September 2, or ''Letter about nuclear power industry'' and Beard Day


Zodiac Sign Virgo

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September: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
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VirgoSeptember 2Born on this day are not masters of wondering. They hate unnaturalness and despise any form of pretense.

They rarely apologize for their work or behavior. They have little time to research the motivation for their actions, they rather prefer that their actions speak for them.

Although those born on September 1 are mostly mentally oriented, they are also physically strong. These people will experience mental discomfort if their physical needs are not met or are not properly appreciated and encouraged.

Paying great attention to work, those born on September 2 can become real workaholics.

Unfortunately, in case of failure or defeat, those born on that day may not have enough internal resources to cope with temporary difficulties or change course.

They are also prone to explosive reactions when they are over-criticized. This weakness tends to make them heavily dependent on a trusted friend or family member whose opinion they respect.



Virgo men born on September 2:
  • characterized by the following properties: 
  • technical, 
  • reliable, 
  • logical, 
  • capable, 
  • conscientious.
  • The Virgo man is calm and reasonable.
  • Demonstration, posturing and boasting are alien to him.
  • He watches for a long time, looks closely and carefully thinks out his every step.
  • In a relationship, such a man will rarely decide to take the initiative, but there is no doubt about his loyalty and reliability.
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Virgo women born on September 2:

  • endowed with such facets of temperament: 
  • moderate, 
  • neat, 
  • adapting.
  • The Virgo woman is the ideal of fidelity, devotion and constancy.
  • At the first meeting, she seems cold, unapproachable and indifferent.
  • The reasons for this behavior lie in the fact that the Virgo woman must carefully weigh all the risks and analyze the situation before showing her emotions.
Main event

Scientists wrote a letter to the US President about the situation in the nuclear power industry

Albert Einstein
Albert Einstein

September 2, 1939
79 years ago

On September 2, 1939, the day after the outbreak of World War II, Nobel laureate Albert Einstein, at the request of a group of European expatriate physicists, including Leo Szilard and Edward Teller, signed a letter to US President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, which contained a proposal to begin work on the development of nuclear weapons.

The message of physicists contained information that on the basis of special processing of uranium it is possible to obtain a new important source of energy that could be used to create exceptionally powerful bombs of a new type.

The authors of the letter, alarmed by the presence of similar projects developed in the Nazi Germany that was just starting the war, called on the US government to use the entire scientific and military-industrial potential of the United States in order to get ahead of the Nazis in creating new weapons of colossal destructive power.

The letter came to Roosevelt on October 11, 1939. The answer was the president's famous phrase: "It requires action!". As a result, the Uranium Committee was established and $ 6,000 was allocated for the first experiments.

The practical implementation of the project, code-named "Manhattan", began on December 6, 1941, the day before the attack of the German ally of Japan on Pearl Harbor and the US's entry into World War II.


World Beard Day

Every year, on the first Saturday of September, World Beard Day is celebrated. In many countries, organize a variety of events dedicated to this unusual holiday.

A beard is one of the signs of masculinity, in some religions it is mandatory for men to wear it. Many famous people, fabulous and literary characters are recognizable also thanks to their beard. Mikhail Lomonosov even wrote the ''Anthem to the beard''.

Someone connects this holiday with the introduction by Peter I of a compulsory shaving of the beard (a sad event for all bearded men), someone believes that the festival dedicated to the beard was still among the ancient Vikings.

In fact, the holiday was invented in Australia by the comedy folk group ''The Beards''.

Anyway, the fact remains: every year at the beginning of September in many countries of the world bearded men organize and hold festive events, from quiet family picnics to large-scale street parades.

On this day, shaving is considered a manifestation of extreme disrespect. Therefore, many men who do not wear a beard, on this day refuse to shave the procedure in solidarity with their bearded comrades.

Also on September 2...

490 BC - The Greek warrior Fitypid ran from the city of Marathon to Athens, brought news of the victory of the Greeks over the Persians: “Rejoice! We won! ”- and died. When in 1896 the first modern Olympic Games were held in Athens, a race between Marathon and Athens was organized in his honor. Since then, the marathon has become a classic distance, and marathon competitions (at a distance of 42 km 195 m, or 26 miles 385 yards) have become one of the most popular types of athletics. The largest and most reputable competitions are held on the highway, but marathon starts on rough terrain and in extreme conditions are also known.

1834 - American Colonel Samuel Colt patented a revolver. But Samuel Colt was not the inventor of the revolver. A similar design with a rotating block of charging chambers (drum) has existed since the XVI century. Many products with a wick or silicon lock have been preserved, in which the drum is present at the same time as the chamber and the charge magazine. These are mainly hunting rifles.

1854 - born Paul Viel (d. 1934), French engineer, in 1884 invented smokeless pyroxylin powder.

1867 - first school for girls opens in Harlem, the Netherlands.

1869 - born Hiram Percy Maxim (d. 1936), American inventor, creator of the gun silencer, son of the British gunsmith X. S. Maxim.

1944 - born Claude Nicollier, Swiss physicist, pilot, astronaut, the only Swiss who has been in space.

1945 - representatives of Japan, on board the American battleship ''Missouri'', sign the act of surrender. Korea will be divided into American and Soviet zones of occupation until the formation of a democratic government. Outer Mongolia is controlled by the USSR, and China gains power over Inner Mongolia, Manchuria, the Formosa Islands (modern Taiwan) and Hainan. American General MacArthur is vested with emergency powers in Japan until further orders from the US government. So ended the Second World War.

1961 - born Carlos Valderrama, Colombian footballer, included in the list ''125 greatest players in FIFA''.

1964 - Keanu Reeves, American film actor (“Dracula Brem Stoker”, “Speed”, “Johnny Mnemonic”, “Devil's Advocate”, “Little Buddha”, “The Matrix”) was born.

1965 - Lennox Lewis, English heavyweight boxer, Olympic champion in 1988, world champion among the WBC version, was born. On the professional ring, he had 34 fights and won 33 (27 - by knockout).

1966 - Salma Hayek, an American actress of Mexican origin, was born (“Frida”, “From Dusk Till Dawn”, “Desperate”, “Four Rooms”).

1969 - one of the “birthdays of the Internet”. In the laboratory of the University of California, the first successful transfer of data between neighboring computers took place.

1987 - trial of the German pilot Matias Rust began in Moscow, who in May of the same year flew over the Soviet-Finnish border and landed his plane on Red Square in Moscow. For breaching the border, Rust was imprisoned for 4 years, but was released on August 3, 1988.

1992 - United States and Russia agreed to lift travel restrictions on journalists and businessmen.

  1992 - UTF-8 encoding was created.

1996 - the last death penalty in Russia.

2001 - Christian Barnard (b. 1922), South African cardiologist, surgeon, author of the first open heart surgery, died.

2013 - Frederick Paul (b. 1919), American science fiction writer, editor and fandom activist, died.


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  2. Any way I'll be subscribing to your feed and I hope you post again soon. Big thanks for the useful info.


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