September 21, or "The Hobbit'', Peace and Alzheimer's Day


Zodiac Sign Virgo

August: 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
September: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
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VirgoSeptember 21Born on this day are seriously concerned about the tastes prevailing at this time in society, either for the sake of establishing them in their circle, or for the sake of observing them in the name of their own peace of mind.

We can say that most of those born on September 21 are exceptionally modern in everything, be it the way of thinking, outfit, house or even the brand of TV that is in their country (or at least they are passionate about it).

As a result, if finances do not allow them to lead a similar lifestyle, those born on this day can suffer severely.



Virgo men born on September 21:
  • characterized by the following properties: 
  • cleanliness, 
  • reliable, 
  • thrifty, 
  • capable, 
  • intelligent. 
  • Virgo man can like only a woman who is ideal in every sense - modest, well-mannered, educated, with an impeccable appearance, inaccessible and mysterious.
  • You should not expect surprises or explosive emotions from a Virgo man.
  • It is stable, consistent, and very predictable.
  • He performs all his actions according to a clear plan, understanding the logic of which, you can understand the man himself.
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Virgo women born on September 21:

  • are not like others in such qualities: 
  • sensitive, 
  • practical, 
  • neat.
  • Virgos strive for excellence in everything - in their careers, and in relationships, and in appearance.
  • Coquetry is alien to them, but false modesty is also an atypical feature of Virgos.
  • They with dignity accept well-deserved compliments and courtship, but do not flatter them.
  • Virgo women are well versed in people, they are difficult to deceive or mislead.
Main event

Tolkien's novel "The Hobbit, or There and Back Again" was published

September 21, 1937

Tolkien's book "The Hobbit, or There and Back Again" became a kind of prologue to the trilogy "The Lord of the Rings"
Tolkien's book "The Hobbit, or There and Back Again" became a kind of prologue to the trilogy "The Lord of the Rings"

September 21, 1937 in the light came the story of an English writer, linguist and translator John Ronald Reuel Tolkien "The Hobbit, or There and Back Again ". This book became a kind of prologue to the epic about the Ring of Power, embodied by Tolkien in the future.

It is the fairy tale novel "The Hobbit, or There and Back Again", Tolkien is obliged to enter the literature. Originally it arose as a work for the family circle - the tale of the hobbit Tolkien began to tell his children.

Almost accidentally hitting the press, the story of the adventures of the hobbit Bilbo Baggins unexpectedly won wide popularity among readers of all ages. The book was so successful that young readers began to demand "more books about hobbits." After that, the writer undertook the writing of the continuation.

However, the new book has outgrown the children's fairy tale and has resulted in a truly epic tale of the struggle between good and evil. This was the trilogy "The Lord of the Rings" - the central product of Tolkien.

And for the rest of his life Tolkien was engaged in the mythology of his fantasy world. Many authors wrote works in the genre of fantasy before it, however, because of the great popularity and strong influence on the genre, many people call Tolkien the "father" of modern fantasy literature.


International Day of Peace

In 1981, by its resolution, the UN General Assembly proclaimed the International Day of Peace and set its celebration on the third Tuesday of September.

The General Assembly proclaimed this day as a day of non-violence and a ceasefire throughout the world. All countries were asked to refrain from military operations on that day.

Every year on September 21 at the UN, various events are held, traditionally starting with a ceremony at the Peace Bell. The ceremony begins with the appeal of the UN Secretary General, after which he strikes the bell. Then, after a moment of silence, the chairman of the UN Security Council speaks.

International Awareness of Alzheimer's Day

As a rule, the disease begins with subtle symptoms, but progresses over time. Most often, in the early stages, short-term memory disorder is recognized, for example, the inability to recall recently learned information. With the development of the disease, there is a loss of long-term memory, speech and cognitive dysfunctions occur, the patient loses the ability to navigate the environment and take care of himself. The gradual loss of body functions leads to death.

An individual prognosis is difficult due to variations in the duration of the course of the disease, which can develop hidden for a long time, before symptoms become noticeable and a diagnosis is made. The average life expectancy after diagnosis is about seven years [9], less than three percent of patients live more than fourteen years.

Currently, a complete understanding of the causes and progress of Alzheimer's disease has not been achieved.

In 2016, there were reports that the drug created by Israeli scientists led to the complete disappearance of the symptoms of Alzheimer's disease in mice.

Alzheimer's disease belongs to the diseases that impose the heaviest financial burden on society in developed countries.

Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary

In the church calendar for this day there is a big holiday - the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, which in Orthodoxy is one of the twelve holy days - that is, the main ones in the year.

Also this is a day of the autumnal equinox, the second meeting of autumn was celebrated and signs were observed. If the weather was fine, then all autumn should have been like that.

Also on September 21...

19 BC - Virgil, a Roman poet, author of Aeneid, died.

1348 - Zurich Jews accused of poisoning springs.

1522 - ''New Testament'' was printed, translated by Martin Luther from the ancient Greek language into German.

1832 - Walter Scott (b. 1771), Scottish writer, dies.

1853 - born Heike Kamerling-Onnes (d. 1926), Dutch physicist who discovered the phenomenon of superconductivity, Nobel laureate (1913).

1866 - Herbert George Wells (d. 1946) was born, an English science fiction writer (''War of the Worlds'', ''Time Machine'', ''Invisible Man'', etc.), a publicist.

1866 - born Charles Nicole (d. 1936), French microbiologist who established the causes of typhus, winner of the Nobel Prize (1928).

1895 - born Juan de la Cerva (d. 1936), Spanish inventor of auto-gyro.

1933 - Kenji Miyazawa (b. 1896), Japanese poet and author of literature for children, died.

1947 - Stephen King, an American writer, the “king of horrors” was born.

1957 - the four-masted barque ''Pamir'', flying the flag of the German Democratic Republic, crashed near the Azores during the hurricane ''Carrie'', 80 people died.

1999 - Taiwan earthquake, over 2,000 casualties.

2004 - ''Wikiquote'' is founded in Russian.

2017 - Liliane Bettancourt (b. 1922), French entrepreneur, one of the richest women in the world, died. She was a co-owner of the company ''L'Oréal'' founded by her father in 1909. With a state of 44.6 billion US dollars (January 2017), she was one of the richest women in the world.


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