August 18, or Homeless Animals and First Bread


Zodiac Sign Leo

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LeoAugust 18Born on this day, even when faced with really serious problems, they overcome them surprisingly easily.

No matter how successful and happy the life of these people is, considerable difficulties seem to arise on purpose in order to once again experience their character.

Being unconditionally emotional natures, those born on this day experience troubles and vicissitudes of fate on a deeper level than most of those around them. Nevertheless, this rarely makes them unhappy, because they are truly confident that certain success on the path to perfection, which, by the way, is never easy, can be achieved only through the consistent acquisition of life experience, including negative.

Even the most heated discussions fail to convince them of the existence of any real substitute for empirical confrontation.



Leo men born on August 18:
  • are distinguished by the following qualities: 
  • open, 
  • cheerful, 
  • warm, 
  • leader.
  • A man born under the sign of Leo is so possessive that he is sometimes ready to go ahead for the sake of his beloved woman.
  • He will never quietly suffer and regret the lost opportunities - Leo always acts actively and sometimes aggressively.
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Leo women born on August 18:
  • not like others in such properties: 
  • warm, 
  • disciplined, 
  • devoted, 
  • bright.
  • Leo women are a contradiction of nature, whose strength and pride resonates with sentimentality and the need for love and admiration.
  • The Leo woman almost on a physical level needs not just attention, but love on the verge of a foul, renunciation, sacrifice and the partner's desire to dissolve in her interests.

World Day of Homeless Animals

On the third Saturday of August, the International Homeless Animals Day is celebrated.

"The moral progress of a nation can be measured by how this nation relates to animals." 
Mahatma Gandhi

On the third Saturday of August, the International Homeless Animals Day is celebrated. The date appeared on the calendar on the initiative of the International Society for Animal Rights (ISAR). The organization made this proposal in 1992, the initiative was supported by animal protection organizations of different countries.

This date is not considered a holiday, but an occasion to address the problem of homeless animals, to tell the maximum number of people about their tragic fate.

Throughout the world, educational and charitable events are held on this day. Volunteers hold concerts, competitions and auctions, helping to raise funds, which are sent to help homeless animals - primarily, of course, dogs and cats. Also this day is a good chance to find an owner for a stray dog ​​or cat.

One of the tasks of the Day of Stray Animals is to awaken the owners of beasts a conscious attitude to their role in order to prevent the replenishment of the rows of stray cats and dogs due to uncontrolled reproduction of pets.

For the same purpose, some veterinary clinics perform sterilization of cats and dogs on a free basis this day. The problem, to which the Day of Homeless Animals attracts attention, is really acute. The number of street dogs in cities is estimated at several tens of thousands of individuals. Shelters are sorely lacking.

The first known in the world shelters for dogs appeared in Japan in 1695; it contained 50,000 animals.

The first law, aimed at protecting animals from cruelty, was adopted in the UK. This happened in 1822.

And the most favorable conditions for animals exist in Austria, where legislation prohibits, for example, cutting the tail and ears of dogs, using wild animals in circuses, selling puppies and kittens in the windows of pet stores and so on.

In Folks

August 18 in the folks calendar is called Evstigney Zhitnik.

On this day was supposed to knead the barley bread from the first flour grinding. They also ate raw onions with bread, salt and kvass ( sour drink, prepared on the water from bread with malt, as well as berries, fruits). It was believed that this gives the body health, and the face - a fresh look. Bundles of onions were also hung in rooms - so that the air was cleaned (as is now known, onions are a good antiseptic).

Also on this day, they organized a collection of “harvest mother”: the girls walked along the harvested line and chose the dropped stems with the largest number of ears. It was believed that someone lucky enough to find the one with twelve spikelets, that happiness will carry home. Spikelets were stored next to the icons. The “harvest mother” was very valuable, because, according to legend, she could help three times, after which the power left her. When sowing, seeds from the “harvest mother” were the first to place into the ground for a rich harvest.

