August 25, or Bats Night and Trucker Day


Zodiac Sign Virgo

August: 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
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VirgoAugust 25Virgos born on August 25 represent a secret not only for others, but also for themselves.

Born 25 august by nature are incorrigible exhibitionists of all kinds, but if circumstances so require, it will not be difficult for them to retire at least for a short while in their own world, access to which is closed even to the closest friends.

Those born on this day are able to keep secrets for years without feeling the slightest desire to brag about them publicly.



Virgo men born on August 25:
  • have the following distinguishing characteristics: 
  • practical, 
  • capable, 
  • health-conscious, 
  • efficient, 
  • analyst.
  • The Virgo man is calm and reasonable.
  • Demonstration, posturing and boasting are alien to him.
  • He watches for a long time, looks closely and carefully thinks out his every step.
  • In a relationship, such a man will rarely decide to take the initiative, but there is no doubt about his loyalty and reliability.
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Virgo women born on August 25:
  • are not like others with such properties:
  • modest, 
  • dependent, 
  • organized.
  • The Virgo woman is the ideal of fidelity, devotion and constancy.
  • At the first meeting, she seems cold, unapproachable and indifferent.
  • The reasons for this behavior lie in the fact that the Virgo woman must carefully weigh all the risks and analyze the situation before showing her emotions.

International Bats Night

Bats are amazing mammals
Bats are amazing mammals 

On the last full weekend of August, the world celebrates one of the most unusual nature conservation holidays - International Bat Night. Its main goal is to attract public attention to the problems of bats and their protection, as well as to debunk myths around animals, to which many people experience unjustified superstitious fear, considering them vampires.

In fact, bats are amazing mammals that, thanks to their structure, have mastered the art of flying. Four long fingers of strongly developed forelimbs support the wing. A long narrow tail, equal to the length of the head, is also covered with a flying membrane. The toes of the hind limbs with claws are free from the membrane: the bats cling to branches and protuberances, hanging upside down.

The fact that bats are nocturnal, there is an explanation. They have very weak vision, adapted only to darkness. But the bats have remarkably developed sense of smell and hearing, which help to hunt and orient themselves in space, as well as unique ability to echo sounding, which besides them is possessed only by dolphins.

Bats are found everywhere, except for polar regions and highlands. And they are all safe.

The exception is bats-vampires with large and sharp teeth, living in Latin America and feeding on the blood of small rodents, birds, and occasionally - and livestock.

As for bats living in Europe, they should not be afraid. All of them are insectivorous animals. Moreover, bats are even useful, since they destroy many harmful insects, which are also active in the dark, and during the day they escape the attention of birds.

Many species of bats are on the verge of extinction. The problem has become especially acute in recent decades, due to the cutting down of hollow trees (it is in hollows that most of these animals find shelter), using various pesticides (bats die eating "poisoned" insects) and persecution from the person - due to elementary illiteracy and prejudice.

There is an international agreement on the protection of bats, signed by a number of countries. The very holiday of bats originated in Europe, and today it is held in many cities and regions in more than 30 countries. Traditionally, the night is spent in the last weekend of August, but the exact choice of dates remains for the organizers.

These days in many European countries, lectures, exhibitions, seminars are held on the protection of these animals, and on a festive night excursions are organized, during which you can see hidden animals. In the woods special house-duplexes are hung.

Day of Trucker

Every year on the last Saturday of August, thousands of drivers celebrate their professional holiday - Day of Trucker.

A trucker is not just a job that brings money, but a way of life. This profession is directly related to a variety of hazards, but it also allows you to travel and discover new corners of countries.

Also on August 25...

325 - Nicene Council set the rules for the calculation of Easter by Christians. At the beginning of the era, most Christian churches had their own methods for calculating the date of Easter. At the First Ecumenical Council in Nicea, it was proposed to celebrate Easter to all Christians in one day. From this point on, the Alexandrian Paschalia began to spread in the Christian world as the simplest system satisfying the requirement: Easter should be on the first Sunday day after the first full Moon after the spring equinox. In the VIII century, the Roman church also completely adopted this.

1609 - Galileo Galilei showed the Venetian Council of Doge a new device - a telescope.

1718 - French colonists who arrived in Louisiana founded the city of New Orleans.

1819 - Alan Pinkerton, private investigator, founder of a detective agency, was born. His biggest successes were the prevention of the assassination of President Lincoln in Baltimore in 1861 and the arrest of the theft organizers of $ 700,000 at the ''Adams Express'' railway company. The name of this famous detective story has long become a  common name, and his detective agency is still working and is considered one of the best.

1819 - in the Swiss Alps, a creek was found, which was given the name Saskia and registration number 64. Until now, the water from this source is considered the purest, healing, and rich in mineral salts in the right proportion.

1835 - in the USA, everyone was amazed by the publication of the New York Sun newspaper that plants were found on the Moon.

1875 -  captain Matthew Webb became the first person to swim across the English Channel.

1919 - world's first regular international aviation route London-Paris is opened.

1930 - born Sir Sean (Thomas) Connery, Scottish actor, who was the first performer of the role of James Bond. After that, he filmed a lot and tightly, good, the viewer from all his films in permanent delight.

1950 - Akiro Kurosawa’s film "Rashomon" starring Toshiro Mifune appeared on Japanese screens. The following year, the film won the main prize at the Venice Film Festival and brought world fame to its creators.

1956 - historian Anders Fransen discovered the ship ''Vaza'', which sank in 1628, in the water area of Stockholm.

1958 - Tim Barton was born, American film director (“Batman-1, 2”, “Ed Wood”, “Attack of Mars”, “Beatlejuiсe”, “Edward Scissorhands”, “Sleepy Hollow”, “Planet of the Apes”, cartoon ” The Nightmare Before Christmas ” and “ The Bride's Corpse ”, and finally “ Suini Todd". No one made the diagnosis for Barton, but, probably, psychiatrists of the whole world rub their hands, dreaming to examine him. His style is a silly clown evenly mixed with tragic Gothic. No one else can do that, so it only remains to hope that Tim will not recover for a long time ...

1960 - grand opening of the XVII Olympic Games took place in Rome. They went down in history  with a large number of participants, and fierce rivalry in the struggle, and many records and sensations. And the fact that all participants in the Olympic village were placed on a "political" basis. Athletes from the USSR and other Eastern European countries were settled in its eastern part, athletes of the West - in the western part, and between them there were “neutrals” - Olympians from Switzerland, Liechtenstein and other neutral countries.

1970 - Claudia Schiffer, German top model and actress was born.

1973 - first image was taken with a tomography.

1978 - death penalty is abolished in Spain in peacetime.

1987 - decree on the test for AIDS was passed, implying punishment for infection, and the expulsion of infected foreigners from the country.

1989 - American ''Voyager'' space probe transferred pictures of the planet Neptune to Earth.

1993 - in Assam (India), a rabid elephant trampled 44 people.

2003 - world's first tongue transplant operation was successful.

2009 - died Edward Kennedy (b. 1932), US Senator, younger brother of John and Robert Kennedy.

2012 - died Neil Armstrong (b. 1930), American astronaut, the first man to set foot on the Moon.


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