September 7, or Interpol, Military Toys and Duchenne disease


Zodiac Sign Virgo

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VirgoSeptember 7Novels can be written about those born on this day and their endless pursuit of personal success.

The fact that they face difficulties on their way is putting it mildly. The road is usually long and the hardships are numerous and dangerous, but these determined people will not give up until they achieve their goals, even if they have to fight to the last gasp to do so.

The world is in no hurry to understand or recognize those born on this day, but with the sheer force of will or the creative pressure of their ideas, they eventually incline others to their side.

Oddly enough, many of those born on September 7, at a young age, sometimes do not feel a special need to fight for success.

Some of them are even able to give up everything they have achieved at the cost of a lot of effort and start all over again, to the utter horror of their family and friends.

The thoughts of those born on September 7 are owned not by the ultimate success, but by the struggle for it. However, if there are enough weighty arguments, they are able to abandon their plans. Thus, the need to deal with competitors, rivals or slanderers disappears by itself.



Virgo men born on September 7:
  • boast the following properties: 
  • technical, 
  • conscientious, 
  • calm, 
  • reliable, 
  • health-conscious. 
  • Virgo man can like only a woman who is ideal in every sense - modest, well-mannered, educated, with an impeccable appearance, inaccessible and mysterious.
  • You should not expect surprises or explosive emotions from a Virgo man.
  • It is stable, consistent, and very predictable.
  • He performs all his actions according to a clear plan, understanding the logic of which, you can understand the man himself.
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Virgo women born on September 7:

  • are distinguished by special facets of temperament: 
  • moderate, 
  • neat, 
  • independent.
  • Virgos strive for excellence in everything - in their careers, and in relationships, and in appearance.
  • Coquetry is alien to them, but false modesty is also an atypical feature of Virgos.
  • They with dignity accept well-deserved compliments and courtship, but do not flatter them.
  • Virgo women are well versed in people, they are difficult to deceive or mislead.
Main event

Established International Criminal Police Organization - Interpol

September 7, 1923

Interpol emblem
Interpol emblem

In Vienna, at the International Congress of Criminal Police, convened at the initiative of Austrian and Vienna police chief Johann Schober, an International Criminal Police Commission was established, with headquarters in Vienna. The organization was created to fight international criminals.

It was on September 7, 1923, that the International Criminal Police Organization (ICPO), Interpol, was established, although officially it was named in 1946. Johann Schober became the first president of Interpol.

In the 1930s, ICPO created specialized anti-counterfeiting departments, with a global database on criminals.

In 1935, the organization began international broadcasting.

Since 1938, it was headed by Austrian Otto Steinhall, then he was succeeded by Reinhard Heydrich, the second person after Himmler in the German police hierarchy. And in 1942 Ernst Kaltenbrunner became its head. Because the Nazis came to the leadership of the organization, most of the countries stopped participating in the ICPO.

In 1946 Belgium undertook the revival of the organization. The new headquarters was established in Paris. Democratic elections of the new president and the Executive Committee were held.

In 1997, the UN and Interpol signed an agreement on cooperation, and in 2005 the first joint document on Al-Qaida and the Taliban was adopted.

Today, Interpol, the international intergovernmental organization of the criminal police, acts on the basis of the Charter adopted in 1956. More than 190 states are members of Interpol.

Interpol's mission is to coordinate the activities of the law enforcement agencies of the member countries in combating juvenile delinquency, smuggling and non-medical drug use, counterfeiting, falsification of securities, banditry and terrorism.

Interpol establishes links to fight crime even between those countries between which there are no diplomatic relations. The Interpol Constitution strictly prohibits organizations from interfering in the political, military, religious or racial disputes of sovereign states.


World Day for the Destruction of Military Toys

This day has been celebrated since 1988 at the initiative of the World Association for the Support of Orphans and Children Deprived of Parental Care. On this day, it is customary to change military toys for sweets and soft toys.

Toy weapons - are toys that mimic real weapons, but are intended for children and their games and they are aggressive toys.

According to the psychologist, aggressive toys do not bring positive emotions to children. "Toys related to military themes were relevant after World War II, when every boy, playing, imagined himself a defender of the Fatherland, now toys cause only aggression in children," explained the psychologist. She noted that many new generation military toys are dangerous to the physical health of the child. First of all, it’s a child’s weapon with bullets and cartridges, in addition, the weight of many toys is such that a serious injury can be caused by impact.

Psychologist advises offering children for playing soft dolls, for example, touching a plush hare calms the child. Also for the development of children are well suited various construction games, cubes, for schoolchildren - board games.

World Day for the dissemination of information about Duchenne muscular dystrophy

Duchenne myodystrophy is a genetic disease. Named in honor of the French neurologist Guillaume Benjamin Armand Duchene.

Boys are ill and very rarely girls. The main symptom is muscle weakness, difficulty in movement from childhood, which progress over time.

The signs of this disease are the specific gait and posture of the boys suffering from them, late onset of walking, speech aggravated and pseudo-hypertrophy of the legs.

From 8-10 years old, patients need crutches, from 12 most of them are confined to wheelchairs, from 16-18 they experience respiratory disorders. Also characterized by damage to the heart and decreased intelligence. Death usually occurs in the second or third decade of life. Its average duration is 25 years, but there are people who live longer.

Also on September 7...

1776 - first attack of the submarine: The American submarine "Turtle" tried to set a time bomb on the British flagship "Eagle" in the harbor of New York.

1813 - first time the expression "Uncle Sam" is associated with the US government. In the period of the second Anglo-American War, which began in 1812, a supplier of meat for the American army was a certain Samuel Wilson. On the barrels of meat was written US (United States). The Irish watchman believed that this inscription designates the supplier and read it as "Uncle Sam Wilson". On September 15, 1961, the U.S. Congress ruled that Uncle Sam Wilson be the progenitor of Uncle Sam's national symbol of America.

1860 - during the visit to Canada of the Prince of Wales for the first time a maple leaf was used as the official Canadian emblem.

1860 - Anna Mary Moses was born (d. 1961), an American artist, one of the main representatives of primitive in painting.

1908 - born Michael Ellis DeBakey (d. 2008), American surgeon, pioneer of coronary artery bypass surgery.

1911 - poet Guillaume Apolliner put in prison in connection with the suspicion of the abduction of the ''Mona Lisa'' from the Louvre. Five days later - acquitted.

1912 - David Packard (d. 1996) was born, an American entrepreneur, co-founder of Hewlett-Packard.

1936 - last marsupial wolf dies in the Tasmanian Zoo.

1949 - Gloria Gaynor, an American singer and actress, was born.

1951 - Canadian Postal Service stated that all senders of letters are required to indicate the street name and house number on the envelope (before that, many indicated only the city and surname of the addressee).

1973 - Shannon Elizabeth was born, American film actress, model (“American Pie,” “Scary Movie,” and “Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back”).

1976 - George Harrison convicted of unintentional plagiarism. The court decided that his hit “My Sweet Lord” is not an original work, and the melody on which the song was based belongs to Ronald Mack, who in 1963 wrote the song “He’s So Fine” for the female vocal group ''Chiffons''. Harrison was fined $ 587,000.

1987 - Evan Rachel Wood, an American actress and singer ("West World").

1994 - Terence Young (b. 1915), an English film director and screenwriter, one of the founders of Bondiana, died.

2002 - US Air Force resumed patrols in the skies of New York and Washington. Such a patrol was originally planned only on September 11. However, the authorities decided to play it safe.

2002 - Uziel Gal (b. 1923), German-Israeli weapons designer, creator of the Uzi submachine gun, died.


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