August 17, or "gold rush" started


Zodiac Sign Leo

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LeoAugust 17Born on this day have an explosive impulsive character. They seem to transmit the high tension of those who were born the day before, but unlike the latter, they are truly concerned with leading the show of life.

Nevertheless, their desire for domination is based on a stable earthiness, capable of somewhat extinguishing their dynamic energy, beating over the edge.

Those born on this day are accustomed to being in charge in everything, down to the most insignificant trifles, so they will not tolerate even a hint of disobedience from others - whether they are relatives, acquaintances or business partners.

However, when others organize a riot, unable to endure the super-harsh control established by these people, those born on August 17, having lost their usual style of relationships, can get into serious trouble, which often ends in a nervous breakdown that requires long-term treatment in complete isolation from society.



Leo men born on August 17:
  • characterized by the following characteristics: 
  • creative, 
  • kind-hearted, 
  • gentle, 
  • loyal.
  • A man born under the sign of Leo is so possessive that he is sometimes ready to go ahead for the sake of his beloved woman.
  • He will never quietly suffer and regret the lost opportunities - Leo always acts actively and sometimes aggressively.
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Leo women born on August 17:
  • characterized by such differences of nature: 
  • strong, 
  • confident, 
  • exceptional, 
  • bright.
  • Leo women are a contradiction of nature, whose strength and pride resonates with sentimentality and the need for love and admiration.
  • The Leo woman almost on a physical level needs not just attention, but love on the verge of a foul, renunciation, sacrifice and the partner's desire to dissolve in her interests.
Main event

The beginning of the "gold rush" on Klondike

August 17, 1896

The first gold in the town of Rebett Creek was found by Jim Skukum,

January 24, 1848 at the Sutter's sawmill on the American River in northern California, the first gold was found. When rumors of this reached San Francisco, from all over California gold miners rushed there. A "gold rush" began in the country. Its peak occurred in 1849. The population of California grew from 14 thousand people in 1848 to 100 thousand in 1850, and by 1860 it was 380 thousand people. Many of "the people of 1849" were from China, Australia, South America.

During the decade, the main gold mining was conducted in three districts of California. The main mining area was in Sierra Nevada, south of Sutter's sawmill, the second - to the north of it, in Nevada County, the third in the northern coast ridges west of Shasta.

In the years 1859-1890, gold miners moved from one field to another in Colorado, Nevada, Idaho, Utah, Montana and Arizona.

August 17, 1896 there was a new outbreak of the "gold rush" on the Klondike.

The first gold in the town of Rebett Creek was found by Jim Skukum, an Indian, although for a long time this discovery was attributed to his partner, the European George Carmack, because it was he who legally registered this find. When the fortunate people reached the nearest city of Forti Mile on the Yukon River and reported glad tidings, the city was emptied in a matter of hours - almost all its inhabitants rushed to seek their "golden" luck.

"Gold Rush" brought to the west not only gold miners, but also merchants, farmers and others, and thereby contributed to the construction of postal roads and railways, the development of technology, investment attraction and the development of the economy as a whole.

Also on August 17...

1601 - born Pierre Fermat (d. 1665), French mathematician, creator of analytic geometry and number theory.

1771 - English scientist J. Priestley discovered photosynthesis, finding that the air, spoiled by burning or breathing, becomes suitable for breathing again under the influence of the green parts of plants.

1786 - born Davy Crockett (d. 1836), American pioneer, traveler and military, who became a character in US folklore.

1896 - Bridget Driscoll became the first victim in history, who was hit by the car.

1903 - Joseph Pulitzer established the Pulitzer Prize.

1918 - Hetman Skoropadsky established an 8-hour working day in Ukraine.

1943 - born Robert De Niro, American film actor, director, producer, winner of the ''Oscars'' and ''Golden Globes''.

1958 - Chinese leader Mao Zedong announced the beginning of the "big leap" policy.

1958 - born Belinda Carlisle, American singer.

1959 - born David Koresh (real name Vernon Wayne Howell; d. in 1993), leader of the “David's Branch” sect, burned down with his followers in the estate, besieged by the FBI.

1960 - born Sean Penn, American actor and director ("Carlito's Way", "The State of Frenzy", "Mysterious River"), winner of ''Oscar'' awards (2003, 2008), ''Golden Globe'' (2003) and other awards.

1962 - first killed (Peter Fechter) while attempting to cross the Berlin Wall.

1970 - the program "Venus": the launch of the ''Venus-7'', the first, successfully transfer data from the surface of another planet - Venus.

1977 - Soviet nuclear-powered icebreaker "Arktika" was the first of the surface ships who reach the North Pole of the Earth.

1994 - born Taissa Farmiga, American actress, known for the TV-series anthology "American horror story."

1998 - US President Bill Clinton testified to a grand jury about his relationship with Monica Lewinsky.

2000 - American singer Tina Turner gave her last big concert in Europe.

2012 - sentenced in the case of Pussy Riot.


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