August 16, or Control of Psychotropic, Raspberry and Elvis Presley


Zodiac Sign Leo

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LeoAugust 16Born on this day are true voluptuous people who know how to get what they want.

These people practically do not commit rash acts. In everything they do, there is a sense of proportion, so others are always willing to come into contact with them.

Those born on this day have a significant interest and / or inclination towards various forms of sensual pleasure, including sexual pleasure.

The guiding aspects of the personality prevent them from agreeing with the existence of other points of view.

In disputable cases, they will achieve victory in any way, not even disdaining to destroy their opponents or enemies.



Leo men born on August 16:
  • boast the following qualities: 
  • cheerful, 
  • generous, 
  • organized, 
  • playful.
  • Leo is a masculine sign, as its emphasis shifts towards leadership qualities and power energy.
  • Men of this sign are typical strong and bright alpha males and macho, ready to throw all the treasures of the world at the feet of their chosen one, counting on admiration and emphasizing their superiority.
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Leo women born on August 16:
  • endowed with such traits: 
  • kind, 
  • extravagant, 
  • confident, 
  • open.
  • The ability to put herself above others and the regal manners of the Leo woman hypnotize many men.
  • At the same time, Lionesses are often bright, strong, charismatic women in bright outfits, which men of a timid dozen are simply afraid of.
  • Falling in love, this woman loses her head and gives herself up without a trace.
Main event

The Convention on the Control of Psychotropic Substances entered into force

August 16, 1976

Convention on the Control of Psychotropic Substances was adopted on August 16, 1976.

January 11 - February 21, 1971, at the initiative of the United Nations in Vienna, a conference took place, at which the Convention on the Control of Psychotropic Substances was adopted. It was signed by about 160 states. The document came into force on August 16, 1976.

The Convention has established an international control system for hallucinogens, stimulating sedative-hypnotic substances, barbiturates, and hypnotics, tranquilizers and analgesics. Some of these substances are generally forbidden to use, others are given only by prescription.

The Convention provides ways to stop the abuse of psychotropic substances and indicates the need for treatment, rehabilitation of drug addicts.

The substance of the Convention on psychotropic substances is four lists of substances.
The first group includes hallucinogens (LSD, DMT, etc.).
The second - stimulating substances, as well as certain narcotic analgesics.
To the third - various substances possessing soothing, anticonvulsant and narcotic action (barbiturates).
To the fourth - hypnotics, tranquilizers and analgesics.

Control over psychotropic drugs is carried out by the International Bodies - the Commission on Narcotic Drugs and the International Narcotics Control Board.


Day when life is raspberry

This day was popularly called raspberian, because it fell out during a period when a lot of raspberries happened in the forests and gardens.

It was believed that the berries collected on August 16 were exceptionally sweet, so earlier on that day the whole family would go to the forest to gather raspberries.

From ancient times to this day, this berry was loved by the Russian people, it was mentioned in songs, fairy tales, proverbs. As a rule, raspberry was associated with something very pleasant and desirable. So, they said about the good life: “Not life, but raspberry!”. This berry was used both for medicinal purposes (especially for colds) and in cooking - they baked pies with it, made jams and compotes.

Another name of the day is Hazelnut. By this time the nuts ripened.

Memory Day of Elvis Presley

August 16 in the city of Memphis, Tennessee, USA, is the traditional memory day of Elvis Presley, where thousands of people come every year.

The program includes many different activities, but the main thing is that since 1983 it has included a three-day karate tournament, which is attended by great champions as instructors, guests of honor, judges, who were well-known to him personally. And on August 16, on the day of the death of Elvis, they present the winners with memorable prizes with his initials.

Also on August 16...

980 - born Ibn Sina (d. 1037), Iranian philosopher, poet, doctor, musician.

1857 - imprisonment for debts was canceled in Canada.

1888 - born Lawrence of Arabia (d. 1935), British intelligence officer, traveler. During the First World War made a significant contribution to the victory of the Arab uprising against the Ottoman Empire, contributed to the creation of semi-independent states, Iraq and Transjordan. His life became the basis for many novels, plays and films.

1930 - first sound color cartoon was created.

1933 - German Nazi leader Hermann Goering banned vivisection ( surgeries on live animals) in Prussia.

1934 - Pierre Richard was born, (real name Pierre Richard Maurice Charles Leopold Defey), French actor, the highest of all the ''blond in a black shoe''.

1954 - James Cameron was born, American film director (author of the ''Terminator'', ''Aliens'', ''Titanic'', ''Avatar'' films).

1958 - Madonna (real name Madonna Louise Veronica Ciccone), American queen of pop music, was born.

1960 - International Academy of Astronautics (IAA) was founded in Stockholm by decision of the XI International Astronautical Congress.

1962 - Steve Carell was born, a leading American film comedian (“This is stupid - love”, “Evan Almighty”, “Forty-year-old virgin”).

1962 - Pete Best expelled from the Beatles, Ringo Starr took his place.

1993 - ''Debian'' was founded by Jan Murdoch to create and distribute the free distribution of Debian GNU / Linux.

1995 - the majority of the population of Bermuda in a referendum voted against independence and for maintaining the status of the British colony.


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