August 12, or First Personal Computer, Youth and Builder's Day


Zodiac Sign Leo

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LeoAugust 12Born on this day are strictly adhere to old traditions and focus on learning as much as possible from the experiences of previous generations.

Their task is to preserve the time-tested signs and techniques necessary to fully master their craft.

The most fortunate people born on this day recognize some as equals, but still they differ from others in that they constantly crave new information unknown to a wide range of people, and no difficulty or expense will prevent them from acquiring such knowledge.

Their behavior and lifestyle are largely determined by the search for common points of contact between different eras.



Leo men born on August 12:
  • are distinguished by the following features: 
  • recognized, 
  • playful, 
  • noble, 
  • ambitious.
  • Leo is a masculine sign, as its emphasis shifts towards leadership qualities and power energy.
  • Men of this sign are typical strong and bright alpha males and macho, ready to throw all the treasures of the world at the feet of their chosen one, counting on admiration and emphasizing their superiority.
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Leo women born on August 12:
  • endowed with the following properties: 
  • confident, 
  • interesting, 
  • kind, 
  • strong.
  • The ability to put herself above others and the regal manners of the Leo woman hypnotize many men.
  • At the same time, Lionesses are often bright, strong, charismatic women in bright outfits, which men of a timid dozen are simply afraid of.
  • Falling in love, this woman loses her head and gives herself up without a trace.
Main event

The first personal computer appeared

August 12, 1981

The first IBM 5150 PC

The first IBM 5150 PC

Before the advent of the first personal computers, the acquisition and use of computers was very expensive. Few ordinary people could afford to have such a miracle of technology at home! Computers were installed in large corporations, universities, research centers and government institutions.

August 12, 1981, the American company IBM Corporation (International Business Machines) introduced the first model of a personal computer - IBM 5150, which marked the beginning of the era of modern computers.

The first personal computer cost $ 1,565, was easy to use and occupied relatively little space. IBM 5150 was equipped with an Intel 8088 processor with a clock speed of 4.77 megahertz and a preinstalled RAM of 16 or 64 kilobytes. In the first PC there was no hard drive, and the drive was purchased for a fee.

In the first year of sales, the number of computers sold exceeded 130,000. By 2000, 140 million personal computers were sold worldwide. Today there are about a billion personal computers in the world.

A significant part of the world's population simply does not represent their lives without intelligent machines, allowing them to roam the Internet, writing and receiving letters, storing huge amounts of information, listening to music, watching movies, editing photos and much, much more.

And where and how this direction will develop in the future - time will tell ...


International Youth Day

International Youth Day is celebrated annually on August 12 since 2000 - and all this thanks to the tireless UN.

In 1999, the United Nations General Assembly supported the recommendation of the World Conference of Ministers Responsible for Youth (Lisbon, 1998) to declare August 12 International Youth Day.

Every year, events dedicated to the Day of Youth (among which are various concerts, exhibitions, conferences, seminars, flash mobs, etc.) are held under a certain motto.

By the way, the young overgrown of the planet has several holidays: International Youth Solidarity Day is celebrated on April 24, World Youth Day - November 10.

Builder's Day

For the first time, the professional holiday of construction workers was celebrated in the USSR on August 12, 1956.

Many of the traditions, started at the dawn of the builder’s Day celebration have survived to the present day. Traditionally, new objects opening are dedicated to this day: schools, hospitals, bridges, residential buildings.

On this day, there are various solemn meetings of builders, congratulatory concerts for workers in the industry, with the presentation of state awards to the best of them and honoring builders-veterans.

Also on August 12...

1681 - Vitus Bering was born, Russian navigator, officer of the Russian fleet, polar explorer.

1851 - American Isaac Zinger received a patent for an improved shuttle stitch sewing machine.

1865 - English surgeon Joseph Lister used carbolic acid, or phenol, for the first time during surgery to disinfect the surgeon’s tools and hands. As a result, mortality after surgery became three time less.

1877 - world history of sound recording began: American inventor Thomas Edison recorded the melody “Mary Had A Little Lamb” on the record mechanically.

1882 - Vincent Bendix, American inventor of the automobile starter, was born.

1896 - gold is found on the Klondike River. That’s really that the government of the Russian Empire, who had sold Alaska just five years earlier to the Union of American States, bitten its elbows ...

1930 - George Soros was born, American financier and public figure of Hungarian origin.

1949 - in London, because of the starlings, who were located on the minute hand of the clock, Big Ben began to beat time four and a half minutes late.

1969 - Tanita Tikaram, English singer, was born.

1979 - died Ernst Boris Chain (b. 1906), German-British biochemist, one of the discoverers of penicillin, Nobel laureate in physiology and medicine (1945).

1981 - IBM released the first personal computer.

1991 - in Great Britain, walking of fighting dogs without muzzles, breeding and selling them is prohibited.

1994 - ''Woodstock-94'' rock festival opened, dedicated to the 25th anniversary of its famous predecessor. And this is the only thing that was significant, except for the continuous rain and mud in which the gathered audience swam.

2000 - ''Kursk'' nuclear submarine crashed in the Barents Sea. The official report on the death of a nuclear submarine in 2000 pages, published in 2002 by the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation, Ustinov, says that the death of the Kursk was caused by a training torpedo that exploded in the torpedo compartment. This version was repeatedly questioned, but for 118 sailors it no longer matters ...

2009 - died Lester William Polsfuss (b. 1915), American guitar virtuoso, one of the inventors of electric guitars.

2018 - NASA launched the ''Parker'' solar probe to study the atmosphere of the sun and the solar wind.


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