August 6, or First Internet Server and Doctors for Peace Day


Zodiac Sign Leo

July: 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
August: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
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LeoAugust 6Born on this day have a passion for experimentation.

In an incomprehensible way, they find themselves at the center of events of a very unique or extraordinary nature, perhaps in those that happen once in a lifetime, some of which seem completely incredible or have an inexplicable or divine origin.

Born 6 August can carry out these experiments themselves or simply accidentally find themselves in similar situations, take direct part in them, or be indirect witnesses.

In any case, mental or physical contact with the unknown, the personal discovery of something long forgotten or even completely new and unknown attracts them like a magnet.



Leo men born on August 6:
  • can be proud of the following qualities: 
  • confident, 
  • gentle, 
  • cheerful, 
  • playful.
  • Leo is a masculine sign, as its emphasis shifts towards leadership qualities and power energy.
  • Men of this sign are typical strong and bright alpha males and macho, ready to throw all the treasures of the world at the feet of their chosen one, counting on admiration and emphasizing their superiority.

Leo women born on August 6:
  • characterized by the following qualities: 
  • exceptional, 
  • bright, 
  • warm, 
  • open.
  • The ability to put herself above others and the regal manners of the Leo woman hypnotize many men.
  • At the same time, Lionesses are often bright, strong, charismatic women in bright outfits, which men of a timid dozen are simply afraid of.
  • Falling in love, this woman loses her head and gives herself up without a trace.
Main event

The first Internet server appeared

August 6, 1991

August 6, 1991 was an important and significant day in the life of all users of the World Wide Web - the first Internet server appeared.

August 6, 1991 was an important and significant day in the life of all users of the World Wide Web - the first Internet server appeared.

The World Wide Web project began its existence much earlier - in 1989, when the British scientist Tim Berners-Lee, who worked at the European Laboratory for Nuclear Research, first published his ideas and proposals for the creation of a worldwide computer network. However, the detailed development of the project began only a year later, when Tim got access to the NeXT computer, which became the first Internet server, browser (web browser) and the network editor.

Only after that it became possible to convert Berners-Lee's ideas into reality. In 1991, the project was finalized, presented to the CS committee. It was then, on August 6, 1991, the first Internet server appeared and the standard for WWW (World Wide Web) pages was approved.

During 1991, servers appeared in other research centers in Europe and the United States.

By November 1992, there were 26 servers in the world, by the end of 1993 this figure had increased significantly and exceeded 200.

In 1995 the WWW reached such a scale that it could no longer be called an "amateur network".

Today, the Internet is used by hundreds of millions of users, and the number of servers has reached enormous values ​​and continues to grow. Currently, Tim Berners-Lee leads the World Wide Web Consortium, which he founded, which develops and implements Internet standards.


Doctors of the World for Peace

Today, the planet celebrates World Day for the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons and the International Day of the Doctors for Peace.

This day is symbolic in some sense and serves as a reminder of human tragedy, of  the role of doctors in the struggle for peace and in the prevention of war in general. The organization celebrates this day with its daily work.

On August 6, 1945, at 8:15 am, an American B-29 bomber, named “Enola Gay” after the mother of the commander of the crew, dropped the atomic bomb “Little Boy” on the Japanese city of Hiroshima.

As a result of this bombing, about 200 thousand people were killed and went missing, more than 160 thousand people were injured and were exposed to radiation. The number of victims of nuclear bombing continues to increase to this day, since the consequences of the explosion have already affected several generations.

A day later, an atomic bomb with a plutonium load of the same power was dropped on another Japanese city, Nagasaki ...

Since then, every year on August 6, at 8:15 am, the Japanese city of Hiroshima freezes for a minute of silence. Having folded their arms against their chest and tilting their heads, elderly and young Japanese, mothers and children, teachers and officials all think about that terrible day when a nuclear bomb was dropped on a peaceful city.

Under the slogan “No to war and nuclear weapons!” The ''Peace March'' is organized annually in Japan. On 13 routes connecting all 47 prefectures of the country, participants of the march travel over 10 thousand kilometers and finish their march on August 6 in Hiroshima Peace Park, located around the epicenter of the atomic explosion.

The monument to the victims of Hiroshima is a gray concrete tent, spread out among the greenery of the park. Inside the monument is a limestone slab, below it is a casket with the names of the dead. Each year approximately 100 new names are added to this list. The words “Sleep well, the mistake will not happen again” are inscribed on the mass grave.

Also on August 6...

1181 - Chinese and Japanese astronomers record the flash of a supernova.

1496 - Bartolomeo Columbus’s brother H. Columbus founded - Santo Domingo - the capital of the Dominican Republic.

1806 - Holy Roman Empire ceased to exist after the rejection of Emperor Franz II of the German crown.

1881 - Alexander Fleming, a Scottish bacteriologist who was the first to discover penicillin, the Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine, 1945, was born

1889 - the last battle of boxers without gloves.

1889 - civilization took another step forward: the ''Savoy'' hotel was opened in London - the world's first hotel with a bathroom in every room.

1890 - murderer William Kemmler became the first electrocuted (New York).

1926 - 19-year-old Gertrude Ederle swam across the English Channel. She covered the distance of 56 km in 14 hours and 31 minutes, having improved the previous achievement of men by 1 hour and 59 minutes.

1928 - Andy Warhol was born, an American artist of Slovak origin, author of films, publisher Coryphaeus, pop art movement. He became known since 1962 as a designer of packaging companies Campbell and Coca-Cola.

1932 - the first Venice Film Festival opened.

1961 - ''Vostok-2'' spacecraft was launched, piloted by a citizen of the Soviet Union, pilot-cosmonaut major German Titov. At the time of the flight, Titov was 26 months without one month, so that he is the youngest of all cosmonauts who have been in space.

1962 - Jamaica became independent after existence for 300 years as a British colony.

1965 - fourth album “Help” of the “Beatles” is released in England.

1968 - disc of the group “The Doors” - “Waiting For The Sun” - became “golden”.

1970 - M. Night Shyamalan, American film director and screenwriter of Indian origin ("Lord of the Elements", "The Sixth Sense", "Mysterious Forest", "Signs") was born.

1972 - Jerry Halliwell was born, the former "peppercorn" from the group "Spice Girls", which now turned into a trainee actress and children's writer.

1973 - Vera Farmiga was born, an American actress (“The Boy in the Striped Pajamas”, “Source Code”, “I would be in heaven”).

1977 - second (and last) European punk rock festival was held in Mont-de-Marsan (France).

1991 - the world's first website appeared at Its creator, Tim Berners-Lee, published a description of the new World Wide Web (WWW) technology based on the HTTP data transfer protocol, the URI addressing system, and HTML hypertext markup language. Also on the site were described the principles of installation and operation of web servers and web browsers. The site also became the world's first online catalog, as Tim Berners-Lee later posted a list of links to other sites.

1996 - NASA responded to the eternal question, "Is there life on Mars?", Announcing that the remains of microorganisms that existed 3 billion years ago were found on a meteorite that had broken away from Mars and had fallen to Earth.

2012 - the rover "Curiosity" made a successful landing on Mars. And on June 24, 2014, he celebrated with selfie, first anniversary of his mission - on the Red Planet he spent 687 Earth days, which corresponds to the Martian year.


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