July 30, or Against Trafficking of Humans and Friendship Day


Zodiac Sign Leo

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LeoJuly 30Born on this day manage to make their physical presence very noticeable.

These people are not only focused on material substance, they almost feel with their skin how the constantly evolving world functions.

Solid, stubborn personalities, they stand firmly on the ground, which they consider to be their bastion, and it is difficult to convince them of the need to penetrate the spiritual sphere of life.

Those born on this day are busy with specific things, they have no time to be distracted by empty philosophy and contemplation.



Leo men born on July 30:
  • boast the following features: 
  • idealistic, 
  • organized, 
  • gallant, 
  • warm.
  • Leo is a masculine sign, as its emphasis shifts towards leadership qualities and power energy.
  • Men of this sign are typical strong and bright alpha males and macho, ready to throw all the treasures of the world at the feet of their chosen one, counting on admiration and emphasizing their superiority.

Leo women born on July 30:
  • have the following traits: 
  • interesting, 
  • devoted, 
  • sincere, 
  • confident.
  • The ability to put herself above others and the regal manners of the Leo woman hypnotize many men.
  • At the same time, Lionesses are often bright, strong, charismatic women in bright outfits, which men of a timid dozen are simply afraid of.
  • Falling in love, this woman loses her head and gives herself up without a trace.

World Day Against Trafficking in Human Beings

slavery have been recognized as anti-human and criminal, but today a problem of human trafficking remains acute
Enslaved. Stone monument.

The World Day Against Trafficking in Persons, celebrated annually on July 30, was proclaimed by the UN General Assembly in 2013 to "raise awareness about the situation of victims of trafficking in human beings and promote and protect their rights."

Trafficking in human beings is a serious crime and a gross violation of human rights. Every year thousands of men, women and children fall into the hands of traffickers both at home and abroad. All countries in the world, whether the country of origin, transit or destination, suffer from trafficking.

A slave is a person completely devoid of rights, depending on another individual. In fact, a slave is a property thing.

These concepts are stored in the memory of a person from the school bench, when in history lessons the period of slave societies was studied. The slave's servitude turned out to be that the slaveholder could treat him as his own. This gave rise to the right to use: free labor, and also allowed the slaveholder to buy, sell, exchange or release his slave.

And although the era of slave societies has sunk long time ago, and slavery and the slave trade have been recognized as anti-human and criminal by the whole world, but today this problem of human trafficking remains acute.

This criminal activity, having lost a legal basis, passed into the shadow criminal sphere. The use of forced labor in a number of world regions has now become massive, as evidenced by UN statistics. According to the International Labor Organization, 21 million people worldwide are victims of forced labor. Most often, the victims of the slave trade are the least protected categories of people: women and children.

The most widespread use of forced labor is in the Middle East and Africa. Often in these regions, people from Europe and the states of the post-Soviet space find themselves in slavery. The instability of the political situation in the Middle East also contributes to the fact that it is here that hostage-taking, captivity or kidnapping become the norm of life, and control over the situation is extremely difficult.

Even before the proclamation of the World Day Against Trafficking in Human Beings, the UN General Assembly developed a special plan of action to eradicate this evil. This plan is designed to unite the efforts of the whole world to identify and combat slavery and the slave trade, and also provides assistance to victims of being in slavery.

Particular attention is paid to the rehabilitation of women and children who are victims of sexual exploitation, as well as people affected by the terrible practice of forcible removal of organs. For these purposes, the Trust Fund was established, where contributions are made by the state, which understand the severity of the problem and are ready to take an active part in the implementation of the UN Global Plan to Combat Trafficking in Human Beings.

The annual message of the UN Secretary General on July 30 addresses the whole world with the call to combat slavery and human trafficking.

In different countries, seminars and conferences are held, the themes of which are devoted to the problem of forced labor and slave trade. Photo exhibitions allow people to see the victims of slavery with their own eyes, and journalists and photo correspondents raise the severity of the problem. This is very important.

After all, despite the fact that centers for the use of forced labor can be far away, the risk of being a victim of the slave trade is very high, and security today can not be guaranteed even in states that have always been considered the "quietest of quiet".


Friendship Day

Today we celebrate friendship as a process: in April 2011, the UN established the International Friendship Day.

The purpose of the holiday is simple and clear - to help people of different faith and culture to find a common language, get rid of mistrust and eliminate conflicts.

In each country, the holiday is celebrated in accordance with local cultural traditions and preferences, they hold events for young people, concerts and carnivals.

Also on July 30 ...

1502 - Columbus first met representatives of the Maya people. How the meeting took place, history keep silent, but the result is that apocalyptic calendar, which suggests that the merging of the two cultures did not happen.

1768 - the first world tour of Captain James Cook began.

1792 - Marseilles Volunteer Battalion entered Paris with a song on its lips. The battle song, composed by the sapper officer Claude Joseph Rouget de Lille for the Army of the Rhine, was therefore nicknamed “Marseillaise” and later became the national anthem of France.

1818 - Emily Bronte, English writer (“Wuthering Heights”) was born.

1858 - English explorer John Speke discovered lake ''Victoria'' in Africa.

1863 - Henry Ford was born, an American auto industrialist, the creator and embodier of the idea of mass production of cars. The author of the famous phrase "The car can be any color if this color is black."

1898 - American businessman Will Kellogg invented cornflakes.

1935 - the publishing house ''Penguin Books'' published the first book of the category “paperback”, that is, with a relatively hard paper (or cardboard) cover, with a book block glued to it with a butt. The idea of producing cheap (for the price of 10 cigarettes) books in paperback and pocket format, born to Sir Allen Lane, revolutionized publishing, providing mass circulation of both popular and classic works.

1947 - born Arnold Schwarzenegger, American film actor and statesman of Austrian origin, the great Terminator of the entire Universe.

1948 - Jean Reno was born (real name Juan Moreno-i-Hederic Jimenez), French actor (“Leon-killer”, “Aliens”, “Nikita”, “Blue Abyss”, “Ronin”).

1956 - motto “In God We Trust” appeared on American dollars. And immediately the currency of the Yankees became even more impressive (with God's help!!!).

1961 - Lawrence Fishburn, American actor (“Bad Company”, “Othello”, “Red Heat”, “The Matrix”) was born.

1970 - Christopher Nolan was born, Anglo-American filmmaker (''Prestige'', ''Batman Begins'', ''Dark Knight'', ''Dark Knight: Legend Revival'', ''Beginning'').

1974 - Hilary Swank was born, American actress, two-time ''Oscar'' winner.

1984 - "Santa Barbara", the television record holder long-lived show, began on NBC.

2006 - Microsoft officially discontinued support for ''Windows 98''.

2007 - two great directors died at once: Michelangelo Antonioni and Ingmar Bergman.

2016 - American paratrooper Luke Aikins successfully completed the first ever jump from a height of 7,600 meters without a parachute. Aikins jumped out of a light aircraft over the city of Simi Valley. 2.5 minutes he was in free fall, flying at a speed of falling about 53 meters per second, and successfully landed on a grid of 30 x 30 m (one third of the football field) at the level of the 20th floor of the skyscraper.


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