August 19, or First Dogs In Space, Apple Savior, Beekeeper's, Humanitarian and Photography Day


Zodiac Sign Leo

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August: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
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LeoAugust 19Born on this day often accumulate information without even realizing at first its utilitarian value.

Sometimes this information is not personal, but concerns various areas of the humanities or natural sciences. In this case, those born on August 19 act as zealous custodians of the most valuable information, for the time being unavailable for public use.

However, sensing a favorable moment, they reveal hitherto unknown facts with great noise and fanfare, counting on a certain reward for their efforts.



Leo men born on August 19:
  • possess the following traits: 
  • influential, 
  • decisive, 
  • idealistic, 
  • ambitious.
  • A man born under the sign of Leo is so possessive that he is sometimes ready to go ahead for the sake of his beloved woman.
  • He will never quietly suffer and regret the lost opportunities - Leo always acts actively and sometimes aggressively.

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Leo women born on August 19:
  • stand out for their special qualities: 
  • reliable, 
  • confident, 
  • disciplined, 
  • chic.
  • Leo women are a contradiction of nature, whose strength and pride resonates with sentimentality and the need for love and admiration.
  • The Leo woman almost on a physical level needs not just attention, but love on the verge of a foul, renunciation, sacrifice and the partner's desire to dissolve in her interests.

The Soviet space ship with the dogs Belka ( Squirrel) and Strelka ( Arrow) on board made a daily flight with the return to Earth

August 19, 1960

Doctors removed the experimental dogs from the cockpit of the head of the geophysical rocket at the landing site.
Doctors removed the cosmonauts' dogs from the cockpit of the head of the geophysical rocket at the landing site.

Dog-cosmonauts Belka and Strelka are the first animals to perform an orbital space flight on the ''Sputnik-5'' spacecraft and returned to Earth unscathed.

On August 19, 1960, a Soviet rocket launched into orbit the 'Sputnik-5'', carrying Belka and Strelka on board. The purpose of the experiment was to study the effect of cosmic radiation on living organisms, as well as to test the effectiveness of various life support systems - nutrition, water supply, sewage, waste reclamation.

The ship was equipped with medical and biological equipment, which recorded changes that occurred in the organisms of dogs throughout the flight. For the flight, the dogs were sewn special costumes of red and green colors.

Before sending Belka and Strelka into space, scientists had to solve several serious problems. In the cockpit of the spacecraft for a long time it was not possible to achieve an acceptable temperature - the dogs could hardly tolerate the heat. In addition, they needed to be accustomed to a tight enclosed space. In addition to the dogs, there were two white rats and several mice on board.

The first animal, put into orbit of the Earth, was the dog Laika ( Husky) in November 1957. However, the animal died a few hours after the start from overheating in the spacecraft.

After this flight, Sergei Pavlovich Korolev was tasked with preparing dogs for a daily orbital flight with the possibility of returning back to the descent vehicle. For the experiment, 12 dogs were selected.

As a result of training, the dogs Chaika ( Gull) and Lisichka ( Fox) flew into space first, but they died in a ship crash after the unsuccessful launch on July 28, 1960. The Belka and Strelka were their backups, so after the crash with the main crew of the experiment, it was decided to launch the Belka and Strelka into space.

The launch took place from Baikonur cosmodrome on August 19, 1960 at 11.44 (Moscow time), the flight lasted more than 25 hours, during which time the ship made 17 full turns around the Earth. The next day the descent vehicle with animals aboard landed safely in the specified area.

Returned from the orbit, the dogs became the object of increased attention and a day later they took part in the press conference organized in the building of TASS. Belka and Strelka felt great.

The Strelka left behind a large number of offspring. And one of her puppies - Pushok ( Fluffy) - was presented to the wife of American President Jacqueline Kennedy. The cosmonauts themselves remained at the State Research and Test Institute of Aviation and Space Medicine and died in deep old age.

Currently, their stuffed animals are in the Memorial Museum of Astronautics in Moscow. It must be said that this experiment of the daily orbital flight of Belka and Strelka has become a significant contribution to the study and mastery of outer space. And the volume of conducted research and the nature of the problems solved in this way allowed to draw conclusions about the possibility of a person to make an orbital flight around the Earth.


