September 19, or Birthday of "Smiles" and Pirate Day


Zodiac Sign Virgo

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VirgoSeptember 19Born on this day are extremely preoccupied with how the things around them look. They can endlessly straighten a nonexistent wrinkle on their shirt or, for example, buy a stylish trifle with their last money, which, yielding to rapidly changing fashion, will be thrown away in less than six months. Thinking over their life to the smallest detail, they are able to organize everything around them into one clearly functioning whole.

Those born on this day are enchanted by the beauty of the surrounding world, but especially by the sensual physical beauty. Where others pass by indifferently, they will surely notice the unique: a graceful curl winding in the wind, the proud posture of a stranger, the noble appearance of a beggar woman who has lost interest in life.

The clothes of these people are most often impeccable, and if they suddenly decide to look sloppy or disheveled, they do it in the hope of making a certain impression on those around them - as when changing a costume or scenery. In general, those born on September 19 meticulously adhere to the tastes of their social circle, but, spontaneously wishing to attract attention to themselves, they can change their appearance beyond recognition, for example, in their old age, cut their hair like a punk or show up in a tracksuit at a party. However, even if their appearance shocks the public, it is very difficult to blame these people for the complete lack of taste.


Virgo men born on September 19:
  • have the following properties: 
  • loyal, 
  • effective, 
  • health-conscious, 
  • dedicated, 
  • rational. 
  • Virgo man can like only a woman who is ideal in every sense - modest, well-mannered, educated, with an impeccable appearance, inaccessible and mysterious.
  • You should not expect surprises or explosive emotions from a Virgo man.
  • It is stable, consistent, and very predictable.
  • He performs all his actions according to a clear plan, understanding the logic of which, you can understand the man himself.
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Virgo women born on September 19:

  • have the following properties: 
  • smart, 
  • prudent, 
  • organized.
  • Virgos strive for excellence in everything - in their careers, and in relationships, and in appearance.
  • Coquetry is alien to them, but false modesty is also an atypical feature of Virgos.
  • They with dignity accept well-deserved compliments and courtship, but do not flatter them.
  • Virgo women are well versed in people, they are difficult to deceive or mislead.

Birthday of "Smilies"

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Every year on September 19 an unusual holiday is celebrated - Birthday of a friendly electronic symbol - Birthday of "Smilies".

On September 19, 1982, professor of the Carnegie Mellon University Scott E. Fahlman first proposed using three symbols in succession - a colon, a hyphen and a closing bracket, to designate a "smiling face" in the text that is typed on the computer. This was a serious replenishment of the electronic lexicon.

History has retained the letter that Fahlman sent to the local bulletin board, which was the prototype of today's forums and at that time was the main means of communication between university employees.

Here is his letter:
"19-Sep-82 11:44 Scott E Fahlman 
:-) From: Scott E Fahlman 
I propose that the following character sequence for joke markers :-) Read it sideways. Actually, it is probably more economical to mark things that are NOT jokes, given current trends. For this, use :-( »

The historical message was preceded by a long discussion in which the participants discussed the question of what symbols should be used to show that the message is humorous.

The message, which was used for the first time "smiley", was found only in 2002, in the archives of the bulletin board, which were preserved on the film. In the "digital archaeological excavations", which were organized solely to find this message and thereby determine the date of birth of the "smiley", several enthusiasts took part :-).

For more than 30 years of its existence, the "smiley" has become an invariable attribute of electronic communication, and many can not imagine how it would have been possible without it. And, of course, during this time there were a lot of "emoticons" that carry different semantic and emotional colors.

"Smiley" replaces what is lacking in communication through chat or e-mail - voice intonation and facial expressions. "Smilies" help to better understand the interlocutor, to catch his mood, after all, they are just funny and cause positive emotions.

Also in early October, the World Smile Day is celebrated.

International Talk Like a Pirate Day

International Talk Like a Pirate Day is an unofficial pirate holiday celebrated annually on September 19, starting in 1995.

