July 31, or Ranger and African Women Day


Zodiac Sign Leo

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LeoJuly 31Born on this day have a special interest in what it means to be human.

Questions of philosophy and morality in the context of human psychology almost completely absorb their attention, leaving almost no time for other activities. Of course, there are no taboo topics about human behavior for them.

The stories of crime, persecution, tyranny and brutality can be especially mesmerizing for those born on that day.

Victims, martyrs, saints and other spiritualized persons often become heroes for them, worthy of emulation.

However, this does not mean at all that those born on July 31 are interested only in the most exceptional phenomena and selected representatives of society, on the contrary, they are most interested in everyday life, traditions and customs that have passed the test of time.



Leo men born on July 31:
  • possess the following distinctive features: 
  • strong, 
  • noble, 
  • gentle, 
  • loyal.
  • Leo is a masculine sign, as its emphasis shifts towards leadership qualities and power energy.
  • Men of this sign are typical strong and bright alpha males and macho, ready to throw all the treasures of the world at the feet of their chosen one, counting on admiration and emphasizing their superiority.

Leo women born on July 31:
  • stand out for their special features: 
  • reliable, 
  • warm, 
  • disciplined, 
  • generous.
  • The ability to put herself above others and the regal manners of the Leo woman hypnotize many men.
  • At the same time, Lionesses are often bright, strong, charismatic women in bright outfits, which men of a timid dozen are simply afraid of.
  • Falling in love, this woman loses her head and gives herself up without a trace.

World Ranger Day

Today in society, the word "ranger" is most often associated with a policeman or a military man, whose main task is to maintain order or conduct special operations.

World Ranger Day, or the Day of the Park Ranger, celebrated annually on July 31, was established in 2007 by the International Ranger Federation (IRF) to commemorate the contribution of the park rangers to nature conservation and honor the memory of dead rangers during the carrying out his service.

Ranger - "wanderer", "hunter", "forester", "huntsman", "policeman". This term appeared in the 17th century, originally called the English soldiers who fought in the War of King Philip (1675-1676). Today in society, the word "ranger" is most often associated with a policeman or a military man, whose main task is to maintain order or conduct special operations.

But today it is a professional holiday of park rangers, or state inspectors for the protection of animals and the environment. Park ranger is a specialist who protects and preserves nature conservation areas, wildlife and their habitat from poachers and external encroachments related to civilization.

The Ranger Day was first celebrated in 2007 in honor of the 15th anniversary of the International Ranger Federation (IRF), people who protect wildlife from poachers and their habitats, the integrity and inviolability of the boundaries of specially protected natural areas - reserves, national parks, wildlife reserves , monuments of nature and other objects that are valuable in nature.

IRF itself was created in 1992 by Scottish specialists together with employees of specially protected natural areas of the world.

The cause for the unification was the tragic events related to the death of the Rangers, and especially in Africa, where poachers go to great lengths to obtain the so-called "Grand Slam", killing five beautiful animals - elephant, rhinoceros, buffalo, lion and leopard. Getting them is the hardest, but sometimes the hunters do not abhor anything, even go for the killing of rangers defending these animals. In order to raise public awareness of the contribution of the Rangers to the protection of the environment and to support ranger organizations around the world, the Ranger Federation was created.

This organization today highlights the work of employees and colleagues, tells about the state of the environment and rare and endangered species of animals, defends the corporate interests of colleagues guarding nature. In the International Federation there are regional associations.

But today's date is not only a holiday, but also a day of remembrance of people who died or suffered in the performance of their official duties.

The profession of the state inspector is the protection of the special areas, includes many of the dangerous factors that they faces during the service. This is an attack of wild animals, fighting forest fires, meeting with armed poachers ...

Rangers deal with traumatized animals on busy highways, participate in the capture of poisonous snakes in crowded places, confront attacking predators while accompanying excursions and tourist groups, participate in the fight against forest fires and with armed poachers.

Poaching is one of the problems affecting the state of the population of rare animals on the planet. And all the main work to combat poaching falls on the shoulders of park rangers, the fate of rare animals and the condition of their habitats depend on them.

Reserve rangers are the advanced defenders of the wild nature, without them it is impossible to exterminate poaching, save rare animals and their habitats.

Therefore, the International Ranger Day is another reason to pay attention to the need to preserve the natural wealth of our planet for the descendants and to thank all those who chose conservation of their profession.

The holiday is actively promoted by more than 60 member organizations of the Ranger Federation from 46 countries. And since 2010, its celebration is supported by the World Wildlife Fund (WWF).

On the occasion of the Day, festive and memorable events are held in different countries to tell about the specifics and complexities of the rangers' work, the importance of protecting the environment and preserving biological diversity. Also rangers of different regions and countries are held, which allow exchanging experience in patrolling, mastering new technologies in work, and strengthening partnership relations.

African Women Day

The Day of African Women was proclaimed in 1962 at the All-African Women's Conference in Dar es Salaam (Tanzania).

The holiday applies to all residents of the African continent - without depending on their skin color.

Also on July 31...

1498 - the third expedition of the Spanish navigator Christopher Columbus discovered the island of Trinidad.

1815 - Very first train accident. Philadelphia train accident (England), which killed between 13 and 16 people.

1854 - died Samuel Wilson (b. 1766), American merchant. American folklore claims that the appearance of the expression "Uncle Sam" is associated with the butcher Sam Wilson, who supplied provisions to the New York military base of Troy. Wilson signed U.S. on the meat barrels, meaning the United States, and the soldiers jokingly said that the meat came from Uncle Sam.

1910 - for the first time in the world, a criminal was detained using police radio. This happened on board a Canadian airliner.

1914 - Louis de Funes was born, French film actor, director and producer of Spanish origin, who was beloved by the national audience for the role of Commissioner Juve in the saga of "Fantômas". Despite the incredible mimic juggling that de Funes did, the actor urged not to mix grimacing with "a person with a mobile expression." In this sense, he took an example from his mother, arguing that, compared to her, his own face can be compared to marble.

1928 - a roaring lion appeared for the first time on the Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer screensaver. It was the first sound film of the studio - “White shadows of the southern seas”. It's funny that the lion's roar was the longest sound in the film, since it said only one word - “Hello!”. By the way, in fact, none of the sounds from which the famous sound type was combined was not a lion roar.

1944 - Antoine de Saint-Exupery died.

1954 - Italian mountaineers Lino Lacedelli and Achille Compagnoni were the first in the world to climb the K2 peak (8611 m). The expedition leader is Ardito Desio.

1961 - the millionth immigrant arrives in Israel.

1964 - born C. C. Catch (real name Caroline Katharina Muller), German pop singer.

1965 - Advertising of cigarettes on television is prohibited in the UK.

1965 - born Joan Kathleen Rowling, English writer, author of books about Harry Potter.

1972 - Government of Canada decided to replace prison penalties for using marijuana with money fines.

1996 - New York Federal Court overturned legislation restricting freedom of speech on the Internet.

2015 - died Roddy Piper (b. 1954), American wrestler.

2016 - died Seymour Papert (b. 1928), South African and American mathematician, programmer, creator of the language Logo.


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