August 22, or First Geneva Convention


Zodiac Sign Leo

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August: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
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LeoAugust 22Whatever goals those born on on this day pursue - imaginary or quite feasible, they never lose touch with the experience that they have gained, solving the simplest tasks and performing everyday duties.

These people do not at all believe that knowledge can be useless. Having accumulated comprehensive information about the world around them, they can easily navigate both in abstract philosophical concepts and in everyday life. However, it is difficult to blame them for arrogance or overconfidence.

Born 22 August never forget their roots and assess their own abilities quite correctly.

Born 22 August fearlessly hatch their plans.

Whatever their natural talents, they exploit them to the fullest. In this respect, they have little envy of others, knowing that "genius consists of one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent sweating." Those born on this day are unlikely to be thrown off balance by those who doubt their capabilities, the answer is usually good work, and the results speak for themselves.



Leo men born on August 22:
  • possess the following traits: 
  • open, 
  • loyal, 
  • influential, 
  • strong.
  • A man born under the sign of Leo is so possessive that he is sometimes ready to go ahead for the sake of his beloved woman.
  • He will never quietly suffer and regret the lost opportunities - Leo always acts actively and sometimes aggressively.
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Leo women born on August 22:
  • possess the following facets of temperament: 
  • charismatic, 
  • exceptional, 
  • open, 
  • chic.
  • Leo women are a contradiction of nature, whose strength and pride resonates with sentimentality and the need for love and admiration.
  • The Leo woman almost on a physical level needs not just attention, but love on the verge of a foul, renunciation, sacrifice and the partner's desire to dissolve in her interests.
Main event

First Geneva Convention signed

August 22, 1864

Document of the First Geneva Convention of 1864
Document of the First Geneva Convention of 1864

The Geneva Convention is an international legal treaty that regulates the protection and relief of the wounded and sick during the course of hostilities. In total, there are four Geneva Conventions, and the first of them was adopted on August 22, 1864, and was called the "Convention on the Amelioration of the Condition of the Wounded in the Armies in the Field."

In general, the resolutions concerning the peaceful treatment of the wounded during wars have been encountered since the 16th century. But these were specific treaties between individual states.

An important role in the preparation and adoption of the 1864 Convention belongs to Henri Dunant, witness the suffering of the wounded and dying French and Austrian soldiers after the Battle of Solferino in 1859, during the war in Italy. It was he who initiated the creation of rules for all countries participating in military conflicts in relation to the wounded and sick and the establishment of societies that could voluntarily take on the task of providing medical assistance during the war.

On his initiative, in 1863 an international conference was held, on which the principles of the Red Cross were laid, and after which, at the invitation of the Swiss government, a meeting of diplomats of European countries was held in Geneva with the aim of adopting a convention on "soldiers who were wounded in the war".

As a result of this conference in Geneva, which lasted from August 8 to 22, 1864, the first Geneva Convention was signed - a multilateral international agreement that established the humanitarian rules of warfare put forward by the Red Cross to ease the plight of wounded and sick warriors on the battlefield.

The Geneva Convention was based on the idea of ​​assistance and patronage to every wounded man - own and the enemy, indifferently. And the wounded and sick in medical institutions, as well as all the personnel of these institutions are considered neutral persons, regardless of which of the belligerents is occupied by this area. They are not taken prisoner and prisoners are not considered. Involved, in addition to the wounded and personnel, are the hospitals, the entire material part, as well as local residents, who help the wounded.

Another feature of the Convention was a sign - a red cross on a white background.

Another feature of the Convention was that it first identified the distinctive sign of medical institutions and personnel involved in caring for the sick and wounded - a red cross on a white background. The medical facilities were to be marked by flags, and the staff - by bandages. A red cross on a white background indicates the neutrality of the personnel or institution protected by this Convention.

The convention was signed by 12 states present at the conference, in 1867 almost all the leading powers ratified it, except for the USA, which did so in 1882. Somewhat later, other powers joined the agreement, and since then the Convention has become a universal one, which was very important for its authority.

The basic principles set forth in this document and preserved in the subsequent Geneva Conventions have imposed an obligation to ensure, without discrimination, the care of the wounded and sick of the military and respect for medical personnel and their equipment.

Already two years after its adoption, in the Austro-Prussian War of 1866, the Geneva Convention passed its "baptism of fire". And although the war found some shortcomings and difficulties in implementing certain provisions of the Convention, it also showed its undoubted advantages. Subsequently, amendments and additions were made to the text of the document, in particular, the operation of the Convention also extended to naval war.

Also on August 22...

1770 - сaptain James Cook landed on the east coast of Australia during his first round-the-world expedition, he called New South Wales and declared possession of the British crown.

1822 - American inventor Alexander Bell received a patent number 7739 for the invention of the telephone.

1862 - Claude Debussy was born, French composer.

1865 - William Shepperd receives a patent for liquid soap.

1909 - first airshow in the world began in Reims.

1917 - John Lee Hooker, the greatest American blues singer and guitarist, was born.

1920 - Ray Bradbury was born (d. 2012), American science fiction writer, author of Martian Chronicles and 451 degrees Fahrenheit.

1961 - International Astronomical Union officially approved the names of the details of the far side of the Moon, photographed by the AMC "Luna-3".

1962 - sailing of “Savannah” started, the first in the world cargo ship operating on nuclear fuel.

1971 - Richard Armitage, British actor (The First Avenger, The Hobbit, Hannibal) was born.

1978 - employees of the English newspaper "The Times" set a kind of record by publishing a small note with 97 typos.

1979 - “Led Zeppelin” released their latest album “In Through the Out Door”.

1988 - first platinum coin featuring a koala is released in Australia.

1989 - Neptune's rings are opened.

2002 - capital of Australia, Canberra, became the first place on the continent to abortion.

2012 - Russia officially joined the World Trade Organization.


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