September 16, or Ozone-depleting Substances and Birthday of Juliet


Zodiac Sign Virgo

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VirgoSeptember 16Born on this day have an indomitable spirit that does not admit defeat and knows no boundaries.

Their desire to surpass what has already been done in any area that piqued their interest is too great. However, they are patient enough to master the technical details of their craft without being self-centered or glory hunters.

The emotional energy of those born on September 16 is very strong, and therefore those born on this day openly express themselves from the depths of their hearts.

Nevertheless, they should beware of overstepping certain boundaries, before which it is customary to stop with respect.



Virgo men born on September 16:
  • have the following characteristics: 
  • intelligent, 
  • reliable, 
  • conscientious, 
  • rational, 
  • humble. 
  • Virgo man can like only a woman who is ideal in every sense - modest, well-mannered, educated, with an impeccable appearance, inaccessible and mysterious.
  • You should not expect surprises or explosive emotions from a Virgo man.
  • It is stable, consistent, and very predictable.
  • He performs all his actions according to a clear plan, understanding the logic of which, you can understand the man himself.
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Virgo women born on September 16:

  • do not resemble others with such properties: 
  • organized, 
  • moderate, 
  • kind.
  • Virgos strive for excellence in everything - in their careers, and in relationships, and in appearance.
  • Coquetry is alien to them, but false modesty is also an atypical feature of Virgos.
  • They with dignity accept well-deserved compliments and courtship, but do not flatter them.
  • Virgo women are well versed in people, they are difficult to deceive or mislead.
Main event

Montreal signed Protocol on ozone-depleting substances

September 16, 1987

Ecological societies are tirelessly calling for a reduction in the use of chlorofluorocarbons
Ecological societies are tirelessly calling for a reduction in the use of chlorofluorocarbons 

Ozone layer is practically the only one protection for all living on the planet Earth from solar ultraviolet radiation.

The ozone layer extends over the earth a huge veil that goes into space. If this layer is depleted someday, it will be dangerous for the entire biosphere, for all living things. From getting ultraviolet rays on a person, skin cancer, blindness and other diseases can occur.

In the 80 years of the 20th century, scientists made a discovery: in the Antarctic region, the total ozone content decreased by a factor of 2. It was then that the name "ozone hole" appeared. Ozone depletion is affected by chlorine oxide, which is a product of factories, industrial enterprises.

We can not prevent the appearance of ozone holes. However, it is possible to save ozone at least at the household level. Therefore, the phasing out of the controlled use of ozone-depleting substances and consequent reductions in such use contribute not only to the protection of the ozone layer for the benefit of present and future generations, but also contribute greatly to efforts to address climate change.

September 16, 1987 in Montreal (Canada), several countries signed a Protocol on ozone-depleting substances, which provided for the freezing and subsequent reduction of production of chemical compounds that are most dangerous for the thin ozone layer of the Earth.

The Montreal Protocol consisted of 20 articles and obliged the parties involved in its signing to take appropriate measures to protect the health of people and the environment from the harmful effects that arise or may result from human activities that change or are capable of altering the ozone layer of the Earth.

The basis of these activities, according to the Protocol, should be scientific knowledge, applied with technical and economic considerations. The signing of the Protocol was also aimed at facilitating the development of international scientific and technical cooperation in the field of research and development in this direction.

Despite the fact that mankind has not managed to completely abandon the use of all substances that seriously affect and destroy the ozone layer, it is believed that due to efforts and attracting attention of the representatives of all countries to this topic, the ozone hole tends to decrease.

By decision of the UN General Assembly since 1995, September 16 is celebrated as the International Day for the Protection of the Earth's Ozone Layer.

International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer

The width of the ozone layer is so small that this distance can be traversed on foot ( ~ 40 km)
The width of the ozone layer is so small that this distance can be traversed on foot ( ~ 40 km)

September 16 In 1994, the UN General Assembly adopted its resolution (A / RES / 49/114) on 16 September as the International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer. The date is set in memory of the signing of the Montreal Protocol (1987) on substances that destroy the ozone layer and has been observed since 1995.

The motto of the International Day for the Protection of the Ozone Layer was the words: "Save the sky: protect yourself - protect the ozone layer."

