September 5, or Great Fire in London


Zodiac Sign Virgo

August: 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
September: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
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VirgoSeptember 5Virgos born on this day are rebellious and they have a reason for that.

Born 5 September love to use their active living mind to come up with the most incredible and romantic projects.

They are indeed quite adept at how to turn their fantasies into reality, but, unfortunately, they are sometimes very unrealistic in assessing their degree of success.

Prone to excessive pride or condescension, they can lose their sense of reality and, therefore, suffer from any disorders when they least expect them.



Virgo men born on September 5:
  • boast the following characteristics:
  • analyst, 
  • clean, 
  • reasonable, 
  • decent, 
  • caring. 
  • Virgo man can like only a woman who is ideal in every sense - modest, well-mannered, educated, with an impeccable appearance, inaccessible and mysterious.
  • You should not expect surprises or explosive emotions from a Virgo man.
  • It is stable, consistent, and very predictable.
  • He performs all his actions according to a clear plan, understanding the logic of which, you can understand the man himself.
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Virgo women born on September 5:

  • have the following properties: 
  • neat, 
  • sensitive, 
  • caring.
  • Virgos strive for excellence in everything - in their careers, and in relationships, and in appearance.
  • Coquetry is alien to them, but false modesty is also an atypical feature of Virgos.
  • They with dignity accept well-deserved compliments and courtship, but do not flatter them.
  • Virgo women are well versed in people, they are difficult to deceive or mislead.
Main event

The Great Fire in London, which lasted several days and destroyed a third of the city, ended

September 5, 1666

London before the Great Fire of 1666 Image created in Minecraft by Blockworks.
London before the Great Fire of 1666 Image created in Minecraft by Blockworks.

By the middle of the 17th century, London was a density city with narrow streets, in which houses were built of wood and covered of straw. Therefore, fires repeatedly ravaged London, but the most "famous" was the Great Fire, which erupted on the night of September 2, 1666, and in a few days destroyed a third of the city.

Arid weather and strong wind contributed to the instant spread of fire that swept the center of London. Wooden houses, warehouses, shops and workshops burned very quickly, stored in them barrels of alcohol and oil, ropes, coal and other combustible materials aggravated the situation. And there were no effective means of extinguishing the fire, which also caused a long struggle with fire.

September 5, 1666 The Great Fire in London, lasted four days, ended. During this time, 13,200 homes, more than 80 churches, and many public buildings were burnt, 300 acres of land was devastated.

The City Hall and the Royal Exchange, the financial center of London, appealed to the ashes. The most terrible calamities caused a fire to the Cathedral of St. Paul. It is noteworthy that only a few people died in the fire. Most of the townspeople had time to save themselves.

Immediately after the fire, a special law was adopted to restore London. Many areas are re-planned, the streets are expanded, and houses began to be built mostly of stone. But, despite numerous radical proposals, London was reconstructed according to the same plan as before the fire.

September 5: The Great Fire in London ended
Column in memory of the Great London fire by the architect K. Ren

In memory of the Great London fire, a monument was constructed on the project of the architect K.Ren, a colossal column 202 feet high, with a staircase of white marble inside, and a magnificent view of the whole of London. On the pedestal of the column there is a description of the fire with all details and various allegorical figures.

The real guilty of the fire was never found. In 1667, the Royal Council decided that the fire was an accident caused by "the hand of God, a strong wind and a very dry season." The total damage from the fire was estimated to be astronomical at the time amounting to 10 million pounds sterling.

In addition, it was later reported that the fire helped to get rid of the consequences of the Great Plague of 1665, which claimed about 100,000 lives, and in general permanently exterminated in London a plague that ravaged periodically over many centuries.

Also on September 5...

1698 - in order to inculcate fashion into his subjects, adopted in other European countries, Peter I imposed a tax on beards.

1862 - British aeronauts Glacier and Coxwell reached a record height, for this time, of 9000 meters, in a hot-air balloon.

1885 - first petrol pump is installed at the Jake Gamper service station, in the United States.

1929 - French Prime Minister A. Briand proposed the unification of European states into one.

1939 - George Lazenby, Australian film actor, one of the performers of the role of James Bond, was born.

1946 - largest fall in the stock price on the New York Stock Exchange after the “big crash” of 1929.

1946 - Freddie Mercury was born (real name Farrukh Bulsara; d. 1991), British rock musician, leader of the Queen group.

1951 - Michael Keaton was born (real name is Michael John Douglas), American film actor ( “Batman”, “The Return of Batman”, “No Words”, “Emergency Measures”, etc.).

1964 - ''Animals'' group won the first place in the American charts with its version of the song ''The House of the Rising Sun''.

1973 - Rose McGowan was born, an American film and television actress (''Planet of Fear'', ''Charmed'', ''Scream'', ''Devil in the Flesh'', etc.).

1979 - Canada releases gold coins to stimulate the gold industry.

1980 - longest - 16 km - railway tunnel opens in Switzerland.

1981 - first recorded death of an Asian from AIDS.

1986 - Australia abolished the death penalty.

1990 - IBM first announced the ESCON serial optical interface.

2005 - crash of a ''Boeing 737'' in Medan.

2009 - the pleasure boat "Ilinden" overturned due to overload and sank on the Ohrid Lake in Macedonia. Killed 15 tourists from Bulgaria.

2015 - Setsuko Khara died (b. 1920), a Japanese actress who is considered one of the most popular actresses in the entire history of Japanese cinema and a symbol of his golden age, dating back to the 50s. XX century. Real name Masae Aida Masae.


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