September 8, or David, Literacy, Journalism Solidarity and Crane Day


Zodiac Sign Virgo

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VirgoSeptember 8Virgos born on this day are hardworking, responsible workers and will willingly lend a helping hand to those in need.

The identity of those born on September 8 is by no means easy to guess.

At first glance, it might seem that these people are quite consciously interested in putting things in order in matters related to improving the lot of their family, social or national group.

However, if they stray from the right path, they are likely to remain completely confident that they are acting intelligently and with full responsibility, although perhaps the blind will not notice their delusions.

And yet - whether their efforts end well or not, there is no doubt that those who were born on this day greatly influence their environment.



Virgo men born on September 8:
  • have the following traits: 
  • intelligent, 
  • dedicated, 
  • capable, 
  • efficient, 
  • conscientious. 
  • Virgo man can like only a woman who is ideal in every sense - modest, well-mannered, educated, with an impeccable appearance, inaccessible and mysterious.
  • You should not expect surprises or explosive emotions from a Virgo man.
  • It is stable, consistent, and very predictable.
  • He performs all his actions according to a clear plan, understanding the logic of which, you can understand the man himself.
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Virgo women born on September 8:

  • characterized by the following qualities: 
  • organized, 
  • smart, 
  • kind.
  • Virgos strive for excellence in everything - in their careers, and in relationships, and in appearance.
  • Coquetry is alien to them, but false modesty is also an atypical feature of Virgos.
  • They with dignity accept well-deserved compliments and courtship, but do not flatter them.
  • Virgo women are well versed in people, they are difficult to deceive or mislead.
Main event

In Florence, a sculpture of David - a masterpiece of the  Michelangelo genius was placed

September 8, 1504

Sculpture of David by Michelangelo
Sculpture of David by Michelangelo

David is a marble sculpture of the biblical youth hero, the work of Michelangelo, which first appeared to the amazed Florentine audience in Piazza della Signoria on September 8, 1504. Transportation of the giant statue to the installation site, chosen by its creator, was directed by Leonardo da Vinci.

The sculpture was ordered to the master in 1501 by the Guild of Wool Traders.

Master worked on it for 2 years.

The statue is 5 meters high and weighs more than 6 tons.

It was made by Michelangelo from a monolithic block of marble, mined in a quarry near the city of Carrara. The stone first for almost 40 years lay in the inner courtyard of the Florence Cathedral, before Michelangelo took it. Even after completing the sculpture, he worked for another 4 months with the processing and polishing of marble, before the sculpture was presented to the public.

After the opening, the statue of David spent about three centuries in the open air in Piazza della Signoria.

The first 20 years after the creation became a serious test for the statue.

The rebels fired at the statue, and lightning struck the statue.

In 1527, during the uprising, the arm of David was broken off. A white mixture of lime and sand, which was used to return the hand to the place, is still visible.

And in the 19 century the monument was even more damaged by two non-professional operations to clean it: in 1810 it was covered with wax, and in 1843 the wax was washed off with a genuine patina with the help of hydrochloric acid.

In 1873, the statue of "David" was moved to the main hall of the Academy of Arts.

The place of the original in the Piazza della Signoria took a copy in 1910. However, this time the misadventures of the ancient handsome man did not end.

In 1991, the mentally unbalanced Italian Piero Cannata hammered off the middle finger on the left leg of "David". Had to make a new finger for the statue.

In May 2004, the Florentines for the first time in 130 years washed the famous sculpture. This was done specifically for the 500th anniversary of the creation of the statue. The sculpture of David was solemnly reopened in the Academy of Florence after the end of the restoration process.


International Literacy Day

International Literacy Day is celebrated by the United Nations. The literacy level of modern man is quite high, and this is a huge achievement of civilization.

The number of literate people in the world totals more than 4 billion. However, a large number of people (860 million) are still illiterate, and more than 100 million children on the planet do not attend school.

A large percentage of schoolchildren participating in educational programs do not correspond to the expected level. An important task of the UN is to direct a lot of attention to girls and boys who do not receive sufficient education.