Apple Savior

Apple Savior came to us from pagan Russia. This is an apple harvest festival. All the rites of this holiday and two other other Saviors, were dedicated to the Gods of Savior, which have pagan roots. In ancient times there were many such holidays, they were dedicated to the harvest of each fruit and were always keep holy before eating. There were, for example, such Saviors, like bread, berry, mushroom and others.

Before the Second Savior, eating apples was forbidden, and the first fruits collected on that day were sanctified in the church and only then were eaten. Sometimes, eating the last piece of the Savior apple, they made a wish and believed that it would be fulfilled. In the southern regions, along with apples, the first grapes were sanctified and tasted.

On this day, bidding was held, which exposed the whole carts with apples. In addition, people who had gardens, considered it their duty on this day to feed the sick and the poor. Those who violated this custom were considered dishonorable by people.

Apple Savior is also called the "first fall", that is, the meeting of autumn. It is believed that the first chills come with the Apple Savior. That is why in the old days there was a custom - to walk in the field, accompany the sunset of the first autumn sun with songs.

Beekeeper's Day

Today it is necessary to honor one of the most courageous professions in the world. It is no joke - to voluntarily go to the bee cloud to get one of the most correct edible substances in the world.

Beekeeper's professional holiday has been celebrated since 1997.

As a rule, such holidays are lively. Beekeepers offer to try and buy their products - honey collected by their own bees. During the festive fair folk folk music groups perform, and the event is crowned by the awarding of the owners of the most delicious honey, which is chosen by the visitors of events.

World Humanitarian Day

August 19 is World Humanitarian Day. It is intended to remind people living in need and the necessary to ensure that they receive the help they deserve.

In addition, on this day, the world community remembers people who have lost their lives, saving others, to pay tribute to them. One of them is the United Nations staff member Sergio Vieira de Mello, who was killed in a hotel bombing in Baghdad. It happened on August 19, 2003 - and in honor of this sad event, a date was chosen for World Humanitarian Day.

This year, the UN and its partner organizations are calling for solidarity and support for 130 million people in need of humanitarian assistance. The day is held under the slogan "United Humanity" and is intended to draw the attention of the general public to the outcome of the World Summit on Humanitarian Issues, held in Istanbul, the participants of which promised to help people in crisis, and to provide safe and effective ways of providing humanitarian assistance.

World Photography Day

All photographers (both amateurs and professionals) and connoisseurs of this art annually celebrate World Photography Day on August 19th. It was established in 2009 on the initiative of an Australian photographer named Korske Ara.

The date of the holiday was chosen due to the fact that on this day in 1839, the general public was presented with a method for obtaining a print of a photo - daguerreotype, a prototype of a photo. This invention belongs to Louis Jacques Mande Daguerre, from whom the French government bought a patent for such a promising innovation, and it proclaimed his invention a “gift to the world”. After all, the invention of Daguerre became the first step towards photography as an accessible “technology”.

Also on August 19...

1687 - in Berezovo (Russia), more than a thousand people burned themselves in protest against the transition to three- fingers cross oneself.

1692 - five women are hanged for witchcraft in Massachusetts.

1856 - American Gale Borden patented a method for producing condensed milk.

1883 - Gabrielle “Coco” Chanel, a French fashion designer, a trendsetter on a world and time scale, was born.

1887 - having risen in a balloon, Dmitri Mendeleev observed a solar eclipse.

1913 - leader of the British suffragists, Sylvia Pankhurst, advised her comrades-in-arms to study the art of jiu-jitsu in order to resist with honor in future police clashes.

1945 - Ian Gillan was born, British rock singer, vocalist of the ''Deep Purpl''e rock band.

1946 - born Bill Clinton, 42nd President of the United States.

1947 - Vitamin A was first synthesized.

1967 - ''Pink Floyd'' first hit the English hit parade of the best albums with their debut album ''Piper at the Gates of Dawn''.

1969 - born Matthew Perry, American actor, star of the TV series "Friends." By the way, the role of Nick Ozeransky from ''Nine Yards'' was written specifically for him.

2002 - ''Snow Mountains Music Festival'' ended in China - the first outdoor rock festival in the history of the country.

2004 - ''Google'' company began selling its shares on the stock market.

2005 - died Aushra Augustinavichiute (b. 1928), Lithuanian economist, sociologist and psychologist, one of the founders of socionics.

2012 - died Tony Scott (b. 1944), American filmmaker.

2013 - died Lee Thompson Young (b. 1984), American actor.

2014 - killed James Foley (b. 1973), American photojournalist.


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