August 26, or Niagara Falls Electricity


Zodiac Sign Virgo

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VirgoAugust 26Born on this day rarely hold leading positions in business, family or society, they usually prefer to work in one team with others to achieve a common goal.

Sometimes they have to fight hard for recognition, but much more often they are emotionally attached to a stronger person, be it a brother, sister, life partner or a friend, without whom they cannot imagine their existence.

Deep down, those born on August 26 know their real worth, but they prefer not to emphasize their merits.

If those born on this day are satisfied with the role of an assistant or they are patient enough to wait for better times, when they will be given due attention, then they will be happy and quite able to work.

If not, then their work, unfortunately, will be unproductive.



Virgo men born on August 26:
  • have the following qualities: 
  • kind, 
  • efficient, 
  • thoughtful, 
  • reasonable, 
  • devoted.
  • The Virgo man is calm and reasonable.
  • Demonstration, posturing and boasting are alien to him.
  • He watches for a long time, looks closely and carefully thinks out his every step.
  • In a relationship, such a man will rarely decide to take the initiative, but there is no doubt about his loyalty and reliability.
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Virgo women born on August 26:

  • are distinguished by special properties: 
  • dependent, 
  • modest, 
  • reliable.
  • The Virgo woman is the ideal of fidelity, devotion and constancy.
  • At the first meeting, she seems cold, unapproachable and indifferent.
  • The reasons for this behavior lie in the fact that the Virgo woman must carefully weigh all the risks and analyze the situation before showing her emotions.
Main event

A hydroelectric power station is opened at Niagara Falls

August 26, 1895

The great power of the waterfall has long been considered as a source of energy.

Niagara Falls is a complex of waterfalls on the Niagara River, separating the American state of New York from the Canadian province of Ontario. Although the difference in heights is not very large, the waterfalls are very wide, and by the volume of water passing through it, Niagara Falls are the most powerful in North America. The height of the waterfalls is 53 meters. The volume of falling water reaches 5700 and more m3 / s.

Under the waterfall, hydroelectric power stations with a total capacity of up to 4.4 gigawatts have been built.

The great power of the waterfall has long been considered as a source of energy. The first attempt to use water energy dates back to 1759, when Daniel Joncairs built a small canal upstream to supply energy to his sawmill.

Augustus and Peter Porter purchased this land in 1805 from the state government of New York, and expanded the original channel for receiving hydroelectric power for a flour mill and tannery.

In 1853, Niagara Falls Hydraulic Power and Manufacturing Companies received permission to build energy production channels.

In 1881, the company, run by Jacob Schoellkopf, built a power plant that provided a constant current sufficient to illuminate both the waterfalls and the nearby village.

Permanent transmission of electricity became possible after Nikola Tesla invented a two-phase alternator (later the two-phase system was replaced by a three-phase system).

In 1883, the Niagara Falls Power Company, a descendant of the Scholkopf firm, hired engineer George Westinghouse to create an alternating current generating system.

By 1896, with the financial assistance of tycoons such as John Pierpont Morgan, John Astor IV and Vanderbilt, huge underground pipelines were built, connected to turbines, which could generate up to 100,000 horsepower (75 megawatts). This energy was enough to supply the city of Buffalo, located 32 kilometers away.

Private companies on the Canadian side also began to take water for energy production, hiring for this as their own, Canadian, and American firms.

The government of the province of Ontario, ultimately, in 1906, took the transfer of energy under public control, delivering it to different parts of the province.

At the moment, between 50% and 75% of the water passing through Niagara is drained through four huge tunnels that are much higher upstream of the waterfall itself. The water then passes through hydroelectric turbines that supply energy to the nearby areas of the US and Canada, before returning back to the river below the waterfalls.

Also on August 26...

1728 - explorer Vitus Bering discovered the strait between Asia and America, which was named the Bering Strait.

1740 - born Joseph Michel Montgolfier (d. 1810), French inventor, one of the creators of a balloon suitable for aeronautics.

1743 - born Antoine Lavoisier (d. 1794), French scientist, founder of modern chemistry.

1743 - first boxing rules in the world, developed by British boxer Jack Broughton, were published in England.

1768 - the beginning of the 1st circumnavigation of the English navigator James Cook.

1770 - first scientific article on the topic of potatoes, ''Notes on Potatoes'', appeared in the ''Works of the Free Economic Society''. For the first time, the name “potato” was introduced into the Russian language by the scientist-agronomist A. T. Bolotov, who was the first in Russia to start growing a crop in the garden (and not in flower beds), thus starting the mass distribution of the “second bread” in Russia. In 1840, the Government took measures to introduce a potato growing culture, which met with strong resistance from the peasants (“potato riots” in 1842).

1791 - American John Fitch patented a steamer (20 years before Robert Fulton), demonstrated four years earlier.

1801 - Philippe Lebon patents a two-stroke internal combustion engine.

1858 - the first news was sent by telegraph.

1883 - the strongest eruption of Krakatau volcano in Indonesia covered with ash over an area of over 800 thousand km ² and caused a tsunami that killed about 36 thousand people on the islands of Java and Sumatra.

1884 - American Ottmar Mergenthaler patented the Linotype.

1903 - paleontologist Otto Hauser discovers a perfectly preserved Cro-Magnon skeleton.

1907 - in the San Francisco ''Water Park'', the chained illusionist Harry Houdini floated to the surface after 57 seconds.

1925 - Charles Henri declares that with the help of X-rays, he managed to capture the "signs of the soul" of a person.

1952 - first introduced fluoridation of tap water.

1973 - University of Texas at Arlington became the first university to include a ''belly dance'' course in its program.

1974 - died Charles Lindberg (b. 1902), American pilot, who became the first to fly the Atlantic alone.

1978 - Sigmund Yen becomes the first East German cosmonaut aboard the Soyuz-31 spacecraft and generally the first German in space.

1980 - born Macaulay Culkin, one of the most successful child actors in Hollywood history, famous for the main roles in the films “Home Alone”, “Home Alone 2: Lost in New York”, “Rich Richie” and “Page Lord” (1994) . At the peak of popularity, he was considered the best child actor after Shirley Temple.

2001 - died Gleb Maksimov (b. 1926), design engineer, one of the creators of the first artificial Earth satellite.

2017 - died Toub Hooper (b. 1943), American filmmaker, screenwriter, producer, specializing in the horror film genre. Best known for the ''Poltergeist'' and ''Texas Chainsaw Massacre'' films.


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