International Day of Journalism Solidarity

The 4th congress of the international organization of journalists was held in Bucharest in 1958, it was decided to celebrate the international day of solidarity of journalists.

In memory of the famous Czech anti-fascist and political figure Julius Fucik, who wrote the book “Report with a noose around his neck”, it was decided to hold events on the day of his death in the dungeons of a Prague prison. The book of the anti-fascist and leader of the Prague Communists has been translated into 70 languages.

On this day, journalists hold actions, conferences, congresses, share experiences, and award the best representatives of their profession.

Crane Day

The original exotic holiday is usually celebrated on the second Sunday of September. Imagine - cranes appeared on Earth long before the dinosaurs 40-60 million years ago in North America!

At first they migrated to Asia, then settled in Africa and Australia. They can be found almost everywhere, except, perhaps, Antarctica and South America. Most often they winter in Iran and in the west of India. In total, there are about 15 species of birds.

Several rare species are listed in the ''Red Book''. To save rare species, scientists laid eggs of endangered species to other birds. The secretariat of the ''Bonn Convention on Cranes'' organized a working group, and proposed to celebrate the World Crane Day, on days that annual accounting for cranes flying to warm countries is carried out.

Anyone can take part in the counting of birds in places of their large concentrations. On September 8, photo exhibitions, promotions and festivals dedicated to various types of cranes are held.

Also on September 8...

1157 - Richard I the Lionheart (d. 1199), king of England (1189–1199), crusader was born.

1636 - ''Harvard University'', the oldest of the New World universities, was founded.

1664 - Dutch colony New Amsterdam surrendered to the British and later renamed  in New York.

1768 - Catherine II instructed English doctor Thomas J. Dimsdale to begin vaccination against smallpox in Russia.

1791 - in the Paris ''Louvre'', artists first exhibited their paintings.

1886 - Johannesburg, the largest city in South Africa, was founded.

1895 - Adam Opel died (b. 1837), founder of ''Opel''.

1906 - Robert Turner invents a typewriter return carriage.

1914 - having made the first air ram, the captain Peter Nesterov dies near Lvov.

1921 - First ''Miss America'' crowned - Margaret Gorman.

1925 - Peter Sellers was born (real name Richard Henry Sellers; d. 1980), British film actor. The greatest and worldwide fame brought him by the image of the silly Inspector Clouseau in the Blake Edwards film ''Pink Panther'' of 1963 and its sequels.

1930 - ''3M'' employee Richard Drew invents adhesive tape - scotch tape.

1951 - International Day of Physiotherapy (International Confederation of Physiotherapy was created in Copenhagen).

1961 - the first report on the association of smoking with heart disease appears.

1966 - ''Star Trek'' series pilot release.

1971 - Martin Freeman, British film actor, was born. Winner of the ''Emmy Award'' and ''BAFTA'', nominee for the ''Golden Globe Award''. He was widely known for his participation in the film “The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy”, the BBC series “Sherlock” and FX “Fargo”, as well as the role of Bilbo Baggins in the ''Hobbit'' movie trilogy.

1974 - Watergate scandal: US President Gerald Ford pardoned former President Richard Nixon for all his crimes during the presidency.

1981 - Hideki Yukawa (b. 1907), Japanese theoretical physicist, first Japanese to win the Nobel Prize (1949), died.

1989 - Avici ( real name Tim Birgling; d. 2018), Swedish DJ and music producer) was born.

2002 - grand opening in the ''Kremlin Palace'' of a chess match - the Russian team against the rest of the world. Garry Kasparov and Anatoly Karpov for the first time in many years speak for the same team.

2009 - Oge Niels Bor (b. 1922), Danish physicist, Nobel Prize winner (1975), director of the ''Niels Bohr Institute'', died.

2009 - at the ''Black Eyed Peas'' concert, the most massive flash mob, organized by the audience, was registered and entered into the ''Guinness Book of Records''; about 21,000 people took part in it.


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  2. Any way I'll be subscribing to your feed and I hope you post again soon. Big thanks for the useful info.

  3. Any way I'll be subscribing to your feed and I hope you post again soon. Big thanks for the useful info.


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