August 3, or Beer and Watermelon Day


Zodiac Sign Leo

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LeoAugust 3Born on this day are madly attracted to danger in any form. Their search usually consists in the fact that they either embark on the path of dangerous adventures themselves, or save others from danger.

Their goal may also be to reveal the truth as they see it, regardless of risk. Moreover, the most important thing for them is the risk itself, and not the truth, which, in fact, they do not need.

Those born on this day should beware of endangering others through their actions. The main thing is to learn to stop on time.

Not inclined to earthly thoughts, those born on August 3 are looking for new experiences away from home. Some actually go to the ends of the world, while others recreate exhilarating adventures in their imaginations, sitting in a comfortable chair.

Less developed people born on August 3 are well stimulated by the thrill of the heroes of scandalous publications from fashion magazines and newspapers, and they willingly kind of live their lives.

More educated personalities born on this day not only generate and experience thrills themselves, but also make them work creatively or professionally and even bring very tangible profits.


Leo men born on August 3:
  • characterized by the following properties: 
  • confident, 
  • loyal, 
  • organized, 
  • gallant.
  • Leo is a masculine sign, as its emphasis shifts towards leadership qualities and power energy.
  • Men of this sign are typical strong and bright alpha males and macho, ready to throw all the treasures of the world at the feet of their chosen one, counting on admiration and emphasizing their superiority.

Leo women born on August 3:
  • are distinguished by special facets of temperament: 
  • generous, 
  • reliable, 
  • warm, 
  • exceptional.
  • The ability to put herself above others and the regal manners of the Leo woman hypnotize many men.
  • At the same time, Lionesses are often bright, strong, charismatic women in bright outfits, which men of a timid dozen are simply afraid of.
  • Falling in love, this woman loses her head and gives herself up without a trace.

International beer day

Beer is one of the most popular alcoholic beverages in the world

Beer is one of the most popular alcoholic beverages in the world, it conducts its history from the depths of centuries, has thousands of recipes and millions of fans all over the world.

Therefore, it is not surprising that many festivals, fairs and festivals of various levels are held everywhere in honor of him. So, "professional" holidays of manufacturers and fans of this foamy drink appear in the calendar of many countries. For example, in Iceland - this is March 1, and in Russia the main industry holiday of domestic beer producers - Brewer's Day - is celebrated on the second Saturday of June.

And in recent years, the International Beer Day is gaining in popularity - the annual unofficial holiday of all lovers and producers of this drink, which is celebrated on the first Friday of August. The founder of the holiday was the American Jesse Avshalomov, the owner of the bar, who wanted to attract more visitors to his bar.

For the first time this holiday took place in 2007 in Santa Cruz (California, USA) and for several years had a fixed date - August 5, but as the geography of the holiday spread, its date also changed - from 2012 it is celebrated on the first Friday of August. It was at this time that he turned from a small town festival into an international event: in 2012, it was celebrated in 207 cities of 50 countries on 5 continents. In addition to the USA, today Beer Day is celebrated in many countries of Europe, South and North America, Asia and Africa.

As already mentioned, beer is a very ancient drink. According to archaeological finds, beer in ancient Egypt was already precisely brewed in the 3rd century BC, that is, it can lead its history from more ancient times.

A number of researchers associate his appearance with the beginning of human cultivation of grain crops - for 9000 years BC. By the way, there is an opinion that initially wheat was not used for baking bread, but for making beer.

And, unfortunately, the name of the person who invented the recipe for this drink is not known. Although, of course, the composition of the "ancient" beer was different from the modern one, which includes malt and hops.

Beer approximately in the form that we know it today, appeared around the 13th century. It was then that hops began to add to it. Breweries began to appear in Iceland, Germany, England and other European countries, and each had its own secrets of making this drink. Beer was made according to different family recipes, which were passed from father to son and kept in strictest confidence.

It is believed that the tradition to organize a festive celebration in honor of beer came from Iceland - the birthplace of the Vikings. And then these traditions were picked up in other countries. Today, as before, the main goal of all these holidays is to get together with friends and enjoy the taste of your favorite beer, congratulate and thank everyone who is in one way or another connected with the production and serving of this frothy drink.

congratulate and thank everyone who is connected with the production and serving of this frothy drink

Therefore, traditionally, the main events take place in pubs, bars and restaurants on International Beer Day, where all participants of the festival can taste beer not only of different varieties, but also of different manufacturers of different countries and even rare varieties. And institutions are open until the morning, because the main tradition of the holiday is to contain as much beer as it can get. 

And also, for example, in the USA, various thematic parties, quizzes and games are often organized, especially beer-pong (an alcohol game in which players throw a ping-pong ball across the table, trying to get them into a mug or a glass of beer standing on the other end of this table). And all this for a mug of high-quality drink. The main thing to remember is that beer is still an alcoholic beverage, so you should celebrate the Beer Day so that you do not get a headache in the morning.