Where this holiday is held, one can increasingly hear instead of the usual “Hello” pirate “Ahoy, matey!”

The birthplace of the international pirate festival is the American city of Albany, in Oregon. It was there that John Baur and Mark Summers lived, who on June 6, 1995 started a conversation for the sake of jokes using pirated slang.

This seemed funny to friends and came up with the idea: “Why not hold Pirate Day every year, when people could talk using pirate slang, carry weapons and pirate outfits, arrange shooting competitions, etc.?” So the concept of a "pirate" holiday was born. Moreover, the idea came at a time when the comrades were playing racquetball, and one of them, having been injured, shouted the pirate "Aaarrr!" And although it happened on June 6, they decided to celebrate the holiday on the birthday of Summers' ex-wife.

The celebration was modest enough: John Baur ("Ol 'Chumbucket") and Mark Summers ("Cap’n Slappy") involve some friends and for the sake of entertaining the inhabitants of the coastal city began to conduct all kinds of events with a pirate theme. Perhaps this would have happened to this day, but in 2002 a famous American publicist, Pulitzer Prize winner Dave Barry wrote about this holiday, and after him a number of major American and foreign newspapers showed interest in the holiday. The holiday gained popularity, and as a result, sponsors appeared, and behind them the scope. Then John Baur and Mark Summers thought about making the pirate carnival an international event.

Also on September 19...

1648 - French scientist Blaise Pascal proved the existence of atmospheric pressure.

1648 - in Quebec, Jacques Boisdon opened the first tavern in Canada.

1783 - brothers Joseph and Etienne Montgolfier launched a hot-air balloon at Versailles. The passengers were a sheep, a cock and a duck. The quacking, bleating, and cock cries that rang out from above and embarrassed a lot of onlookers, over whom the ball floated. The French Academy invited the brothers to the capital after successfully testing the ball in their hometown of Annon in June of that year. Two months later, a person will fly into the air.

1864 - In the USA, the folding seats of cars are patented.

1888 - the first beauty contest in history was held in the spa resort of Belgium. In the final part, 21 contenders for the title of beauty queen took part, and the girls were selected for the final according to the photographs sent to the jury. All the men who attended the competitions were dressed in tailcoats, women in long dresses. The winner was the 18-year-old Creole from Guadeloupe, Berta Sucare, who received a prize of five thousand francs.

1928 - premiere of the first cartoon with Mickey Mouse in New York. The mouse did not yet have a voice and looked a little like our usual image.

1948 - Jeremy Irons was born, a magnificent English actor, one of those lucky people who are equally organic in intellectual cinema (Lolita) and in action films (Die Hard 3).

1952 - in the United States, actor Charlie Chaplin is charged with sympathy with the Communists.

1958 - "The King Goes to War" - Elvis Presley went to military service in Germany.

1969 - born Konstantin Tszyu, ex-world boxing champion among professionals.

1969 - born Matthew Perry, actor, star of the series ''Friends''. In a big movie, he appeared in tandem with Bruce Willis in "9/10 yards."

1974 - in Buenos Aires, the co-owners of the large company ''Bunge and Bourne'' (Argentina), brothers Jorge and Juan Born were captured, for whom 64 million US dollars were later paid, it was the largest ransom in world history at that time.

1993 - died Erich Hartmann (b. 1922), German ace pilot, the most successful fighter pilot in the history of aviation.
1995 - died Rudolf Payels (b. 1907), English physicist, creator of the American atomic bomb.

2000 - unique shots taken by English scientists were demonstrated in London. They showed an asteroid that flew into the Earth’s atmosphere, went tangentially and again flew into space. According to astronomers, if it went 20 kilometers lower, it would crash into the Earth, which would cause a powerful explosion, like from a large nuclear bomb.

2000 - an attempt to set fire to the Reichstag was made in Berlin. The 22-year-old German in his ''Volkswagen Golf'' car tried to break through the glass windows into the building. The car is stuck. Later it turned out that car was doused with gasoline on all sides.


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