States are encouraged to devote this day to advocacy in accordance with the objectives and objectives set out in the Montreal Protocol and its amendments. In addition, every year, the Day is devoted to a certain topic relating to the protection of the ozone layer.

Thus, thanks to the Montreal Protocol, human health and ecosystems are protected as a result of reduced exposure to harmful ultraviolet radiation to the Earth.


Birthday of Juliet

On September 16, in the Italian city of Verona - the birthday of Juliet, the famous Shakespeare heroine of the saddest story in the world, is celebrated.

To determine the exact day on which Juliet was born, historians carefully compared all the events of the tragedy. According to Shakespeare, the ruler of Verona was the Duke of Escal - Senor Bartolomeo Della Scala. This is a real person who ruled in the city 1301-1304. The text of the tragedy mentions Easter, which, according to the astronomical calendar, took place in May in 1302. In a conversation between Lady Capulet and the nurse, mentions the birth of her ward on the day of the harvest festival. Based on these facts, Dr. Giuseppe Viviani established the exact date of birth of Juliet - September 16, 1284.

Although at the time of the events, described in the tragedy ''Romeo and Juliet'', the main character was not yet 14 years old, letters from all lovers addressed to Juliet still come to Verona asking for advice or parting words in a difficult love situation.

Girls from the ''Juliet Club'', founded in 1972 by Julio Tamassia, are answered letters. Every year about 5,000 letters come to the club, including by e-mail. Not a single message is left unanswered.

Also on August 16... 

1492 - during the first expedition of Columbus the Sargasso Sea was discovered.

1857 - Jane Pirpont of Boston obtained the copyright for the song “One Horse Open Sleigh”, better known as “Jingle Bells”. This Christmas song was written for presentation at Sunday School, and now not a single Christmas holiday in America can do without it.

1908 - ''General Motors'' is founded by William Crepe Durant. Do you remember the car from Back to the Future? Their work.

1925 - Blues Boy King (real name Itt Ben) was born, an American blues guitarist and vocalist.

1927 - Peter Falk was born (d. 2011), American film actor, star of the TV series “Colombo”. One of his eyes made from glass, the real one was surgically removed when Falk was three years old: cancer. Once, when Peter was playing baseball, a judge removed him from the game. Falk considered it unfair, approached the judge, pulled an eye out of his orbit and handed it to him with the words: “I suppose it will not hurt you!”

1938 - Tommy Dorsey and his orchestra record swing classic ''Boogie Woogie''.

1955 - the world's first launch of a ballistic missile from a submarine took place. The ''R-11FM'' marine ballistic missile was designed by ''OKB-1'', led by Korolev, on the basis of the ''R-11'' tactical missile. On the first missile, a warhead with an atomic charge is not separated from the missile in flight, and it can be launched only in the surface position of the boat.

1956 (according to other data - 1952) - was born Mickey Rourke, an American film actor and once a sex symbol ("Nine and a half weeks", "Year of the Dragon", "Wild Orchid").

1956 - David Copperfield (David Set Kotkin), American illusionist magician, was born.

1963 - song “She Loves You” is recorded by ''Beatles'' on ''Swan Records''. The first record of  the ''Beatles''.

1963 - Richard Marx was born, American guitarist, singer and composer.

1965 - died Fred Quimby (b. 1886), an American producer of animated films, best known for his animated series Tom and Jerry, which earned him seven of the eight ''Oscar'' Awards.

1970 - in the poll of the music magazine “New Musical Express”, the title of the best group of the year went to “Led Zeppelin”. They won in the survey of readers of the newspaper “Melody Maker”. Until that day, seven years in a row, the best collective of Great Britain was invariably called “The Beatles”.

1979 - an underground nuclear explosion was carried out in the eastern wing of the Yunkom mine (Yunokommunarovsk), at the ''Klivage'' facility.

1996 - a hacker Kevin Mitnik was arrested in the United States, hacking the Pentagon computer network.

1998 - the release of the musical ''Notre Dame de Paris''.

1999 - Bill Gates and his wife Melinda donate more than $ 5 billion to found an organization dedicated to the study of health improvement.

 2011 - during an air show in Nevada, the plane crashed directly onto the audience.


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