August 14, or Corrida's Birthday and Honey Savior


Zodiac Sign Leo

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LeoAugust 14Born on this day are an accurate reflection of the many-sided state of the human soul.

Typically, they are of two types.

The first type includes the characteristic features of its age - its style, philosophy, strengths and weaknesses. Usually these people do not have a special idea about their unique abilities, and are also not interested in comments on this score.

The second type is represented by those who seek to expose the shortcomings of their world, whether in their private circle or in society at large.

The themes of reflection and exposure run like a red thread through the lives of those who were born on this day.

They often hold key public office and almost always play the role of leaders or teachers (not necessarily formal instructors, but perhaps as spiritual teachers, mentoring others through their own example).



Leo men born on August 14:
  • have the following characteristics: 
  • loyal, 
  • influential, 
  • open, 
  • confident.
  • Leo is a masculine sign, as its emphasis shifts towards leadership qualities and power energy.
  • Men of this sign are typical strong and bright alpha males and macho, ready to throw all the treasures of the world at the feet of their chosen one, counting on admiration and emphasizing their superiority.
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Leo women born on August 14:
  • are characterized by such differences of nature: 
  • warm, 
  • sincere, 
  • open, 
  • bright.
  • The ability to put herself above others and the regal manners of the Leo woman hypnotize many men.
  • At the same time, Lionesses are often bright, strong, charismatic women in bright outfits, which men of a timid dozen are simply afraid of.
  • Falling in love, this woman loses her head and gives herself up without a trace.

Birthday of the Portuguese corrida

Portuguese bullfighting, the main event of which is the corrida itself in the ancient national traditions.

Annually on August 14 in Abiul (Portugal) there is a celebration of the birth of the Portuguese bullfighting, the main event of which is the corrida itself in the ancient national traditions.

Corrida de toros ( English Bullfighting) is not just a competition, but an amazing combination of sport and art, spectacle and skill, show and sacred action with the participation of desperate brave souls.

Caballero starts the fight, riding the horse, and the Forcado - foot soldiers, enter into a duel when the bull is already injured by a fir - a peak with a sharp hook at the end of two centimeters long, which is stuck in the subcutaneous fat bag on the bull's tail and gets stuck there. On soreness it is comparable with a needle prick to a person. In past centuries, riders were aristocrats, and Forcado were commoners. Since then, there has been a difference in their equipment: suits of "infantrymen" are much more modest.

From time immemorial, there are clear age boundaries for the participants of the bullfight.

The younger category is "infantish", that is, "babies". It includes boys from 10 to 14 years who do not fight with older bulls, but with young bulls.

The adolescent "juveniles" group includes teenagers aged 14-18.

The basic age group is men from 18 to 35 years, although the upper limit is conditional and is often exceeded by those who enter the arena and in their 40s and their 45s.

Three-four-year-old bulls weighing five to six hundred kilograms are participating in the bullfighting.

Compared with all other bullfightings, Portuguese - the least bloody. Bulls, contrary to popular opinion, after the end of the bullfight, do not send to the slaughterhouse, but return to the pens. On their horns before training, and before the battle wear special leather covers to mitigate the blows. They will save the Forcado, if he allows at least one oversight. The fighter needs not only courage, but also impeccable vision, quick coordination of movements and composure.

Tribunes around the arena are always crowded - the corrida is phenomenally popular with the people, especially among girls. They very often prefer other entertainments to visit the training of the Forcado. And to be a friend of the Forcado is the cherished dream of every young Portuguese.


Honey Savior

Honey Savior or Gourmand, also the First Savior is the popular name for an Orthodox holiday on the first day of the Assumption Fast, August 14, in honor of the Origin of the Tree of the Holy Cross. The holiday, which is associated with the end of summer. This is the day of beekeepers.

After this holiday, everyone started to eat honey, which was previously sanctified in the church.

