August 8, or Cat and Mountaineering Day


Zodiac Sign Leo

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LeoAugust 8Born on this day express a strong desire to play numerous and varied roles in their lives.

It should not be understood in such a way that before you are eccentric people who, like a weather vane, turn from one field of activity to another.

Each change, each new role is carefully studied, and, thus, they can be guaranteed almost one hundred percent success.

Those born on this day usually have a strong craving for professional recognition and have a good chance of achieving it, unless, of course, the career choice was too unrealistic or did not fit well with their character.


Leo men born on August 8:
  • are distinguished by the following features: 
  • leader, 
  • noble, 
  • strong, 
  • organized.
  • Leo is a masculine sign, as its emphasis shifts towards leadership qualities and power energy.
  • Men of this sign are typical strong and bright alpha males and macho, ready to throw all the treasures of the world at the feet of their chosen one, counting on admiration and emphasizing their superiority.
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Leo women born on August 8:
  • stand out for special differences of nature: 
  • kind, 
  • passionate, 
  • strong, 
  • generous.
  • The ability to put herself above others and the regal manners of the Leo woman hypnotize many men.
  • At the same time, Lionesses are often bright, strong, charismatic women in bright outfits, which men of a timid dozen are simply afraid of.
  • Falling in love, this woman loses her head and gives herself up without a trace.

World Cat Day

kitty, cute, sleeping, adorable, photo, picture,

Holidays dedicated to these furry pets are in many countries. For example, in Russia, Cat Day is celebrated on March 1, in Poland - on February 17, in Japan - on February 22, and in the United States they are celebrated on October 29. These days appeared at different times and on the basis of different events (or without them).

But at the international level this holiday appeared in 2002. World Cat Day is celebrated every year on August 8 at the initiative of the International Animal Welfare Fund, not only to celebrate fluffy home-grown, but to attract attention to the problem of homeless cats. And today the holiday unites millions of owners of these animals around the world.

After all, there are few people on the planet who remain indifferent to these fluffy, affectionate and very intelligent animals.

And there is even the science of cats - felinology (from Latin felinus - cat and Greek logos - science), stressing that cats are very clever and useful.

The domestic cat (Felis catus) is part of the cat family, in which 2 subfamilies, 4 genera and about 36 species are distinguished.

It's no secret that cats have always been and still are the most common pets around the world: about 80% of all inhabitants of the Earth hold a pet, and more than half of them gave their preference to cats, followed by dogs.

In addition to "aesthetic pleasure" (after all, what can be more pleasant than a murring warm friend who is lapping on your lap), cats perform a number of useful functions for a person. They excellently destroy rodents, treat certain diseases and even prolong the life of their master. So, American doctors have found that the owners of cats are 40% less likely to suffer from heart disease, and they have less frequent heart attacks and strokes. And English doctors have developed even a whole "cattherapy", with the help of which offer to treat a number of diseases, in particular - joint inflammations and gynecological diseases.

Often cats become heroes of fairy tales, epics, cartoons, etc. Many peoples in the world have many beliefs and acceptances associated with cats. The most common are that cats live several lives, and can also intuitively determine the intentions of people who come into the house and feel bad guests.

Therefore, it is not surprising that in some countries these animals are in a special state situation:
in Austria, every cat that guarded warehouses with food is paid a lifetime pension in the form of meat and milk, 
and in China, cats are protected at the legislative level. 
By the way, in Japan there is even a Cat Temple, built in honor of the 7 cats that in the 17th century served the Japanese warriors with faith and truth, 
and in Germany - the Cat Museum, which collected many exhibits related to cats and selected around the world.

In the very same holiday - Cat Day - the culprits of the celebration are especially honored and in every way indulged - various delicacies, new houses and toys bought for pets. In a number of countries, even the opening of special parks for walking with cats and cat shops, cafes and hotels, where you can temporarily settle a pet with great comfort, was even timed to this day.

And, of course, you can talk endlessly about these wonderful and graceful animals, near relatives of tigers and leopards. 

tiger, cat, kitty, funny, picture, heart,

Therefore, on this holiday, we would like to wish all cats to have their own house, caring owners and delicious food. Well, we, people, should remember that we are responsible for those who have tamed, and thank these unique animals again.

Mountaineering Day

Climbers celebrate their holiday on August 8 - the day when the highest peak of the Alps was conquered. We owe the appearance of the International Day of Mountaineering (or Mountaineering Day) to two brave Swiss citizens - doctor Michel-Gabriel Packard and mountain guide Jacques Balm. On August 8, 1786, they were the first among all climbers to reach the highest point of the Alps - the peack of Mont Blanc, whose height is 4,810 meters above sea level.

And not only the explorers of mountain peaks, but also people involved in industrial mountaineering consider this day to be their holiday. Every year in the world there are more and more tall buildings, and such specialists can wash windows and facades, paint and repair them, remove snow and icicles, install air conditioning and perform other operations on these structures where the use of scaffolding is impossible.

Also on August 8...

1672 - New York was captured by the Dutch, who renamed it New Orange.

1790 - admiral F. Ushakov’s squadron defeated the Turkish fleet, ensuring Russia's rule in the Black Sea.

1815 - Napoleon went into exile on St. Helena.

1854 - ''Smith & Wesson'' began producing bullet cartridges.

1899 - in Minnesota A. Marshall patented a refrigerator.

1900 - first match for the International Lawn Federation Cup began in Brooklyn at the Longwood Cricket Club site. The cup itself was donated by an American, Dwight Davis, by the way, a member of the US team, which won the English in the first match with a score of 3: 0. Competitions began to be called the Team Championship for the Davis Cup, or simply the Davis Cup. Davis subsequently became a member of the US government.

1927 - born Svyatoslav Fedorov, perhaps the most famous oculist surgeon.

1932 - in the USSR women's labor in mines is allowed. It is not clear just why...

1937 - born “The Rain Man” Dustin Hoffman. Although he can still be called ''Tutsi'', he will not be offended.

1941 - five ''IL'' planes made the first Soviet bombardment of Berlin (only one plane flew to Berlin).

1948 - born Svetlana Savitskaya, the second woman astronaut.

1961 - born David Howell Evans, guitarist for Irish band ''U2''.

1968 - ''Beatles'' recorded the song "Hey Jude".

1994 - died Frank Whittle (b. 1907), English engineer, who designed one of the first jet engines.

2000 - scientists from the UK, USA and Italy officially announced the start of experiments on human cloning.

2004 - died Fay Ray (b. 1907), American film actress, best known for playing the role of Ann Darrow in the movie "King Kong" (1933).


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