Some interesting facts about beer:

  • It is believed that the most beer nation - it's the Germans, a little bit of them in terms of beer consumption is behind the Czechs and the Irish.
  • In England, in the town of Great Harwood, unusual beer competitions are held - men run a race for 5 miles, and at this distance they must drink a mug of beer in the 14 pubs located at a distance. But participants do not just run, but run with baby carriages. And the winner is the one who did not just come to the finish line first, but never turned the stroller.
  • The largest beer factory is the Adolph Coors Company (USA), its production capacity is 2.5 billion liters of beer per year.
  • At the auction, a bottle of Lowebrau beer was sold for more than $ 16,000. This is the only bottle of beer that survived after the crash in 1937 of the airship of Hindenburg in Germany.

The most famous beer festivals in the world are:

  • Oktoberfest, which takes place in Germany in September; 
  • The Great Beer Festival of London, which is held in August; 
  • Belgian Beer Weekend - in Brussels in early September; 
  • The Great Beer Festival in Denver (USA) - at the end of September. 
  • And this is not a complete list.

Watermelon day

This holiday begins in America, which occupies the first place in the number of eating watermelon.

Perfectly quenching thirst and being far from high-calorie, watermelon, of course, deserved its own holiday.

It is no secret that watermelons are not only tasty, but also very useful delicacy. It has more than 90% water and only about 6% sugar. Watermelon is an excellent source of vitamin A, contains a complex of vitamins of group B, vitamin C and folic acid. Watermelon - one of the leaders in the content of lycopene - a very strong antioxidant. All this not only helps to strengthen the immune system, but also helps the body to maintain normal function of the nervous system and the formation of red blood cells. In addition, salts of iron, potassium, sodium, phosphorus, magnesium, contained in the pulp of watermelon, have a beneficial effect on the activity of the blood-forming organs, digestion, cardiovascular system, endocrine glands.

Also on August 3...

1492 - the first expedition of the Italian navigator, a native of Genoa, Christopher Columbus, started on the ships “Santa Maria”, “Pinta”, “Ninia”. Based on the ancient theory of the sphericity of the Earth and incorrect calculations of scientists of the 15th century, the traveler hoped to discover the shortest sea route from Europe to India. From the Canary Islands, the expedition turned to the West, crossed the Atlantic Ocean in the subtropical zone and reached the island of San Salvador in the Bahamas archipelago, where it landed on October 12, 1492. This day became the official date of discovery of America.

1596 - German astronomer David Fabricius discovered the first variable star - World of the World.

1778 - ''La Scala'' opera, built by architect Giuseppe Piermarini on the site of the old church of Santa Maria della Scala, opened in Milan. And 17 years later, in 1795, the Paris Conservatoire was founded in France. So, today every feast is simply obliged to be accompanied by vocal-instrumental exercises.

1811 - Elisha Otis, American inventor of a safe elevator (elevator delay system in the mine with a rope break) was born.

1882 - US Congress banned lunatics, criminals from entering the country, and also banned Chinese immigration for 10 years.

1904 - members of the English expedition became the first people of the West to enter the holy city of Lhasa in Tibet.

1904 - Clifford Symak was born, American science fiction writer (“Goblin Reserve”).

1922 - New York radio station used the world's first sound radio effect: two pieces of wood depicted a door slamming.

1932 - Italy’s leader Benito Mussolini announced the fight against pacifism.

1940 - Martin Shin (real name Ramon Estevez), American actor of Hispanic-Irish descent (“Apocalypse Today”, “Wall Street”, “Gandhi”, “American President”) was born.

1949 - National Basketball Association (NBA) is founded.

1955 - Samuel Beckett’s play “Waiting for Godot” premiered in London. Half of the spectators left the hall during the presentation, not understanding the author’s creative intent. However, later Beckett's talent was appreciated, having awarded him the Nobel Prize in literature in 1969.

1958 - American nuclear submarine "Nautilus" during the secret mission "Sunlight" at 23 hours and 15 minutes for the first time in history reached the North Pole under water.

1967 - born Mathieu Cassowitz, French actor, director and screenwriter (set "Hatred", "Crimson Rivers", "Gothic", "Babylon N.E." Amelie "," Munich ").

1971 - Paul McCartney formed a new group, which he called "Wings" ("Wings"). The band consisted of the wife of the musician Linda, the former guitarist of the band “Moody Blues” Danny Lane and the drummer - American Danny Seywell.

1979 - Evangeline Lilly was born, Canadian actress (TV series “Lost”, films “The Hobbit”, “Lord of the Storm”, “Real Steel”).

1992 - Sergey Bubka, a pole jumper, set a world record in Padua, jumping 6 meters 12 cm.

1993 - 4-year-old American Sydney Dittman became the youngest patent holder (her invention was called “Help for grabbing a round door handle”).

2002 - Romanian witches were angry that they were forbidden to speak on television. Such was the requirement for the country's entry into the European Union. From now on, any direct or indirect propaganda of occultism in radio and television programs is prohibited in Romania.

2004 - ''Messenger'' automatic interplanetary station was launched to investigate Mercury. In March 2011, the station safely entered the orbit of Mercury and began to transmit photos of the planet to Earth. The flight ended on April 30, 2015, when the station fell on Mercury.


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