August 29, or First ''Daimler'' Motorcycle and Against Nuclear Tests Day


Zodiac Sign Virgo

August: 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
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VirgoAugust 29Born on this day hate chaos in all its manifestations and therefore strive to bring structure and clarity to their work.

However, this does not imply that they are harsh or boring individuals. On the contrary, they strive for action, and, in addition, despite the fact that they may have a fire inside them, they somehow manage to organize themselves in an organized way.

Perhaps the main theme in the life of those born on August 29 is improvisation. This means that they not only rarely fail in their business, but also find a way out of a problem situation by making the right decisions on the fly. In this sense, they are always in search of a more effective, elegant, or consistent action.



Virgo men born on August 29:
  • have the following properties: 
  • health-conscious, 
  • decent, 
  • loyal, 
  • humble, 
  • rational.
  • The Virgo man is calm and reasonable.
  • Demonstration, posturing and boasting are alien to him.
  • He watches for a long time, looks closely and carefully thinks out his every step.
  • In a relationship, such a man will rarely decide to take the initiative, but there is no doubt about his loyalty and reliability.
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Virgo women born on August 29:

  • characterized by such differences in nature: 
  • organized, 
  • neat, 
  • intelligent.
  • The Virgo woman is the ideal of fidelity, devotion and constancy.
  • At the first meeting, she seems cold, unapproachable and indifferent.
  • The reasons for this behavior lie in the fact that the Virgo woman must carefully weigh all the risks and analyze the situation before showing her emotions.
Main event

German inventor Gottlieb Daimler patented the first motorcycle

August 29, 1885

The first Daimler's motorcycle
The first Daimler's motorcycle

Engineer Gottlieb Daimler ( one of the creators of the company "Mercedes-Benz") at first worked in the company of Otto, where since 1872 he was engaged in the creation of an internal combustion engine.

Ten years later, together with his colleague Wilhelm Maybach, he founded his own firm.

By 1885, the Daimler engine had passed the research stage and was ready for use. It remained only to find a suitable machine for its installation. The easiest option was to use a bicycle for this purpose, which on August 29, 1885 was patented as a "Riding cart with a kerosene engine".

However, the inventor himself did not intend to convert his idea into reality, but his son, Adolf Daimler, did it.

A bicycle with a wooden frame and belt transmission, with a mass of 50 kg, with a single-cylinder petrol engine, with a working volume of 264 cc, had a power of 0.5 hp. His wheels were with iron rims and wooden needles.

Mybach decided to ride first. The wooden great-grandfather of a motorcycle went to the road at a speed of 12 km / h. Daimlers waited a long time for his return, and finally Maybach appeared, muffled the motor, put the motorcycle into place and sighed: "This is not a machine, it's a bones-breaker. I congratulate you!".

And yet the new mode of transport turned out to be quite successful and already in its first version was very much like a modern motorcycle, as it was based on the layout principles that remained unshakable up to now. It was first publicly demonstrated in November.


International Day Аgainst Nuclear Tests

International Day Аgainst Nuclear Tests was approved at the 64th session of the UN General Assembly in December 2009. The date, marked on August 29, is intended to intensify the efforts of the United Nations, world states, intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations in the matter of ending nuclear testing. This is a prerequisite for creating a safe world.

Since the middle of the 20th century, the start of nuclear weapons tests - almost two thousand of them have been carried out. The devastating effects of testing on people's lives and radioactive fallouts from atmospheric tests, received not enough attention. Experience and history have shown us the terrible and tragic consequences of tests of nuclear weapons, especially when they got out of control, and modern nuclear weapons are much more powerful and destructive.

In May 2010, all States parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons pledged to work together to strive for security in a world free of nuclear weapons, and described the ban on nuclear testing as a “vital task”.

The treaty was opened for signature and ratification in 1996. Now, according to the UN, the time has come for countries that have not yet signed and ratified it to do so as soon as possible.

Currently, the entire southern hemisphere of the planet has practically become a zone free of nuclear weapons due to regional treaties.

For the first time, the International Day of Action against Nuclear Testing was held in 2010, and since then, annually on this date various coordinated events have been timed in different countries (these are symposium, conferences, exhibitions, competitions, publications, lectures in educational institutions, information programs and other developments).

Also on August 29...

1632 - born John Locke (d. 1704), English philosopher-educator, author of the empirical theory of knowledge.

1698 - Peter the Great ordered his subjects to shave beards and wear European clothes.

1831 - English physicist Michael Faraday discovered the phenomenon of electromagnetic induction.

1842 - ''First Opium War'' ended with the Nanking Agreement between Great Britain and China. Under the treaty, China ceded Hong Kong to Great Britain and opened five ports for its ships, and also paid $ 23 million in military contributions.

1868 - died Christian Friedrich Schönbein (b. 1799), German chemist, who discovered and gave the name ozone.

1883 - Thomas Ahern demonstrated the first electric stove in Ottawa.

1898 - ''Goodyear'' company was founded in Ohio.

1904 - born Werner Forsman (d. 1979), German surgeon and urologist, one of the authors of the method of cardiac catheterization, Nobel Prize winner (1956).

1915 - born and died Ingrid Bergman (d. 1982), Swedish film actress, winner of three ''Oscars''. In the rating of the American Film Institute - ''100 of the greatest film stars in 100 years'', she got the 4th.

1919 - a ban on cars was lifted in the province of Prince Edward Island (Canada).

1929 - German airship "Graf Zeppelin" completed the first round-the-world trip.

1958 - born Michael Jackson (d. 2009), American singer, dancer, composer, "King of Pop".

1975 - a supernova in the constellation Cygnus appeared in the earth's sky.

1982 - scientists from Darmstadt (West Germany) reported the discovery of the 109th element of the periodic system of Mendeleev - meyntrium.

2001 - human longevity gene is discovered.

2009 - a wave of numerous flash mobs in memory of Michael Jackson (on his birthday) passed around the world.

2016 - died Gene Wilder (b. 1933), American actor, screenwriter and film director.


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