October 18, or First data from Venus and True Inventor of the Telephone


Zodiac Sign Libra

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LibraOctober 18Born on this day are often destined to play an important active role in the great dramas of life - not only as participants, but also as powerful leaders of what is happening around: in the family, at work or in society.

Born 18 October do not hesitate to clear their way up, however, despite the fact that their desire to become a king or queen is sometimes disproportionately great, if necessary, they can be content with more modest achievements.

And yet, those born on October 18 can hardly be considered typical leaders - they have many other interests in life. As leaders of the company, they may suddenly relinquish their authority and devote themselves to what they have a stronger passion for.



Libra men born on October 18:
  • possess the following distinctive features: 
  • diplomatic, 
  • fair, 
  • sociable, 
  • charming.
  • The Libra man is an excellent psychologist and advisor.
  • However, he himself hardly decides to take a crucial step, so the best companion for him is a woman who will be a support and assistant, instill confidence and help achieve his goals.
  • A family idyll for the representative of this sign is the main reward.

Libra women born on October 18:

  • endowed with the following traits: 
  • pliable, 
  • thoughtful, 
  • fair, 
  • well-groomed.
  • Libra women are a little conservative, they like it when you can understand in advance what will happen next, they are not prone to adventures.
  • Conservatism is also manifested in the appearance of Libra women: having found their own style, they do not change it for many years. 
  • They dress elegantly and tastefully, but do not follow fashion trends, and extravagance and outrageousness are completely unacceptable for them.
Main event

Space Station "Venus-4" received the first scientific data from the surface of Venus

October 18, 1967

As a result of experiments conducted with the help of spacecraft, Venus has been studied in sufficient detail.
Spacecraft "Venus-4"

Venus is the closest planet to the Earth of the Solar System. Back in 1761, Mikhail Lomonosov suggested that Venus had an atmosphere, but only two hundred years later the first interplanetary automated stations began to fly towards Venus and replenished information about this planet.

On June 4, 1960, the USSR Government issued a decree “On Plans for the Exploration of Outer Space”, which prescribed the creation of a four-stage launch vehicle for a flight to Mars and Venus.

The first successful launch of an automatic interplanetary station (AMS) took place on February 12, 1961. AMC went into orbit, rounded the Earth, and for the first time in the world over Equatorial Africa, it launched towards Venus. This station is called "Venus-1".

"Venus-1" in the spring of 1961 flew at a distance of 100,000 kilometers from the planet.

When designing the first spacecraft to study the atmosphere and surface of this planet, scientists did not yet know what pressure the atmosphere should be designed on.

The "Venus-2", which passed at a distance of 24,000 kilometers from Venus in February 1966, was also a transit-type apparatus.

March 1, 1966 the descent vehicle "Venus-3" landed on the planet, which was the first interplanetary flight along the Earth-Venus route. But the device could not transfer data from the surface of the planet to the Earth.

On June 12, 1967, the station "Venus-4" was launched, which landed on the planet on October 18. For the first time, direct measurements were made in the atmosphere of another planet during the parachute descent of a spacecraft on Venus.

Scientific studies of the station showed the absence of a magnetic field and radiation belts on Venus. It was then that the composition of the atmosphere was determined. 
In the future, the process of studying the planet was quite successful.

From 1970 to 1983, the "Venus" spacecrafts mastered the soft landing mechanism, first black-and-white and then color images of the planet were transmitted to the Earth, work began on global radar mapping of the surface of Venus.

On December 15 and 21, 1984, the Soviet spacecraft "Vega-1" and "Vega-2" were launched for the study of Venus and Halley's comet. On June 11 and 15, 1985, these AMCs reached Venus and dropped landing modules into its atmosphere.

As a result of experiments conducted with the help of spacecraft, Venus has been studied in sufficient detail.

Also on October 18...

1667 - Brückelen (now Brooklyn) was founded by the Dutch in America.

1825 - the last state lottery was held in England.

1845 - Jean-Dominic Cassini (b. 1748), a French surveyor, creator of the first atlas of France, died.

1867 - Alaska passes from Russia to the USA.

1871 - Charles Babbage (b. 1791), an English mathematician, inventor of the first computing machine, died.

1889 - Antonio Meucci (b. 1808) died, an Italian scientist recognized as the true inventor of the telephone. In 1860, having spent his last money, he published a message in an Italian newspaper that, after many years of work, he had finally invented the “sound running through the wires” - the ''Telectrophon''. The note caught the eye of the clerk of the Western Union company, who, finding the shack of the inventor, got for a modest fee all the blueprints, drawings, and other documentation on the ''Telectrophon''.

Meucci was promised further cooperation. In 1871, he filed a patent application for his invention and began to wait. And the ''Western Union'' company answered all its inquiries that the documentation was lost. This continued until 1876, when Meucci was surprised to see in the headlines of American newspapers a message about the great invention of the telephone by Alexander Bell, made under the patronage of the company ''Western Union''.

Meucci started a lawsuit with a powerful company, but he simply did not have the means to defend his rights. Only in 1887 he did manage to snatch his patent from the archives of ''Western Union''. The court of New York recognized his priority, but Meucci was no longer able to use his invention, since the patent period had expired by then.

Meucci died in poverty in 1889. Contemporaries did not recognize his authorship of the invention, which meant a revolution in the world of communications. According to researchers, this was hindered by poverty, poor knowledge of the English language and the inability to firmly defend his interests in front of powerful rivals.

On June 11, 2002, the US Congress passed a resolution recognizing Antonio Meucci as the real inventor of the telephone.

When the US Congress recognized Antonio Meucci as the first inventor of the phone, Italy itself issued a special postage stamp on this occasion.

1892 - first commercial long telephone line was opened (Chicago - New York).

1896 - first comics appeared in the New York Journal.

1914 - for the first time, a submarine in battle was sunk by another submarine. During the First World War, the English submarine ''E-3'' sank after hitting a torpedo fired from a German boat ''U-27''.

1922 - British Broadcasting Corporation ''BBC'' was founded.

1926 - Chuck Berry was born (real name Charles Edward Anderson Berry; d. 2017), an American guitarist, singer and songwriter. One of the most influential early rock and roll artists. In 2004, he took 5th place in the ranking of 50 greatest artists of all time according to the magazine `` Rolling Stone ''.

1926 - Klaus Kinsky was born (real name Nikolaus Karl Gunter Nakshinsky; d. 1991), a German film actor, the father of Nastasya and Nikolai Kinsky. He played many psychopathic roles and thanks to them he achieved international recognition, becoming one of the most famous actors in Germany.

1931 - Thomas Alva Edison (b. 1847), an American inventor, died.

1939 - Lee Harvey Oswald (assassinated in 1963) was born, the only official suspect in the assassination of US President J. Kennedy.

1954 - first commercial transistor radio receiver, ''Regency TR-1'', jointly developed by ''Texas Instruments'' and ''Texas Industrial Development Engineering Associates'', was announced. Receiver sales began in November 1954.

1960 - Jean-Claude Van Damme (real name Jean-Claude Camille Francois Van Warenberg) was born, an American actor of Belgian origin, a martial artist, screenwriter and film director.

1963 - the first-ever cat flight (Felicette) into outer space.

1967 - premiere of the Walt Disney cartoon "The Jungle Book" took place.

1968 - at the Olympic Games in Mexico, Bob Bimon set a world record in long jumps - 8.90 m; the previous achievement was immediately exceeded by 55 cm.

1987 - Zac Efron was born, an American actor and singer.

2007 - the largest terrorist attack in the history of the country took place in Pakistan: the Benazir Bhutto motorcade was blown up, more than 130 people were killed.


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