September 24, Monument to Sherlock Holmes, Deaf and Caravan Day


Zodiac Sign Libra

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LibraSeptember 24Born on this day are wanderers by nature and therefore either love to travel or are somehow connected with it.

The topic of wandering or travel often takes real form in their lives, but can also serve as a metaphor for imaginary adventures. In this case, the literal and the figurative are not mutually exclusive.

Reading adventure novels, reflections on heroic destinies, trips to unfamiliar cities - such activities are of particular interest to those who were born on this day.

Some of those born on September 24 travel in their youth, and later devote themselves to what is called a settled existence.

Others may be hit in the head already in middle age that they have spent the best part of their lives mediocre, and then these people will give up everything for the call of the road.


Libra men born on September 24:
  • can be proud of the following characteristics: 
  • an unsurpassed demagogue, 
  • diplomatic, 
  • educated, 
  • easygoing.
  • Libra men are the most faithful and devoted companions in life.
  • They easily and unobtrusively create coziness and harmony in their surroundings, they are non-conflicting and agreeable, they love noisy companies and entertainment.
  • Representatives of this constellation are pleasant to talk to, always friendly, benevolent and cheerful.
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Libra women born on September 24:

  • characterized by the following qualities: 
  • flirtatious, 
  • sensitive, 
  • hospitable, 
  • attractive.
  • Libra women are wise and economical.
  • At first glance docile and compliant, they invariably subordinate the course of events to their script.
  • They exert great influence on their companions, giving them subtle advice and guidance.
  • They like to control the situation and calculate all the risks before deciding on something.
Main event

A monument to Sherlock Holmes was opened in London on Baker Street

September 24, 1999

Monument to Sherlock Holmes in London
Monument to Sherlock Holmes in London

Sherlock Holmes is a literary character created by the talent of the English writer Arthur Conan Doyle. His works, dedicated to the adventures of Sherlock Holmes, the famous London private detective, are rightly considered a classic of the detective genre.

Deductive admirer societies have spread throughout the world. Sherlock Holmes, according to the Guinness Book of Records, is the most popular movie hero in the world. In the last century, people even wrote real letters to Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson, considering them real persons.

Museum - apartment of the Sherlock Holmes in London
Museum - apartment of the Sherlock Holmes in London

In March 1990, in London, at the address - Baker Street, 221-b - , which is associated with the name of the great detective - a permanent museum - apartment of the Sherlock Holmes was opened. House, built in 1815, the British government declared an architectural and historical monument.

There are many memorable signs associated with the name of Holmes in the world.
  • Memorial plates decorate:
  • the "Criterion" bar on Piccadilly, where Watson first learned about Holmes;
  • the chemical laboratory of St. Bartholomew's Hospital, where their first meeting took place;
  • the vicinity of the Reichenbach Waterfall (Switzerland);
  • Maivanda (Afghanistan), where Watson received his mysterious wound.

And the monuments of Sherlock Holmes are not less.
  • His first statue appeared in 1988 in Meiringen (Switzerland);
  • The next was opened in Karuizawa (Japan);
  • In 1991, the bronze Holmes was installed at Picardie Place in Edinburgh (where Conan Doyle was born);
  • In 2007, the monument was opened in Moscow, near the British Embassy. It was the first monument where Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson are portrayed together.

In London, a monument to the world's most famous detective  Sherlock Holmes was opened on September 24, 1999, near the Baker Street subway station. Holmes appeared as thoughtfully staring into the distance, dressed for the rainy London weather - in a long cloak, a hat with small fields and a tobacco pipe in his right hand. The author of the three-meter bronze monument was the famous English sculptor John Dubleday.


International Deaf Day

International Deaf Day, celebrated annually on the last Sunday of September, was established in 1951 in honor of the creation of the World Federation of the Deaf (WFD). It completes the last full week of September, which is celebrated as International Week of the Deaf.

The purpose of the Day is to raise the awareness of the international community about the problems that deaf people face every day. Indeed, according to statistics, every ninth person suffers from hearing impairment. It is lost as a result of trauma, illness or congenital malformations.

There are 2500 languages on the planet. But there is another form of communication, recently more and more interesting for scientists, - the language of sight and sign.

The World Federation of the Deaf (WFG), which today unites 132 national organizations of all five continents, in the 1950s developed Gestuno, a gesture system, to service the international events of the deaf, that is, congresses, symposia, conferences, including sports.

International Day of the Caravan

Every year on September 24, an unusual holiday is celebrated - the International Day of the Caravan. It is celebrated by caravankeepers and other members of transport convoys and ship caravans, truckers, crews of merchant ships and crews of escort ships.

September 24, the birthday of the famous British navigator of the 16th and 17th centuries, William Adams, was chosen as the date of the holiday (William Adams, September 24, 1564 - May 16, 1620). He is considered the first European to reach the shores of Japan. After his sea voyage in 1597-1600, William Adams lived in the Land of the Rising Sun for 20 years, playing a large role in the development of trade relations between Japan, England and the Netherlands.

Also on September 24...

1852 - the first flight on a blimp with a steam engine took place. It was made by the Frenchman Henri Giffard.

1869 - there was a panic in the American market due to the massive buying up of gold bullion by two businessmen (''Black Friday'').

1884 - born Hugo Schmeisser (d. 1953), German designer of small arms.

1896 - Francis Scott Fitzgerald (d. 1940), an American writer, was born.

1916 - Russian pilot K. K. Arceulov first deliberately performed a “corkscrew” and pulled the plane out of it.

1920 - Karl Peter Faberge (b. 1846), a Russian jeweler, died.

1936 - Jim Henson (d. 1990), American puppeteer, creator of the Muppet Show, was born.

1945 - Hans Geiger (b. 1882), German physicist, inventor of the radiation level meter, died.

1948 - foundation of the ''Honda Motor Company''.

1953 - first panoramic film premiered in Hollywood.

1970 - Soviet ''Echo-16'' station first delivered lunar soil to Earth.

1989 - Pope John Paul II recognized the truth of Galileo Galilei, publicly apologized to the scientist and returned to him "the right to be the legitimate son of the church." Galileo Galilei actively defended the heliocentric system of the world, for which he was subjected to trial by the Inquisition, forcing him to renounce the teachings of N. Copernicus. He was accused of godlessness and excommunicated. It turned out that for nine years, until his death, Galileo sent messages to the Pope, refuting the attributed godlessness to him.

1991 - ''Nirvana's'' ''Nevermind'' album was released.

1998 - for the first time, an operation to transplant a human hand was performed in Lyon (France).

1999 - a monument to Sherlock Holmes was unveiled on Baker Street in London.

2004 - Francoise Sagan (b. 1935), French writer, died.


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  2. Any way I'll be subscribing to your feed and I hope you post again soon. Big thanks for the useful info.

  3. Any way I'll be subscribing to your feed and I hope you post again soon. Big thanks for the useful info.


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