It was a custom to treat this delicacy to beggars. The one who in Honey Savior Day will bypass the poor man, without giving him any honey, could catch trouble.

Widows received help in such a pleasant day. Anyone who does something useful  for the widow will be happy and can wait for complete well-being in family life.

But to be sad on the day of the Honey Savior is strictly forbidden, as well as quarreling with anyone and saying different abusive words.

It was believed that the first spoon of honey on this day is magic - whoever eats it, makes a wish, and it surely comes true. The traditional drink of this holiday was sbiten - a drink made of water, honey and herbs.

This day was also called the Wet Savior (Savior on the Water), religious processions everywhere went to the water. On this day, you must plunge into the water to wash away sins and strengthen your health. After that day it was impossible to enter the water, because by the end of the summer the water began to bloom, and it was dangerous to swim further. Also today, the last time this year has bathed all livestock.

Another name of the Savior is Poppy-blows: today they started collecting poppies. There is a popular sign: for those who are afraid of witches, you need to collect wild poppy seeds on this day and sprinkle them on the house - not a single witch will enter the house.

Assumption Fast

Assumption Fast begins on August 14, for Orthodox, the shortest of all the Fasts, it lasts only two weeks.

Dry-eating is prescribed for the period of fasting on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.

Tuesday, Thursday - hot food without oil.

On Saturday and Sunday food with vegetable oil is allowed.

On the day of the Transfiguration of the Lord (August 19), fish are allowed. Fish day in the Assumption - if it falls on Wednesday or Friday.

Also on August 14...

1619 -  first laws against drinking in North America were passed in Virginia - it is forbidden to grow grapes.

1867 - John Golsworthy ( d. 1933), English novelist, playwright, publicist and poet, Nobel Prize in literature in 1932, was born.

1888 - American inventor Oliver Schellenberger patents an electric meter.

1892 - prefect of the Paris Police, Louis Lepin, gave the first driver’s license to an unknown French motorist. Then they were called “certificate of ability to drive a motor-driven vehicle” and were issued without any exams, to get them the candidate had only to demonstrate the ability to drive his own car.

1908 - first international beauty contest was held in Folkestone (England).

1936 - basketball is presented for the first time at the Olympics.

1945 - Steve Martin was born, American comedian actor (“Three Amigos”, “Sergeant Bilko”, “Father of the Bride”, “Dirty Rotten Scammers”, “Bowfinger”, “Pink Panther”).

1947 - Daniela Steele, American writer, author of many bestsellers was born.

1952 - French economist A. Sowie was the first to use the expression “Third World” about developing countries.

1963 - Emmanuel Bear was born, French film actress (“To the left of the elevator”, “Mission impossible”, “8 women”, “Natali”).

1968 - Halle Berry was born, American film actress, winner of the Oscar (The Last Scout, X-Men, Catwoman, Monster's Ball).

1983 - Mila Kunis was born, an American film actress originally from Chernivtsi (“Sex for Friendship”, “The Black Swan”, “The Third Extra”).

1984 - version 3.0 of the PC DOS system was ''born''.

1994 - ''Hubble'' telescope made first pictures of the Uranus rings.

2003 - power failure in the US and Canada. About 10 million people in Canada (about a third of the population) and 40 million people in the United States were left without electricity. Many airports have closed. In many places, the subway stopped working. Trapped passengers in the subway had to be evacuated. In some places there were interruptions in water. Mobile phones worked very poorly, but landline communications continued to function. As a result, long queues lined up at the telephone booths on the streets. Providers continued to work, but in the absence of electricity, the only way to access the Internet in many places was the connection through laptops powered by batteries. Since there were no transistors in many people in the United States and Canada, they were left without the opportunity to learn the news. The heat in New York reached 33 ° C in the shade, but air conditioners and fans did not work. However, unlike the 1977 New York power outage, there was no massive looting. Moreover, the crime rate was even lower than on other days.Cash damage amounted to 6 billion dollars.


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