September 3, or Brassiere and Loneliness


Zodiac Sign Virgo

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VirgoSeptember 3Born on this day are not always what they seem. Because others so often misinterpret their essence and potentialities, those born on this day are often forced to play roles in life that, even in the most favorable scenario, are not specifically what they would like to receive.

Those born on September 3 are usually endowed with different talents, but sometimes one trait stands out at the expense of others.

The physical beauty of women born on this day is the most suitable example: due to external attractiveness, other advantages of these persons may remain unrecognized.

Men born on September 3 are misunderstood by others because they are overly compliant or have problems with career advancement or marital status.

Although those born on September 3 may seem calm and accommodating people, those who have tried to outsmart them at least once will never forget what came of it.



Virgo men born on September 3:
  • have the following characteristics: 
  • intelligent, 
  • technical, 
  • caring, 
  • devoted, 
  • analyst.
  • The Virgo man is calm and reasonable.
  • Demonstration, posturing and boasting are alien to him.
  • He watches for a long time, looks closely and carefully thinks out his every step.
  • In a relationship, such a man will rarely decide to take the initiative, but there is no doubt about his loyalty and reliability.
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Virgo women born on September 3:

  • are characterized by the following traits: 
  • neat, 
  • capable, 
  • prudent.
  • The Virgo woman is the ideal of fidelity, devotion and constancy.
  • At the first meeting, she seems cold, unapproachable and indifferent.
  • The reasons for this behavior lie in the fact that the Virgo woman must carefully weigh all the risks and analyze the situation before showing her emotions.

Birthday of brassiere

September 3, 1914

An invention that is important for all women
An invention that is important for all women

The first patent for the invention of a bra named Caresse Crosby was issued on September 3, 1914 to the American Mary Phelps Jakob.

Having abandoned the rigid corset, she began to use the construction of two scarves and ribbons. All the women at that time wore corsets, and at first the "spinless bra" did not have success.

But the enterprising husband of the inventor, who served in the corset firm, offered his masters a novelty, and they turned out to be visionaries, acquiring a patent from Mary for $ 1500. It was decent money for those times - for $ 260 then you could buy a car.

In 1917, the US Army commanders appealed to American women to refuse bra brassieres fitted with metal parts. This helped save a lot of metal, which allowed to build as many as two warships!

In the 1920s, the bra was still called the soft corset, and in Russia it was called the "bust holder". Usually it was sewed from corset tissues - madapolam, damask, satin.

In the 1930s, an emigrant from Russia, Ida Rosenthal, founded in the United States, together with her husband, an enterprise where she first began to produce bras with cups of different sizes and elastic straps.

In 1932, the shape of the brassiere was changed, emphasizing the depth of the cups.

Gradually, the design of this part of the toilet is improved.

In 1935, manufacturers of bras came up with pads that are inserted into the bra and give the female breast a splendor.

In the same period, the numbering of cups from A to D was introduced.

After the invention of nylon in 1938 for the manufacture of bras began to apply not only natural materials, but also synthetics.

Today, this important part of an intimate female toilet is manufactured using the latest technology and is constantly being improved.


How to deal with loneliness

September 3 in the world celebrates the Day of Struggle with Loneliness. Loneliness is called the disease of the 21st century. And more and more people are suffering from it lately.

According to the results of a study conducted at the University of Chicago, it turned out that loneliness has a detrimental effect on human health, similar to alcohol, smoking and overeating. Scientists believe that isolation from society is equal to smoking fifteen cigarettes a day. In addition, people suffering from loneliness are very susceptible to nervous, cardiovascular and other psychosomatic diseases (diseases of the nerves).

And you can fight this “disease” only in the company. How to find it - there are several ways.

1. Eliminate distorted notions about yourself and others. You should not see in surrounding enemies and also delve into yourself. No wonder they say - "if you want to change the situation, start with yourself."

2. Open to the world. It is necessary to learn how to sincerely smile to the world, greet the neighbors, find new friends in the working team, on trips, and travels.

3. Restore old connections. Why look for new friends if there are so many old ones? Maybe you should find a notebook and contact them?

4. Help someone who feel worse than you. It is believed that people engaged in charitable, educational and medical activities suffer the least from loneliness. It is worth taking as a note.

5. Learn to communicate “just like that.”

6. Hobbies and work. If you find your favorite thing to your liking - for example, you visit a needlework club, a swimming pool, a fitness center, engage in volunteering, then you will definitely find a good company for yourself.

Also on September 3...

301 - founded San Marino - the oldest state in Europe today.

1803 - John Dalton makes the first entry with the standard designations of chemical elements.

1752 - in the UK on September 3rd ... just did not exist. In connection with the transition to the Gregorian calendar after September 2, the 14th came immediately. A familiar situation ... Every year after December 31, January 14 comes right away.

1782 - born Christian Ludwig Nich (d. 1837), German zoologist who developed the classification of birds.

1856 - born Louis Sullivan (d. 1924), American architect, creator of the first skyscrapers.

1864 - an explosion swept from the face of the earth the Stockholm laboratory of Alfred Nobel, where he, together with his father, conducted his experiments with nitroglycerin. 5 assistants and Alfred's younger brother, Emil, died. Father from grief broke the blow. But Alfred did not stop his experiments, and after three years received a patent for the manufacture of dynamite.

1875 - Ferdinand Porsche was born, an outstanding auto designer.

1912 - world's first cannery began its work in England.

1939 - Great Britain, France, India, Australia and New Zealand declared war on Germany.

1940 - the British government announced state compensation to the owners of houses destroyed by German aviation - 2 thousand pounds for each house.

1953 - Jean-Pierre Genet was born, French film director (“Amelie”, “Long engagement”, etc.), screenwriter, playwright.

1965 - Charlie Shin was born (originally - Carlos Estevez), American actor ("Platoon", "Wall Street", "Hotheads", "Chase", "Advent", etc.).

1967 - “Day H”: Sweden switched to right-hand traffic.

1977 - Elvis Presley ranked the first line of the British charts with the song "Way Down" for the 17th time; This is the first of Presley's songs, which became No. 1 after the singer’s death.

1984 - in the UK, Dr. Alec Jeffreys of the University of Leicester discovered that the sequence of bases in DNA is an individual feature of each person. This property of DNA, known as “genetic fingerprints,” was used in establishing relationships and in forensic science.

1995 - eBay, the most famous online auction site founded.

2007 - Steve Fossett (b. 1944), American businessman, aeronaut, yachtsman, co-owner of the company ''Scaled Composites''. Known for its numerous travels and records in aeronautics and sailing, died in crashing on a single-engine plane.

2009 - funeral of Michael Jackson took place in Los Angeles.

2012 - died Michael Clark Duncan (b. 1957), American actor, the most famous role of John Coffey in the film "Green Mile", for the performance of which Duncan was nominated for the ''Oscar'' and ''Golden Globe''.

2015 - 12 thousand military men from 49 different countries of the world, first marched, along the Tiananmen Square in Beijing in honor of the 70th anniversary of the Victory over the Japanese Empire.


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  2. Any way I'll be subscribing to your feed and I hope you post again soon. Big thanks for the useful info.

  3. Any way I'll be subscribing to your feed and I hope you post again soon. Big thanks for the useful info.


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