And at sunset, they went out into the field and shouted as loud as possible. If the echo was heard far away - it foreshadowed a sunny day, if close - waited for the rain.

Also on August 18...

1743 - Jack Broughton, the champion of England in boxing, formulated the rules of boxing fights.

1750 - Antonio Salieri, Austrian composer of Italian origin, was born. In our forest, every dog knows who poisoned Mozart ... Moreover, the fact of the poisoning of Wolfgang Amadeus by Salieri is not confirmed by anything, unlike the historically recorded information that Antonio was a very successful composer and teacher, and among his students were Beethoven, Schubert and Liszt

1830 - Franz Joseph I was born, Emperor of the Austrian Empire (since 1848) and King of Hungary (since 1867), who started the First World War.

1868 - French astronomer Pierre Jansen discovered a new element in the solar spectrum - helium.

1900 - the word television appeared. It was invented and introduced into scientific use by the Russian engineer Konstantin Persky. He crossed two words from different languages: part "tele" from the Greek language, part "vision" - from French.

1904 - Max Factor was born (his real name is Maximilian Faktorovich), an American perfumer of Polish origin, founder of the ''Max Factor'' cosmetic company.

1913 - a record-breaking case occurred at a Monte Carlo casino - a roulette ball fell on black 26 times in a row.

1933 - Roman Polanski was born, a French-Polish-American film director and actor. Already at the age of 14, Roman played on the stage, then starred in the films of Andrzej Wajda. After graduating from the directing department in Lodz, he made several short films that brought him awards, and after the first feature film ''Knife in the Water'' (1961) international fame came to him. After leaving Poland in 1962, Polanski makes films in the United Kingdom and the United States, where in 1969 his second wife, film actress Sharon Tate, was brutally murdered by the Manson gang. In 1977, the director was charged with unlawful cohabitation with a youngster, which forced him to leave America and settle in France, where he continues to produce new films.

1937 - Robert (actually - Charles) Redford, American film actor and film director, was born. He made a huge creative journey and in old age he continues to knock a tear out of housewives and cause aspiration in students, for example, in the movie “Spy Games”.

1950 - four-month-old kitten, following a group of climbers, climbed the Matterhorn (Alps) mountain with a height of 4477 m.

1952 - birthday of Patrick Swayze (died of cancer on September 14, 2009). It is enough to name 3 films: “On the crest of a wave”, “The Ghost” and “Dirty Dancing”, to get a tear out of housewives again ... and so on.

1957 - Carole Bouquet was born, French actress (“Nemo”, “Bingo Bongo”), face of the perfume “Chanel”.

1962 - Ringo Starr first performed as the drummer for the Beatles.

1966 - the first photographing of the lunar surface from the American selenocentric orbit, ''Lunar Orbiter-1'', was made.

1969 - Christian Slater was born, an American actor who played in any genre with equal ease. Gothic detective “The Name of the Rose”, non-stop action film “Broken Arrow”, classic “Interview with the Vampire”, black hardcore “Very bad deeds” ... filmed by Coppola and Tarantino ... By the way, in fact, the multi-operator real name is Christian Michael Leonard Hawkins. He also tried himself as a director, having shot the short film “Museum of Love”.

1969 - Edward Norton, American actor, was born. In his acting gallery - "Fight Club", "American History X", "The People Against Larry Flynt", "The Score" and so on. Tried on himself a green skin of the Hulk.

1977 - funeral of Elvis Presley took place in Memphis. 75 thousand fans saw off the singer's last journey.

1983 - Mika was born (real name is Michael Holbrook Penniman), a British music artist of Lebanese descent.

1991 - Mikhail Gorbachev was taken under house arrest in the Crimea. As it turned out, not for long. But the era of the USSR ended forever.

2009 - ''Arctic Sea'' dry-cargo vessel captured by pirates in the Baltic Sea, was released by the Russian Navy.

2018 - died Kofi Annan (b. 1938), Ghanaian diplomat, 7th Secretary-General of the United Nations (1997–2006).


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