September 20, or Round-the-world Trip


Zodiac Sign Virgo

August: 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
September: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
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VirgoSeptember 20Born on this day are convinced of their ability to cope with any situation.

They are seriously concerned with the interests of their group and will do their utmost to ensure the harmonious implementation of the project in which they are involved.

For women, this can mean complete immersion in the world of family and home values, for others - being actively involved in social or business circles.

Men born on this day, without even delving into the essence of the problem, can give good advice to business partners or friends, but, returning home, they prefer to throw off the burden of other people's problems and completely relax in a cozy atmosphere of a well-established life.



Virgo men born on September 20:
  • have the following distinctive features: 
  • decent, 
  • technical, 
  • reasonable, 
  • intelligent, 
  • loyal. 
  • Virgo man can like only a woman who is ideal in every sense - modest, well-mannered, educated, with an impeccable appearance, inaccessible and mysterious.
  • You should not expect surprises or explosive emotions from a Virgo man.
  • It is stable, consistent, and very predictable.
  • He performs all his actions according to a clear plan, understanding the logic of which, you can understand the man himself.
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Virgo women born on September 20:

  • endowed with such differences of nature: 
  • caring, 
  • capable, 
  • organized.
  • Virgos strive for excellence in everything - in their careers, and in relationships, and in appearance.
  • Coquetry is alien to them, but false modesty is also an atypical feature of Virgos.
  • They with dignity accept well-deserved compliments and courtship, but do not flatter them.
  • Virgo women are well versed in people, they are difficult to deceive or mislead.
Main event

Ferdinand Magellan went on a round-the-world trip

September 20, 1519

Ferdinand Magellan under the contract receiving a monstrously huge remuneration
Ferdinand Magellan under the contract receiving a fifth of all the income of the expedition, the twentieth of the income from all discovered lands, as well as the ownership of a third of all discovered islands. Remuneration in the eyes of the Spaniards was a monstrously huge!

On September 20, 1519, seafarer Ferdinand Magellan departed from the port of Sanlucar at the head of a fleet of five ships (Trinidad, San Antonio, Santiago, Concepcion and Victoria) towards Rio de Janeiro. He, like Columbus, was a supporter of the idea that the Earth is round, hence the journey to the west will lead to the east.

Moving to the south, Magellan discovered the entire Atlantic coast of South America.

At the crossing of the Atlantic, the seafarer first used his alarm system, and the ships of his fleet never lost sight of each other. By that time, only 3 ships remained on the expedition, on which Magellan skirted America from the south through the open strait, and went out into the ocean, which he later called the Pacific, because during all 4 months of navigation in his waters, not a single storm happened.

The journey became more and more difficult, on the ships people began to starve and scurvy, and many died.

Crossing the ocean, they traveled more than 17,000 km. Magellan conducted daily observations and made a map.

Soon Magellan reached previously unknown Philippine islands (1521), where he intervened in the fights of local tribes and died in one of the skirmishes with the natives. The surviving crew members fled to their ships and continued westward.

Only two ships returned to Spain. In September 1522, Victoria completed the round-the-world trip, later Trinidad returned. It brought so many spices that their sale compensated for the loss of other ships.

The journey of Magellan is considered one of the greatest events of the 16th century:
  • The expedition departed to the west, returned back from the east and proved in such a way that the Earth has the shape of a sphere;
  • For the first time Europeans crossed the largest of the oceans - Pacific, opening a passage from the Atlantic.
  • In addition, the expedition found out that most of the surface of the Earth is not a land, as Columbus and his contemporaries thought, but the oceans.
In the name of Magellan two star clusters (Large and Small Magellanic Clouds) and the Strait are named.

Also on September 20...

1778 - Thaddeus Bellingshausen (d. 1852) was born, a Russian navigator of German origin, one of the discoverers of Antarctica.

1792 - divorces are allowed in France.

1870 - the unification of Italy was completed. Italian troops occupied the Papal Region and entered Rome, which was proclaimed the capital of the kingdom. Pope Pius IX (Pius PP. IX) refused to negotiate with the new government, retired to his palace in the Vatican and declared himself and his successors on the papal throne "Vatican prisoners." This situation continued until 1929.

1875 - incident on Ganghwado Island. The growing disagreement between Japan and Korea, behind which Qing China stood.

1909 - English Parliament approved the South African Constitution, in which English and Dutch were recognized as official languages.

1917 - Canadian parliament granted the right to vote to the mothers, wives and sisters of soldiers fighting at the front.

1918 - Italian priest Pio had wounds (stigmata) on his arms and legs, which periodically appeared until his death in 1968.

1934 - Sophia Loren, Italian film actress, was born.

1946 - opening of the Cannes Film Festival. Chronologically, the first to accept the film festival was not Cannes, but Venice. The Venice festival was conceived as a demonstration of the power and glory of the fascist regime. In France, feeling that the clouds are gathering, an idea arose to oppose the cinema of the “free world” to fascist cinema. In 1939, everything was already ready - and then war broke out. And the first Cannes festival was postponed for seven years.

1948 - George Martin, an American science fiction writer, screenwriter and producer, was born. The greatest fame was brought to him by the fantasy song “Song of Ice and Fire”, released since 1996, later filmed by HBO in the form of the popular television series “Game of Thrones”.

1954 - first program written in Fortran was compiled and launched.

1997 - Elton John led the British charts for the fifth time with the old song "Candle in the Wind", which he dedicated to the memory of the deceased princess Diana.

1999 - in Antwerp (Belgium), the “school of prostitutes” began to work. Not only “beginners” could be enrolled in the courses, but also those who want to improve their professional skills. Three months later, the school was closed under pressure from public organizations.

2000 - Taiwan authorities arrested 25-year-old Cheng In-Hao, creator of the famous computer virus ''CIH'' , named after the author. The virus is popularly known as ''Chernobyl'', as one of its versions is activated on April 26, on the anniversary of the accident at a nuclear power plant.

2016 - Curtis Hanson (b. 1945), American filmmaker, producer, screenwriter, Academy Award winner. Most known for such films as “The Hand Shaking the Cradle”, “Secrets of Los Angeles”, “8 Mile” and others.


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