August 27, or First Guinness Book Day


Zodiac Sign Virgo

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VirgoAugust 27Regardless of the place that those born on August 27 occupy in life, they are always ready to come to the aid of an ordinary person, a loser who has suffered a defeat.

Many of them, having felt the injustice of the world around them, constantly wonder what can be improved.

Wanting to change their habitat, they often achieve great success.

Although born on August 27, perhaps, it is difficult to suspect of selfishness, their activities are still far from disinterested. They will never demand payment for their services, but if their actions are ignored, those born on this day will forever lose interest in the person for whom they tried so hard.



Virgo men born on August 27:
  • are distinguished by the following features: 
  • modest, 
  • conscientious, 
  • decent, 
  • health-conscious, 
  • rational.
  • The Virgo man is calm and reasonable.
  • Demonstration, posturing and boasting are alien to him.
  • He watches for a long time, looks closely and carefully thinks out his every step.
  • In a relationship, such a man will rarely decide to take the initiative, but there is no doubt about his loyalty and reliability.
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Virgo women born on August 27:

  • are not like others with such facets of temperament: 
  • independent, 
  • moderate, 
  • neat.
  • The Virgo woman is the ideal of fidelity, devotion and constancy.
  • At the first meeting, she seems cold, unapproachable and indifferent.
  • The reasons for this behavior lie in the fact that the Virgo woman must carefully weigh all the risks and analyze the situation before showing her emotions.
Main event

The Guinness Book of Records was published 

August 27, 1955

The history of The Guinness Book of Records began in 1951.

The history of The Guinness Book of Records began in 1951.

At one high-society English party there was a comic dispute about which of the European birds is flying faster than everyone: a golden plover or a Scottish partridge.

One of the participants in this dispute, Sir Hugh Beaver, returning home, suddenly decided to collect information on all sorts of non-standard records, such as competitions on the speed of bird flights and publish a book about it. It was decided to call it "Guinness", in honor of the ancient family name of the family of Sir Hugh.

To prepare the publication in London, a special agency was created that registered various curious achievements. Work on the book was entrusted to the owners of one of the information agencies - the brothers Norris and Ross McWirthers. In the process of collecting information, numerous facts about the set of records were examined and evidence of authoritative experts was collected about their authenticity.

As a result, on August 27, 1955, the first edition of the "Guinness" with a volume of 198 pages was released. "Guinness Book of Records" began to be called the subsequent editions.

The first "Book" immediately became one of the bestsellers of the year. The next Christmas, she already topped the list of British bestsellers. Since then, this reference publication annually records information about outstanding achievements of people and animals, unique phenomena and oddities in nature and human society.

So, for example, on August 27, 1994, the experts from Guinnesse recorded a record range of spitting cherry bones - 28.98 m, made by a certain Horst Ortmann in the city of Langenthal (Germany).

Today, the Guinness Book of Records, published annually in excess of 80 million copies in 40 languages, is sold in more than 100 countries around the world.

Also on August 27...

1760 - Russian Empress Elizabeth issued a decree prohibiting bribery of officials.

1783 - the first flight of ''Charlera'', a balloon filled with "volatile gas", took place over Paris.

1855 - a camp kitchen was demonstrated in London, where food for the battalion was prepared using 21 kg of firewood instead of the usual 800 kg.

1859 - Colonel Edwin Drake near the American city of Tayatstavill (pc. Pennsylvania) drilled the first oil well. This date is considered the beginning of the development of the American oil industry.

1875 - Lecoq de Buabodran discovers the gallium element predicted by Mendeleev.

1879 - died Rowland Hill (b. 1795), teacher and inventor, postal converter in the UK.

1896 - born Kenji Miyazawa (d. 1933), Japanese poet and author of children's literature.

1900 - the first intercity buses began to move in England.

1912 - Edgar Rice Burrows published the first story about the adventures of Tarzan in a journal.

1927 - ''Parks College'' was opened - America’s oldest aviation school.

1935 - in the state of Texas in a referendum, the majority of the population voted to abolish prohibition on alcohol.

1939 - the first flight of a jet aircraft with a turbojet engine. The flight was made by German experimental aircraft ''Heinkel He 178” by German aircraft designer Ernst Heinkel.

1946 - an automatically ejected pilot seat is tested in the USA.

1947 - born Barbara Bach, American actress and model, wife of Ringo Starr.

1965 - died Charles Edouard le Corbusier (b. 1887), French-Swiss architect, painter and writer.

1977 - the first unit was launched at the Chernobyl NPP.

1980 - number of unemployed in the UK exceeded 2 million people.

2004 - the comet C / 2004 Q2 (McHolz) is discovered.


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