August 28, or "Toyota" Foundation


Zodiac Sign Virgo

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VirgoAugust 28Born on this day speak the language masterfully.

Even if their profession is not related to the need to express their thoughts orally or in writing, they often engage in writing in their free time.

However, in a broader sense, it refers to the language of the craft, which those born on this day know thoroughly.

In addition, those born on August 28 have an excellently developed gift of persuasion - it will not be difficult for them to make others admire their actions, no matter what they may result in in the future.

Those born on August 28 usually make unsurpassed debaters. They know how to adequately parry the enemy, relying on numerous facts gleaned from life.

No matter what audience they are in, their language is quite simple and devoid of pomp.



Virgo men born on August 28:
  • can be proud of the following qualities: 
  • humble, 
  • dedicated, 
  • calm, 
  • health conscious, 
  • conscientious.
  • The Virgo man is calm and reasonable.
  • Demonstration, posturing and boasting are alien to him.
  • He watches for a long time, looks closely and carefully thinks out his every step.
  • In a relationship, such a man will rarely decide to take the initiative, but there is no doubt about his loyalty and reliability.
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Virgo women born on August 28:

  • characterized by such facets of temperament: 
  • practical, 
  • logical, 
  • sensitive.
  • The Virgo woman is the ideal of fidelity, devotion and constancy.
  • At the first meeting, she seems cold, unapproachable and indifferent.
  • The reasons for this behavior lie in the fact that the Virgo woman must carefully weigh all the risks and analyze the situation before showing her emotions.
Main event

Company "Toyota" was founded

Did you know this about the logo?
Did you know this about the logo?

In 1924, Sakichi Toyoda invented the Toyod's automatic loom model G. Weaving machines assembled on a small production line.

In 1929, the patent for an automatic loom was sold to a British company, the amount received from the sale was the starting capital for the development of automobile production.

In 1929, Kiichiro Toyoda, son of Sakichi Toyoda, traveled to Europe and the United States to study the automotive industry and in 1930 began to develop cars with a gasoline engine.

In 1933, the company for the production of automatic weaving looms Toyoda Automatic Loom Works created a new department specializing in the production of cars; its leader was Kiichiro  Toyoda.

In 1934, the company produced its first type A engine, which was used in the first model of an A1 car in May 1935 and in a G1 truck in August 1935.

Production of the passenger car model AA began in 1936. Early models resembled the already existing models of the Dodge Power Wagon and Chevrolet.

Toyota Motor Co., Ltd. was founded as an independent company in 1937.

Despite the fact that the name of the founders of the company sounds like Toyoda, to simplify the pronunciation and as a symbol of the separation of business activities from family life, the company was decided to give the name "Toyota".

In Japan, the name "Toyota" (ト ヨ タ) is considered a better name than "Toyoda" (豊 田), since 8 is considered a lucky number, and the word "Toyota", written by katakana, consists of 8 traits.

Also on August 28...

1749 - Johann Wolfgang Goethe (d. 1832), German scientist, writer, thinker, statesman was born.

1789 - William Herschel discovered Enceladus, a satellite of Saturn.

1854 - the first issue of the legendary magazine ''Scientific American'' is published.

1863 - Andre Blondel was born (d. 1938), French physicist, inventor of the oscilloscope.

1883 - eruption of the volcano Krakatau. Before the 1883 eruption, the volcano was significantly higher and was one large island. However, a powerful eruption of 1883 destroyed the island and the volcano. This volcanic eruption is considered to be one of the most deadly and destructive in history: at least 36,417 people died as a result of the eruption itself and the tsunami caused by it, 165 cities and settlements were completely destroyed, and another 132 suffered serious damage. The consequences of the eruption were felt to one degree or another in all areas of the globe.

1896 - Lev Theremin was born (d. 1993), Soviet inventor, creator of theremin - the first electronic musical instrument.

1933 - English police first used radio to catch a criminal. Signs of a criminal suspected of murder were passed over the BBC.

1936 - ''National Circuit'' opened in Italy. The race track, located next to the royal park “Monza”, has been rebuilt several times and is a permanent (with the exception of one year) venue for the Italian Grand Prix in the ''Formula 1'' race.

1963 - Martin Luther King, from the steps of the Lincoln Memorial, gives the famous “I have a dream” speech.

1963 - longest pontoon bridge in the world (about 2.5 km) connected Seattle and Bellevue.

1965 - Satoshi Tajiri, Japanese author of video games, manga and anime "Pokémon" was born.

1966 - right to strike is abolished in Argentina.

1968 - ''Doors'' group's single “Hello, I Love You” was sold in quantities of one million copies.

1976 - an artificial gene was first synthesized in Massachusetts.

1994 - after 290 years of use in Russia, pennies were withdrawn from circulation.

2003 - large-scale power outages in London. About two thirds of the metro and part of the trams stopped moving, street lights and signal lamps in the areas of power failure went out, there was chaos in public transport. The cause of the power outage was an accident in the transformer system. In the London underground there were about 250 thousand people who were evacuated from trains stopped in tunnels. Electricity supply resumed after 34 minutes after it was turned off.

2017 - Mireille Dark (b. 1938), French actress, screenwriter, director and model, wife of Alain Delon, died.


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