addition, those born on July 28 do not tolerate opposition to their endeavors, which they suppress in the bud.



Leo men born on July 28:
  • characterized by the following properties: 
  • romantic, 
  • gallant, 
  • leader, 
  • recognized.
  • Leo is a masculine sign, as its emphasis shifts towards leadership qualities and power energy.
  • Men of this sign are typical strong and bright alpha males and macho, ready to throw all the treasures of the world at the feet of their chosen one, counting on admiration and emphasizing their superiority.

Leo women born on July 28:
  • endowed with the following properties: 
  • warm, 
  • strong, 
  • bright, 
  • kind.
  • The ability to put herself above others and the regal manners of the Leo woman hypnotize many men.
  • At the same time, Lionesses are often bright, strong, charismatic women in bright outfits, which men of a timid dozen are simply afraid of.
  • Falling in love, this woman loses her head and gives herself up without a trace.

World Hepatitis Day

Hepatitis viruses are considered one of the main risk factors for human health.

Every year on July 28 in many countries the World Hepatitis Day is held. The date for his establishment was the birthday of the American physician Baruch Samuel Bloomberg, Nobel Laureate who discovered the hepatitis B virus.

The first such Day was held in 2008 at the initiative of the International Alliance to Combat Hepatitis. In 2011, the World Health Organization (WHO) entered this date into its calendar, thus the World Hepatitis Day was given official status.

On this day, WHO recommends that health professionals around the world conduct educational campaigns, telling people about viral hepatitis and the diseases to which it leads.

No less important are preventive events: diagnosis, vaccination against hepatitis, etc. Hepatitis viruses are considered one of the main risk factors for human health.

According to WHO, hepatitis has affected about 2 billion people in the world, that is, every third inhabitant of the planet. In some countries, a large part of the population has been infected with viral hepatitis A, and a tenth of the residents are carriers of hepatitis B and C viruses.

Hepatitis is an inflammation of the liver tissue. There are five major hepatitis viruses defined as types A, B, C, D and E. Depending on the type of hepatitis, people can get either from infected body fluids or from contaminated food and water.

Viral hepatitis is isolated - it is caused by a virus that can reproduce in liver cells. Hepatitis caused by various viruses is transmitted in different ways, but all of them can cause acute and chronic inflammation of the liver, which sometimes leads to cirrhosis and cancer. Hepatitis E can cause death in 20% of pregnant women.

You can protect yourself against hepatitis in two ways.

First, you can try to avoid infection: observe hygiene (this is important to protect against viruses A and E), be careful with blood transfusions and sexual intercourse (this will help to protect against viruses B and C).

Secondly, vaccination can be done - with the help of antiviral drugs, more than 95% of people with hepatitis C infection can be cured. As a rule, the vaccine reliably protects a person against infection with viruses A and B.

Both of these ways of protection are at the center of attention on World Hepatitis Day, which every year, moreover, is devoted to a specific topic. People are told about the importance of preventive measures, provide information materials, warn against risky behavior.

By the way, the Day has its own symbol - "Three wise monkeys"

By the way, the Day has its own symbol - "Three wise monkeys" - and the corresponding motto is "I do not see anything, I do not hear anything, I will not say anything" as an indicator of the attitude of modern society to the problem of hepatitis - that is, its ignoring.

Therefore, the holding of the World Hepatitis Day is aimed primarily at drawing the attention of the general public and specialists to this problem, increasing the interest of citizens of each country in carrying out preventive measures.

The application of hygienic knowledge in practice by everyone, the recognition of the importance of immunization of hepatitis A and B, as well as participation in vaccination campaigns will save the health of the population not only of each individual country, but of the world's population as a whole.


Christening of Kievan Rus Day

Christening of Kievan Rus Day - the state date in memory of the Christening of Kievan Rus, referred to the year 988.

It is celebrated annually on July 28 as the day of memory of the Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Grand Duke Vladimir - who made this happen in the Kievan Rus (July 15, according to the Julian calendar).

The Christening of Kievan Rus Day is enshrined in the legislation "as a memorable date for an important historical event that had a significant impact on the social, spiritual and cultural development of peoples."

Also on July 28...

1015 - died Vladimir, Kiev Duke, saint, thanks to whom Ukraine and Russia are Christian, not pagan countries.

1586 - Sir Thomas Herriot brought potatoes to Europe.

1697 - the expedition of Pentecostal Cossack Vladimir Atlasov landed at the beginning of the Kamchatka River. The accession of the peninsula of the same name to Russia begins.

1741 - Antonio Vivaldi, Italian composer, violinist and conductor, died.

1750 - Johann Sebastian Bach, a German composer, died.

1806 - Alexander Ivanov was born, a Russian artist, creator of works on biblical and antique mythological subjects, a representative of academism, the author of the grand canvas “Christ Appearance to the People.

1851 - for the first time in the world photographed (captured on a daguerreotype) total solar eclipse.

1858 - William Herschel, employee of the British administration in India, for the first time used fingerprints as a means of identification.

1858 - French photographer and caricaturist Felix Nadar, who patented the idea of ​​using aerial photography for making maps and exploration purposes in 1855, made the first aerial photography in the world with a rised in the air balloon. On this occasion, a satirical lithograph was spread, in which Nadar was depicted during photographing Paris from a balloon basket, called “Nadar raises the photo to the heights of art”. Nadar remained a passionate aeronaut, until was injured, with his wife and other passengers, in the crash of the huge balloon named ''Giant'', he had built.

1862 - gold was found in Montana (USA), which caused the gold rush.

1909 - Enne Burda was born, the German creator of the magazine "Burda moden".

1914 - First World War began - one of the most widespread armed conflicts in the history of mankind (July 28, 1914 - November 11, 1918).

1929 - Jacqueline Kennedy (d. 1994), the first lady of the United States from 1961 to 1963, was born.

1944 - city of Brest (France) and the city of Brest (USSR) were liberated from the fascist invaders. It also happens.

1951 - Walt Disney premiere of ''Alice in Wonderland''.

1984 - 23rd Olympiad, boycotted by socialist countries, opened in Los Angeles. As in the case of the Moscow Olympiad, it is very doubtful that politicians have won at least something, and the sportsmen were the victims of their efforts in both cases, for most of which the Olympic Games are the most important event, since few of them have possibility to take part in several games . The sporting events themselves were held with the overwhelming superiority of the owners and were also marked by the first in history disqualification of the athlete-prize winner for doping (Finland Marti Vainio, who took second place in the run for 10,000 meters).

1992 - in Afghanistan, women are forbidden to appear on television.

1995 - Indian authorities decided to rename the city of Bombay to Mumbai.

2014 - died Theodore Van Kirk (b. 1921), navigator of the ''Enola Gay'' bomber who dropped the first atomic bomb on Hiroshima.


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